Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Ekström, Mathias"
Alt eller ingenting : en studie av nordmenns risikopreferanser basert på deltakerne i «Deal or No Deal»
Skogvold, Aleksander; Solheim, Hanne (Master thesis, 2018)Formålet med denne utredningen har vært å kartlegge hvordan nordmenn tar beslutninger i situasjoner med høye gevinster og høy risiko. Vi ønsker å studere nordmenns risikopreferanser i lys av forventet nytteteori og ... -
Can default options lead to credit card default? : an empirical analysis of the effect of altered default options on credit card repayment behavior in Norway
Svardahl, Ailin; Aalen, Håkon Kielland (Master thesis, 2020)The aim of this thesis is to study the effect on repayment behavior of a regulation imposed on all Norwegian credit card issuing institutions in 2017. The intervention involved changing the invoice default option from ... -
Effect of environmental food labeling on customers food purchase
Slapø, Helena Berz (Master thesis, 2016-09-05)The scientific community agrees that emission levels from food production and consumption have to decrease in order for the world to reach climate targets. Environmental food labeling is becoming a policy tool to motivate ... -
ESG Investments in Turbulent Waters : A Fund Flow Analysis During Market Distress : An empirical analysis of European sustainability-rated mutual funds before and after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic & the Russia-Ukraine war
Klock, Anna Krohn; Trovatn, Frida Eline (Master thesis, 2023)This thesis explores how investments focused on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are affected by two distinct economic shocks: the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war. To examine the main ... -
Exercise Improves Academic Performance.
Cappelen, Alexander W.; Charness, Gary; Ekström, Mathias; Gneezy, Uri; Tungodden, Bertil (DP SAM;8/2017, Working paper, 2017-08)We report the results of a randomized controlled trial testing whether incentivizing physical exercise improves the academic performance of college students. As expected, the intervention increases physical activity. The ... -
Fairness in Winner-Take-All Markets
Bartling, Björn; Cappelen, Alexander W.; Ekström, Mathias; Sørensen, Erik Ø.; Tungodden, Bertil (DP SAM;8/2018, Working paper, 2018-04)The paper reports the first experimental study on people’s fairness views on extreme income inequalities arising from winner-take-all reward structures. We find that the majority of participants consider extreme income ... -
Gjeldsinformasjonsloven – et egnet tiltak for å begrense gjeldsproblemer blant norske husholdninger? : en kvalitativ analyse av lovens implikasjoner
Fedje, Anniken Skaar; Leiknes, Marita (Master thesis, 2017)Gjeldsinformasjonsloven er et tiltak som gjennom økt tilgang på informasjon om enkeltpersoners usikrede gjeld skal bedre kredittvurderingsprosessen og forebygge gjeldsproblemer blant norske husholdninger. Datatilsynet ... -
Like miljøbevisst når ingen ser deg? En eksperimentell studie av kasseløsningers effekt på kjøp av bærekraftige produkter i dagligvarehandelen
Bjånes, Maren Simonsen; Reinvik, Camilla Johnsen (Master thesis, 2022)Formålet med denne studien har vært å undersøke effekten selvbetjente kasser har på salg av bærekraftige produkter i dagligvarehandelen i Norge. Tidligere litteratur tilsier at bruk av selvbetjente kasser kan endre ... -
Perceptions of Luck and Investment Behavior : A quantitative study examining cognitive biases in financial decision making
Svarstad, Signe Bakke; Thurmer, Synne (Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of this thesis is to conduct research on the implication of luck, perceptions of luck and correction of misperceptions on investment behavior. Previous research suggests that luck plays a role in the behavior ... -
Reference dependent risk preferences and insurance Demand
Toney, George Philip (Master thesis, 2020)This thesis explores insurance decisions with respect to modest risks. Bernoulli’s expected utility theory is compared to a model where utility depends on both final wealth and changes in wealth relative to some reference ... -
Reverse labeling: Does framing labels as losses promote more ethical, more eco-friendly, and healthier choices?
Aandahl, Emilie; Py, Zoe Alicia Stensland Py (Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of replacing standard labels (labels framed as gains) with reverse labels (labels framed as losses) on making more ethical, more eco-friendly, and healthier consumer ... -
Seasonal Social Preferences.
Ekström, Mathias (DP SAM;4/2017, Working paper, 2017-03)Christmas is when people are expected to act selflessly for the well-being of others, but are people actually more altruistic at this time of the year? Responding to this question poses a challenge because of the confounding ... -
Små dytt for store valg : rapport fra et forskningsprosjekt om nudging for økt rekruttering til lærerutdanningen
Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Ekström, Mathias; Pires, Armando J. G. (Arbeidsnotat;2017:2, Working paper, 2017-02)Bakgrunnen for prosjektet er at en betydelig andel av de som har lærerutdanning som førstevalg og får et tilbud om studieplass, aldri møter til studiestart. Kunnskapsdepartementet ønsket sammen med fem utdanningsinstitusjoner ... -
The (un)compromise effect
Ekström, Mathias (DP SAM;10/2018, Working paper, 2018-05)The compromise effect—i.e., the preference for the middle option—is an established bias in behavioral economics, but has not been experimentally validated in the field. In the current study I test the compromise effect ... -
Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Funds: Does Reverse Labelling and Moral Appeals Increase Demand for Sustainable Investments?
Ingebrigtsen, Linn; Bognøy, Stian (Master thesis, 2022)This thesis seeks to determine if there is a willingness to pay for sustainable funds and if it is possible to influence the willingness to pay through a reverse label- and a moral treatment. The study also investigates ...