Browsing NHH Brage by Author "Leite, Tore"
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
Adverse selection, public information, and underpricing in new issues
Leite, Tore (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-02)This paper examines the role of adverse selection in the pricing of new issues when all investors may be privately informed about the firm, and in which public information is observed prior the issue date. The precision ... -
Aftermarket liquidity and performance of initial public offerings : evidence from Oslo Stock Exchange
Bjørnerud, Lars; Kristiansen, Martin (Master thesis, 2019)This thesis investigates abnormal returns in initial public offerings (IPOs) at the Oslo Stock Exchange during the time period of 2007 to 2018. By utilising four liquidity measures, we aim to identify the relationships ... -
The board of directors and underpricing in the Nordic countries : the relationship between board characterstics and short-term underpricing of IPOs
Rudsengen, Oskar (Master thesis, 2021)This thesis examines the relationship between the characteristics of the board of directors and short term underpricing of initial public offerings, using a sample of 326 firms from the main listings of Norway, Sweden, ... -
Børsnoteringer på Euronext Growth Oslo : empirisk analyse av kursutvikling og effekten av cornerstone-investorer
Innstrand, Mads Nordskott; Johnsen, Lars Snilsberg (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masterutredningen analyserer den kortsiktige og langsiktige kursutviklingen i børsnoteringer på Euronext Growth Oslo, i perioden 01.01.16 – 13.03.21. Oppgaven analyserer også effekten av den økende forekomsten av ... -
Can vessel values in dry bulk be predicted? A study on the relationship between government bond yields and vessel valuations
Dybwad, Fredrik; Stein, Åsmund (Master thesis, 2023)Seaborne freight of dry bulk commodities is an important gauge on the global economy. How dry bulk shipping markets move is dependent on demand and hence economic growth, further import and export volumes and commodity ... -
A control theory of financial structure : outside equity control and the priority and maturity structure of debt
Leite, Tore (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-12)Firms' financial structures typically consist of debt claims of different priority and maturity, and outside equity with control rights. The present paper develops a simple control theory of financial structure in which ... -
Do Retail Investors Fall for Bad Boys? An empirical study of whether narcissistic CEOs manipulate retail investors into financial peril
Korgerud, Anders; Berlin, Daniel (Master thesis, 2022)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether retail investment decisions are influenced by CEO personalities, and whether it has adverse financial implications. Specifically, we are interested in the notion that ... -
The Effect of Earnings Growth on Acquirer Returns: Evidence from the Norwegian Stock Market: A Study of the Relationship Between Acquirers’ Earnings Growth and Market Reactions to M&A Announcements with Empirical Evidence from the Oslo Stock Exchange in the Period 1997 - 2019
Kanestrøm, Bent Erland Engeli; Rikardsen, Mathias Steinsvoll (Master thesis, 2022)Earnings numbers are one of the single most important measures of firm performance and is positively associated with stock returns. While M&A announcements have mixed short-term impact on acquirer stock returns, Liu and ... -
ESG and stock market performance during COVID-19 : an empirical analysis of Nordic publicly listed firms in the COVID-19 stock market
Birkeland, Anders Drange (Master thesis, 2021)In the wake of the COVID-19 stock market crash, the debate over ESG’s ability to preserve shareholder value through turbulent times has received increasing attention. In this thesis we analyze the effect of ESG on stock ... -
ESG Disclosure and Short-term Return After IPO: A study of the ESG indicators of Norwegian new listing companies in 2020 and their returns
Zhao, Mengting; Pan, Xifei (Master thesis, 2021)With the concept of sustainability gaining traction in the business world, ESG indicators are beginning to be used by investors as one of their investment metrics. While global finances were hit hard by the pandemic in ... -
Essays in corporate finance
Leite, Tore (Doctoral thesis, 1998) -
Indekseffekten : en begivenhetsstudie av pris- og volumeffekter ved ekskludering av aksjer fra Oslo Børs fondsindeks (OSEFX)
Nilssen, Morten Særheim; Lilleberg, Severin (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masterutredningen undersøker hvorvidt det finnes en indekseffekt ved ekskludering fra Oslo Børs Fondsindeks. Indekseffekten testes gjennom å se på unormal avkastning, samt unormale handelsvolum, ved bruk av en ... -
Initial private offerings : an empirical study of the short-run performance of initial private placements on the Euronext Growth Oslo marketplace
Flatebakken, Audun; Johannessen, Erik Mørch Bucher (Master thesis, 2021)This thesis investigates the short-run performance of initial private placements on the Euronext Growth Oslo marketplace from 2016 until March 1, 2021. Initial private placements differ from initial public offerings (IPOs) ... -
Initial public offerings : IPO performance and prospectus sentiment of biotechnology offerings
Feratovic, Eldin; Lundstrøm, Lars Henrik (Master thesis, 2018)This thesis investigates initial public offerings (IPOs) at the Nasdaq exchange in the United States during the time period of 2003 – November 17th, 2017. The focus of the thesis will be on the performance, both in the ... -
Initial Public Offerings at Nordic Multilateral Trading Facilities during Covid-19 : An empirical study of IPOs at Nordic MTF markets during Covid-19 and its performance compared to peers.
Løberg, Erling; Haugdal, Torstein Dybvad (Master thesis, 2021)This thesis contributes to the IPO literature on Nordic MTF markets from the 1st of January 2011 to the 17th of November 2021. The thesis will emphasize the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has played on the IPO performance ... -
Kapitalstruktur i børsnoterte kraftselskap: en empirisk studie av determinanter i perioden 2004-2017
Breituft, Anders Hansen; Tofte, Tor Christian (Master thesis, 2019)Utredningens formål er å undersøke hvilke underliggende faktorer som påvirker kapitalstrukturen i den elektriske kraftbransjen. Utredningen prøver å gi et helhetlig bilde av selskapenes finanseringsatferd ved å inkludere ... -
M a rkedsreaksjoner ved CEO bytter : En empirisk studie av kortsiktige og langsiktige effekter ved CEO-bytter på Oslo Børs i perioden 2010-2023
Levang, Sigurd Aas; Holte, Hans (Master thesis, 2023)Denne utredningen undersøker markedsreaksjoner ved CEO-bytter på Oslo Børs på kort og lang sikt. Vi benytter et utvalg bestående av 265 bytter i perioden 2010-2023. Ved bruk av event-studie finner vi en signifikant ... -
Makroøkonomisk vekst i slutten av året som indikator for fremtidig aksjeavkastning : en empirisk studie av fjerde kvartals makroøkonomiske vekst som indikator for påfølgende års meravkastning i det norske aksjemarkedet
Aarstad, Øystein; Aunmo, Martin (Master thesis, 2017)Vi undersøker om realveksten i fjerde kvartal i en rekke klassiske konjunkturindikatorer har predikerende kraft på meravkastningen i OSEAX-indeksen det påfølgende året. Basert på Møller & Rangvid (2015) er hypotesen at ... -
Overpricing (and underpricing) in IPOs : a model of excess initial returns
Leite, Tore (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-12)This paper develops a model in which new issues, in equilibrium, may be overpriced or underpriced, depending on parameter values. The ability of an investor to withdraw from the offering upon observing unfavorable information ...