Now showing items 3941-3960 of 8342

    • Spatial diffusion and spatial statistics: revisting Hägerstrand’s study of innovation diffusion. 

      Bivand, Roger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Torsten Hägerstrand’s 1953 study of innovation diffusion [1] was pathbreaking in many ways. It was based on an explicit micro-model of information spread, and on Monte Carlo simulation of the hypothesised spatial process. ...
    • Understanding the integrative approach to conflict management 

      Rognes, Jørn Kjell; Schei, Vidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      The purpose of this paper is to examine the integrative approach to conflicts. Integration is an active search for information about facts and interests - motivated by a willingness to find mutually satisfactory agreements ...
    • Are individualistic orientations collectively valuable in group negotiations? 

      Schei, Vidar; Rognes, Jørn Kjell; De Dreu, Carsten K. W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      This experiment examines how members' individualistic or cooperative motivational orientations affect the processes and outcomes of negotiating groups. A total of 228 students participated in a three-person negotiation ...
    • Understanding the integrative approach to conflict management 

      Rognes, Jørn Kjell; Schei, Vidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Purpose – Integration is an active search for information about facts and interests – motivated by a willingness to find mutually satisfactory agreements – and is usually necessary for creating high quality settlements ...
    • Japanese and Norwegian Metapragmatic Perceptions of Contextual Factors in Intercultural Business Communication 

      Rygg, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      National culture is frequently used as the dominant influential factor when intercultural business communication differences are explained. Leaning on theories about other contextual factors from the field of pragmatics, ...
    • A Corporate-Crime Perspective on Fisheries: Liability Rules and Non-Compliance 

      Jensen, Frank; Nøstbakken, Linda (Discussion paper;20/15, Working paper, 2015-08)
      The existing fisheries economics literature analyzes compliance problems by treating the fishing firm as one cohesive unit, but in many cases, violations are committed by agents acting on behalf of a firm. To account for ...
    • Equity theory and fair inequality: a neuroconomic study 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Eichele, Tom; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Specht, Karsten; Sørensen, Erik Ø.; Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper;19/15, Working paper, 2015-08)
      The present paper reports results from the first study designed to examine the neuronal responses to income inequality in situations in which individuals have made different contributions in terms of work effort. ...
    • Fairness in bankruptcy situations: an experimental study 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Luttens, Roland I.; Sørensen, Erik Ø.; Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper;17/15, Working paper, 2015-08)
      The pari passu principle is the most prominent principle in the law of insolvency. We report from a lab experiment designed to study whether people find this principle a fair solution to the bankruptcy problem. The ...
    • Do Treatment Decisions Depend on Physicians` Financial Incentives? 

      Brekke, Kurt R.; Holmås, Tor Helge; Karin, Monstad; Straume, Odd Rune (Discussion paper;15/15, Working paper, 2015-07)
      We study whether and how physicians respond to financial incentives, making use of detailed register data on the health-care services provided to patients by general practitioners (GPs) in Norway over a six-year period ...
    • Norwegian GDP by industry 1830-1930 

      Grytten, Ola Honningdal (Discussion paper;16/15, Working paper, 2015-08)
      The present paper offers new knowledge of historical national accounting in Norway in several ways. Firstly, a new and novel set of annual gross domestic product series by industry are presented for the period 1830‐1930. ...
    • Fairness and the Development of Inequality Acceptance 

      Almås, Ingvild; Cappelen, Alexander W.; Sørensen, Erik Ø.; Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper;18/15, Working paper, 2015-08)
      Fairness considerations fundamentally affect human behavior, but our understanding of the nature and development of people’s fairness preferences is limited. The dictator game has been the standard experimental design for ...
    • Vil konkurranse undergrave stabiliteten i banksektoren? 

      Sørgard, Lars (Working paper;07/15, Working paper, 2015-07)
      I denne artikkelen drøftes den mulige konflikten mellom konkurranse og stabilitet i banksektoren, og drøftingen relateres til den pågående debatten i norsk banknæring. Det konkluderes med at det neppe er grunn til å ha en ...
    • Gender, Social Norms, and Entrepreneurship 

      Berge, Lars Ivar Oppedal; Pires, Armando J. Garcia (Working paper;05/15, Working paper, 2015-04)
      In this paper, we analyze two puzzles on entrepreneurship and gender. First, a number of field experiments in developing countries on business training and business grants have shown that it is very difficult to raise ...
    • Media Diversity, Advertising and Net Neutrality 

      Pires, Armando J. Garcia (Working paper;04/15, Working paper, 2015-03)
      In this paper, we analyze the effects of net neutrality on media diversity. We show that in the net neutrality regime, media firms al- ways provide media diversity, whereas in the no net neutrality regime, the equilibrium ...
    • Mellom politikk og marked om styringsutfordringer i statlige helseforetak 

      Pettersen, Inger Johanne; Nyland, Kari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      Denne artikkelen diskuterer noen av utfordringene når det gjelder økonomistyring i helseforetakene. Vi vil spesielt se på de utfordringene innføring av regnskapsprinsippet har skapt. Videre viser vi at myke budsjettbetingelser ...
    • Women Helping Women? Evidence from Private Sector Data on Workplace Hierarchies 

      Kunze, Astrid; Miller, Amalia R. (Discussion paper;14/15, Working paper, 2015-06)
      This paper studies gender spillovers in career advancement using 11 years of employer-employee matched data on the population of white-collar workers at over 4,000 private-sector establishments in Norway. Our data include ...
    • Does Reference Pricing Drive Out Generic Competition in Pharmaceutical Markets? Evidence from a Policy Reform 

      Brekke, Kurt R.; Canta, Chiara; Straume, Odd Rune (Discussion paper;11/15, Working paper, 2015-06)
      In this paper we study the impact of reference pricing (RP) on entry of generic firms in the pharmaceutical market. For given prices, RP increases generic firms' expected profit, but since RP also stimulates price ...
    • Socioeconomic Status and Physicians’ Treatment Decisions 

      Brekke, Kurt R.; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin; Straume, Odd Rune (Discussion paper;12/15, Working paper, 2015-06)
      This paper aims at shedding light on the social gradient by studying the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and provision of health care. Using administrative data on services provided by General Practitioners ...
    • Atmosphere as a tool of enhancing organizational performance: An exploratory study from the hospitality industry 

      Heide, Morten; Lærdal, Kirsti Margrethe; Grønhaug, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Purpose – The concept of atmosphere is often considered vague and difficult to capture, which hampers adequate feedback on atmospheric investments. This paper aims to report a systematic effort to capture the concept and ...
    • Ownership change and its implications for the match between the plant and its workers 

      Balsvik, Ragnhild; Haller, Stefanie A. (Discussion paper;10/15, Working paper, 2015-05)
      Is ownership change an opportunity for new owners to make systematic changes in the workforce of the acquired plant? This paper explores the adjustments to plant size and the composition of the workforce that occur around ...