Browsing NHH Brage by Author "Kunze, Astrid"
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
Analysing the gender wage gap Empirical evidence from Germany and the United States
Solem, Linn Hildre; Khadka, Sajda (Master thesis, 2023)The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the potential sources of the gender wage gap in Germany and the United States. For that purpose, we employ high quality microdata sets from the German Socio-Economic ... -
Are all of the good men fathers? The effect of having children on earnings
Kunze, Astrid (Discussion paper;11/2014, Working paper, 2014-04)This study reconsiders the empirical question of whether men’s earnings increase because of children. Large Norwegian register data are used for brother and twin pairs who are followed over their life cycle from their ... -
Claudia Goldin: Nobel Laureate 2023 and Her Impact on Understanding Women’s Position in the Labour Market
Kunze, Astrid (DP SAM;19/2024, Working paper, 2024-12)On 9 October 2023, Claudia Goldin was announced as winner of the 2023 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. It can certainly be said that many had long awaited the recognition of her ... -
Comparative advantage or discrimination? : studying male-female wage differentials using displaced workers
Kunze, Astrid; Troske, Kenneth R. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-09)We examine differences in search behavior between men and women using data on displaced workers. We find that men and women have similar search duration once we limit our estimation to women with a constant number of ... -
Cruiseturisme og lokal bedriftslønnsomhet : Empiri fra cruisedestinasjonen Bergen 2010-2020
Bye, Kaia; Hval, Thea Haugen (Master thesis, 2022)Den voksende cruiseturismen har skapt en stor og polarisert debatt i Bergen de senere årene. På den ene side medfører cruiseturismen trolig økonomiske bidrag til havnedestinasjonen gjennom inntekter og arbeidsplasser, ... -
The demand for high-skilled workers and immigration policy
Bauer, Thomas K.; Kunze, Astrid (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-11)This paper provides a descriptive analysis of the demand for high-skilled workers using a new firm data set, the IZA International Employer Survey 2000. Our results suggest that while workers from EU-countries are ... -
Do Generous Parental Leave Policies Help Top Female Earners?
Corekcioglu, Gozde; Francesconi, Marco; Kunze, Astrid (DP SAM;07/2020, Working paper, 2020-05)Generous government-mandated parental leave is generally viewed as an effective policy to support women’s careers around childbirth. But does it help women to reach top positions in the upper pay echelon of their firms? ... -
The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women’s Labor Market Outcomes : Initial Emperical Evidence on the Gender Gap in Employment and Actual Hours Worked in Norway
Størksen, Anna Parnefält; Sørbøe, Synne (Master thesis, 2021)The aim of this master thesis is to estimate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the gender gap in employment and hours worked in the Norwegian labor market. First, we illuminate attributes of the Nordic model and trends ... -
The evolution of the gender wage gap
Kunze, Astrid (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-01)In this paper we investigate when the male-female wage differential arises: Does it evolve over the early career or does it exist right from entry into first employment? For the analysis we use new administrative ... -
Expansions in Paid Parental Leave and Mothers’ Economic Progress
Corekcioglu, Gozde; Francesconi, Marco; Kunze, Astrid (SAM DP;13/2022, Working paper, 2022-10)We examine the impact of government-funded universal paid parental leave extensions on the likelihood that mothers reach top-pay jobs and executive positions, using eight Norwegian reforms. Up to a quarter of a century ... -
Funksjonshemmede og sysselsetting : blir døve og svaksynte med høyere utdanning undervurdert i arbeidsmarkedet?
Berhovde, Martin (Master thesis, 2020)Sysselsetting er en viktig del av landets økonomi, hvor høg sysselsettingsgrad gir høyt velferdsnivå. Med en aldrende befolkning og unge som kommer senere inn i arbeidslivet, blir det norske arbeidsmarkedet preget av ... -
Gender differences in entry wages and early career wages
Kunze, Astrid (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-05)This paper investigates the gender wage gap in entry wages and in the early career for German skilled workers in the period 1975-1990. We use a new administrative longitudinal data source that allows to observe complete work ... -
Gender differences in the labour market : explaining the gender wage gap : empirical evidence from Norway
Dehli, Marte Mellesdal (Master thesis, 2020)This master´s thesis aims to investigate potential sources of the gender wage gap using Norwegian register data on the full population. First, I seek to understand to what extent traditional human capital factors and ... -
Gender diversity among top executives and firm financial performance : empirical evidence from Norwegian-listed firms 2010-2016
Matic, Isabella; Bognæs, Tor Erlend (Master thesis, 2019)There exists a gender gap in top executive positions today. Research has shown that gender diversity may have a positive impact on firm financial performance. This thesis aims to investigate the relationship between gender ... -
Gender diversity and firm performance : evidence from Norway 2010-2014
Muscher, Natalia (Master thesis, 2017)The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate the impact of gender diversity in firms on firm performance using data from Norwegian firms and municipalities. Gender diversity is measured using three regional gender ... -
Gender Diversity in the Norwegian Energy Sector and its Development : A descriptive and explanatory study
Tandberg, Marius Martinsen; Shrestha, Ashmita (Master thesis, 2022)Using Norwegian register data accessed through, this thesis seeks to provide a description of gender diversity in the Norwegian energy sector, and renewables specifically. Existing research on gender diversity ... -
Gender diversity, labour in the boardroom and gender quotas
Kunze, Astrid; Scharfenkamp, Katrin (SAM DP;16/2022, Working paper, 2022-10-31)This study investigates boards of (non-executive) directors and whether employee representation has a positive effect on gender diversity on boards. We exploit rich, newly assembled board–director matched panel data for ... -
Gender wage gap studies : consistency and decomposition
Kunze, Astrid (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-12)This paper reviews the empirical literature on the gender wage gap, with particular attention given to the identification of the key parameters in human capital wage regression models. This is of great importance in the ... -
Gender wage gap studies : consistency and decomposition
Kunze, Astrid (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-12)This paper reviews the empirical literature on the gender wage gap, with particular attention given to the identification of the key parameters in human capital wage regression models. This is of great importance in the ... -
Immigration and firm performance : evidence from Norway : an examination of the effect of employed immigrants on firm financial performance
Pezelj, Sara; Tyvand, Patrick (Master thesis, 2019)This thesis examines the empirical relationship between employed immigrants and firm financial performance in Norway during the period 2001-2008. More specifically, we estimate the effect of working immigrants on the ...