Now showing items 3901-3920 of 8342

    • Sustainable recursive social welfare functions 

      Asheim, Geir Bjarne; Mitra, Tapan; Tungodden, Bertil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      What ethical criterion for intergenerational justice should be adopted, e.g., when faced with the task of managing the global environment? Koopmans’ axiomatization of discounted utilitarianism is based on seemingly compelling ...
    • Liberal Resourcism: Problems and Possibilities 

      Tungodden, Bertil; Vallentyne, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      A basic question for egalitarians is the “equality of what?” question. This is an instance of the more general “distribution of what?” question for distributive justice. The question is of great importance both for ...
    • An experimental study of prosocial motivation among criminals 

      Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Sørensen, Erik Øiolf; Tungodden, Bertil; Birkeland, Sigbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The fact that criminal behavior typically has negative consequences for others provides a compelling reason to think that criminals lack prosocial motivation. This paper reports the results from two dictator game experiments ...
    • Competitive in the lab, successful in the field? 

      Berge, Lars Ivar Oppedal; Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Pires, Armando; Tungodden, Bertil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      A number of lab experiments in recent years have analyzed people’s willingness to com-pete. But to what extent is competitive behavior in the lab associated with field choicesand outcomes? We address this question in a ...
    • Fairness and the Development of Inequality Acceptance 

      Almås, Ingvild; Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Sørensen, Erik Øiolf; Tungodden, Bertil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Fairness considerations fundamentally affect human behavior, but our understanding of the nature and development of people’s fairness preferences is limited. The dictator game has been the standard experimental design for ...
    • Existence And Uniqueness Of Equilibrium In a Reinsurance Syndicate 

      Aase, Knut K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      In this paper we consider a reinsurance syndicate, assuming that Pareto optimal allocations exist. Under a continuity assumption on preferences, we show that a competitive equilibrium exists and is unique. Our conditions ...
    • The Perpetual American Put Option for Jump-Diffusions 

      Aase, Knut K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      We solve a specific optimal stopping problem with an infinite time horizon, when the state variable follows a jump-diffusion. The novelty of the paper is related to the inclusion of a jump component in this stochastic ...
    • Antarctic Tourism and Maritime Heritage 

      Basberg, Bjørn L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Maritime activities in the Antarctic region date back to the eighteenth century. They evolved from exploration and discoveries to commercial enterprises, especially sealing, whaling and fishing. Antarctic tourism is a much ...
    • Valuation and Risk Management in the Norwegian Electricity Market 

      Bjerksund, Petter; Rasmussen, Heine; Stensland, Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      The purpose of this paper is twofold: Firstly, we analyse the option value approximation of traded options in the presence of a volatility term structure. The options are identified as: (a) “European” (written on the forward ...
    • Small family, smart family? Family size and the IQ scores of young men 

      Black, Sandra E.; Devereux, Paul J.; Salvanes, Kjell Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      This paper uses Norwegian data to estimate the effect of family size on IQ scores of men. Instrumental variables (IV) estimates using sex composition as an instrument show no significant negative effect of family size; ...
    • Treating missing values in INAR(1) models: An application to syndromic surveillance data 

      Andersson, Jonas; Karlis, Dimitris (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Time-series models for count data have found increased interest in recent years. The existing literature refers to the case of data that have been fully observed. In this article, methods for estimating the parameters of ...
    • Stochastic Stackelberg equilibria with applications to time-dependent newsvendor models 

      Øksendal, Bernt; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Ubøe, Jan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In this paper, we prove a maximum principle for general stochastic differential Stackelberg games, and apply the theory to continuous time newsvendor problems. In the newsvendor problem, a manufacturer sells goods to a ...
    • The challenge of a rising skill premium for redistributive taxation 

      Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Cappelen, Alexander Wright (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      The present paper analyzes the challenge to redistribution programs posed by an increase in the skill premium. The skill premium affects both the profitability of education and the profitability of migration. We propose a ...
    • Teaching business in Tanzania: evaluating participation and performance 

      Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Tungodden, Bertil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      There is increased awareness that success among small-scale entrepreneurs in developing countries requires more than microfinance, and that an important limiting factor for business growth is the level of human capital ...
    • Markup cyclicality and input factor adjustments 

      Askildsen, Jan Erik; Nilsen, Øivind Anti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      This paper investigates the existence of markups and their cyclical behaviour at the industry sector level. Markups are given as a price-cost relation that is estimated from a dynamic, structural model of the firm. The ...
    • Building Brand Relationships Online: A Comparison of Two Interactive Applications 

      Thorbjørnsen, Helge; Supphellen, Magne; Nysveen, Herbjørn; Pedersen, Per Egil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)
      Due to its potential for interactive communication, the Internet is considered a promising tool for relationship marketing. In this study, two of the most common applications for interactive communication - personalized ...
    • Brand extensions: brand concept congruency and feedback effects revisited 

      Thorbjørnsen, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      Abstract Purpose – The aim of this research is to examine the effects of congruent and incongruent brand concept extensions on consumer attitudes towards the extended product and feedback effects on the parent ...
    • How electricity price spikes can help overcome the energy efficiency gap 

      Mauritzen, Johannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Using data on Google searches, I suggest that the spiky nature of electricity markets has a strong effect on searching for information on energy efficiency goods. I identify the informational effect by decomposing prices ...
    • Intentions to use mobile services: Antecedents and cross-service comparisons 

      Nysveen, Herbjørn; Thorbjørnsen, Helge; Pedersen, Per Egil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      This article develops and tests a model to explain consumers’ intention to use mobile services. Through triangulating theories from the diverse fields of information systems research, uses and gratification research, and ...
    • Is Publicity Always Better than Advertising? The Role of Brand Reputation in Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility 

      Skard, Siv E. Rosendahl; Thorbjørnsen, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Previous studies on corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication suggest that firms’ social initiatives should be communicated through third-party, non-corporate sources because they are perceived as unbiased and ...