Kan et normprisråd benytte Nasdaq Salmon Index til å fastsette markedspriser for laks som reflekterer et eksportselskaps oppnådde priser? Hva kan forklare avvik mellom selskapets oppnådde priser og Nasdaq Salmon Index?
This thesis studies whether market prices for salmon based solely on the Nasdaq Salmon Index
accurately reflects the actual prices achieved by a Norwegian salmon exporting company. In
2023, a resource rent tax on farmed salmon was implemented after years of political debate.
The tax is designed as a cash flow tax with an effective tax rate of 25%, and the salmons value
at the net pen will form the tax base. In 2024, an independent salmon price board will be set
to establish common market prices for salmon. The board will be appointed before Christmas
2023 and will prepare the methodology of establishing norm prices until July 1, 2024. It is
currently unknown how they will determine the norm prices, but Nasdaq has been mentioned
in several public reports.
To investigate whether norm prices for salmon based on Nasdaq can reflect achieved prices,
we examine the deviation between the company´s achieved prices and Nasdaq for each quality
and size. We do this by comparing data collected from one of Norway´s exporting companies,
consisting of the company´s transactions of whole fresh salmon from week 14 in 2013 to week
9 in 2022, directly against Nasdaq for the corresponding period. Furthermore, we examine the
volatility in the deviation, and the correlation between Nasdaq and the company´s prices for
different qualities and sizes. Finally, we conduct linear regressions to uncover various factors
leading to systematic deviations between the company´s achieved prices and Nasdaq.
Our results indicate that systematic deviations exist between the company´s achieved prices
and Nasdaq. For Superior salmon in Europe of the most common sizes, the deviation is
minimal but increases for other qualities and sizes, as well as for salmon sold to overseas
markets. The regression mainly explains the deviation based on quality and size, but other
factors such as season, delivery terms, and overseas markets also have a significant impact.
Our findings suggest that norm prices for salmon based solely on Nasdaq will lead to
systematic deviations over time, especially for salmon of downgraded quality. We emphasize
the need for an independent salmon price board to consider different price formations for
various qualities and sizes, as well as other factors that may lead to a lower achieved price,
when determining the norm prices of salmon.