Browsing NHH Brage by Author "Gooderham, Paul N."
Now showing items 1-20 of 29
A Multilevel Analysis of the Use of Individual Pay-for-Performance Systems
Gooderham, Paul N.; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Croucher, Richard; Brookes, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-21)Compensation systems, such as individualized pay-for-performance (I-PFP) schemes for employees, represent an important approach to aligning employer-employee interests. However, the adoption of I-PFP is much less common ... -
Comparison of the impact of formal and informal institutional influences with professional identity on performance outcomes in mission statement organizations : case study of a mission-driven company, Laerdal
Durieux, Charlotte (Master thesis, 2017)Multinational enterprises have for decades tried to understand the variables that would maximise their organisational efficiency. When the question is addressed to a mission-driven company such as Laerdal, the key issue ... -
Context and HRM: Theory, Evidence, and Proposals
Mayrhofer, Wolfgang; Gooderham, Paul N.; Brewster, Chris (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Human resource management (HRM) has paid insufficient attention to the impact of context. In this article, we outline the need for HRM to take full account of context, particularly national context, and to use both ... -
The development of social capital for knowledge-sharing purpose in multinational corporations
Gooderham, Paul N. (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-01)The major challenge for MNCs that contain knowledge-rich foreign subsidiaries is to utilize those resources and capabilities for the MNC as a whole. While structure has a role to play there is a growing acceptance that the ... -
The double challenge of AFF
Rønning, Rune; Gooderham, Paul N.; Stensaker, Inger G. (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-05)This paper explores the present status and future options of a Norwegian management consultancy company, AFF, with respect to serving Norwegian multinational enterprises (MNEs). The case of AFF is also employed to illustrate ... -
Early phase knowledge transfer in a multinational enterprise : a qualitative case study of a Norwegian MNE
Karlsson, Philip (Master thesis, 2020)The purpose of this paper is to investigate the challenges faced by multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the early phase of developing cognitive social capital and subsequent knowledge transfer capabilities. Previous ... -
Educating small firm accountants in counselling SME client
Bulukin, Kristijane Cook; Gooderham, Paul N.; Lund, Jørgen (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-09)The purpose of this paper is two-fold: first it delineates those competencies that are required by accountants who aspire to function as small-firm business advisers, and second it specifies a programme that secures the ... -
Eldre ledere : ressurser og karrierealternativer : en utredning skrevet for K-bank
Dahl, Svenn-Åge; Colbjørnsen, Tom; Gooderham, Paul N.; Heum, Per; Selvik, Arne (Rapport, Research report, 2001-03)Alle ledere stilles overfor en rekke karrieremessige utfordringer. For eldre ledere vil omstillinger og økt konkurranse stille krav til kompetanse og lederstil som mange kan finne vanskelig å imøtekomme. Omstruktureringer ... -
Fra forskning til utvikling : regnskapsrådgivning i småbedriftssegmentet
Bulukin, Kristijane Cook; Gooderham, Paul N. (Rapport, Research report, 2005-12)Denne rapporten er siste ledd i forskningsprosjektet ”Enhanced value creation in the SME sector: strengthening the impact of authorised accountants”. Hensikten med prosjektet er todelt: i) å undersøke kritiske faktorer ... -
Global leadership development programs as a means to develop the social capital necessary for knowledge sharing in multinational enterprises
Espedal, Bjarne; Gooderham, Paul N.; Jordahl, Atle (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-09)This working paper explores if Global Leadership Development programs (GLD programs) can be a vehicle for developing the social capital of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) and ultimately enhance knowledge sharing across ... -
HR-feltet i Norge 1995-2014 : stabilitet og profesjonalisering?
Døving, Erik; Gooderham, Paul N.; Øhrn, Henrik (Rapport;2015:14, Research report, 2015-12)Dette er en sammenstilling av resultater fra fire runder av Cranet-undersøkelsen i Norge. Etter 20 år med HR-undersøkelser i Norge avtegner det seg et hovedbilde. HR er et felt preget av betydelig stabilitet over to tiår ... -
Hvilke muligheter har regnskapsbyråer til å bli rådgivere i SMB-sektoren?
Tobiassen, Anita Ellen; Gooderham, Paul N. (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2002-10)Dette arbeidsnotatet er skrevet som et ledd i prosjektet ”Økt verdiskapning i SMB-sektoren: styrking av påvirkningen fra autoriserte regnskapsførere”. Rapporten presenterer resultater basert på to undersøkelser: en mindre ... -
The impact of management development on the organizational performance of European firms
Mabey, Christopher; Gooderham, Paul N. (Working paper, Working paper, 2003-07)Although management development is generally regarded as a key element in a strategic approach to human resource management, there is still little empirical evidence that this it actually contributes significantly to ... -
Internasjonalisering av telesektoren : generelle lærdommer og spesielle utfordringer for Telenor
Ulset, Svein; Gooderham, Paul N. (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-04)Notatet beskriver og analyserer strategiske og organisasjonsmessig utfordringer i forbindelse med internasjonalisering av teleselskap generelt og Telenor spesielt. Siden internasjonalisering av telesektoren er av nyere ... -
Knowledge transfer between parent and developing country subsidiaries : a conceptual framework
Gooderham, Paul N.; Ulset, Svein (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-03)The aim of this working-paper is to summarise the literature on knowledge transfer with particular focus on transfer to low-knowledge subsidiaries in developing country settings. We do this without reference to TMC or to ... -
Leadership development programmes and the development of social capital in MNEs
Gooderham, Paul N.; Rønning, Rune (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-01)The setting of this paper is the internal training programme of a major Norwegian multinational enterprise (MNE). The programme is aiming at greater MNE-wide integration in order to promote knowledge sharing. It is shown ... -
Ledelsesutvikling i norske bedrifter : HR-ledernes og linjeledernes sprikende oppfatninger
Haueng, Anne Cathrin; Gooderham, Paul N.; Lange, Birthe Kåfjord (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2002-12)Et hovedfunn er at det er et relativt stort gap mellom HR-ledernes og linjeledernes oppfatning omkring ledelsesutvikling. Stort sett er linjeledernes oppfatninger atskillig mindre positive enn HR-ledernes. Ikke minst gjelder ... -
“The local taste champion” Rieber & Søn ASA
Gooderham, Paul N.; Rønning, Rune (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-06)Rieber & Søn is a Norwegian multinational food company that currently has fully-owned production units in seven European countries and sales and market offices in a further six countries. The purpose of this rich case study ... -
Making the transition from a multi-domestic to a glocal strategy : The Initial Phase of Rieber & Søn’s Purchasing Transformation Project
Gooderham, Paul N.; Rønning, Rune (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-06)The immediate purpose of this paper is to assess the progress Rieber & Søn had made with the initial phase of a project aimed at significantly integrating its international purchasing operations. This purchasing project ... -
Multi-domestic MNCs that undertake global integration : HRM convergence and knowledge sharing?
Cela, Ariola; Gatto, Silvia (Master thesis, 2018)The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse how changes in internationalization strategy affect human resource management (HRM) convergence and the degree of knowledge sharing within MNCs. In order to answer our two ...