Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Persson, Svein-Arne"
The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and stock market performance : An empirical analysis of the stock market reaction across different industries in Europe and the United States
Immer, Tobias; Stokvik, Chris Alexander (Master thesis, 2023)Aggregated market behavior: We used cumulative average abnormal returns (CAARs) to analyze the aggregated market behavior. There were negative average abnormal returns (AARs) in the days leading up to the announcement and ... -
A contrarian investment strategy for equity fund selection
Eriksson, Lars Patrick; Ilyas, Uman (Master thesis, 2016-03-30)The following thesis examines the existence of contrarian profits in the Norwegian equity fund market. Three different pricing models are used to determine if a contrarian strategy is able to create abnormal returns in ... -
Aktive ESG-valg i passiv forvaltning: Implikasjoner for investor som følge av kapitalforvalteres praktiske implementering av negativ ESG-screening
Norum, Anne; Hegstad, Thomas (Master thesis, 2022) -
Benefiting from Insurance : An empirical analysis of directors’ and officers’ liability insurance on Canadian corporations’ capital structure
Borg, Elias; Fosheim, Sigurd (Master thesis, 2023)In this thesis, we examine the role of Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance, as a proxy of comprehensive corporate insurance, in strategic risk management within corporations and its impact on various aspects of ... -
Beyond the Hype: Do Bond Investors Forgo Yield When Investing Green?: A Yield Comparison in the Nordic Secondary Bond Market
Gurigard, Vetle Ravnsborg; Morken, Kaja Norheim (Master thesis, 2021)Mobilizing public and private capital towards environmentally friendly projects is crucial to reaching the goals set by the Paris Agreement. Green bonds are one type of financial security that seeks to attract investment ... -
Boliglånsforskriftenes effekt på husholdningsgjeld : en empirisk analyse av boliglånsforskriftenes utvikling og effekten de har hatt på gjeldsveksten for norske husholdninger.
Larsen, Jens-Christian; Leung, Wai Pok (Master thesis, 2019)Oppgavens hovedformål er å måle boliglånsforskriftenes effekt på gjeldsvekst blant norske husholdninger. Innføring av låneforskrifter og andre myndighetsreguleringer bidrar til et robust finansielt system i Norge. I ... -
Callable risky perpetual debt : options, pricing and bankruptcy implications
Mjøs, Aksel; Persson, Svein-Arne (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-01-05)Issuances of perpetual risky debt are often motivated by capital requirements for financial institutions. However, observed market practice indicates that actual maturity equals first possible call date. We analyze callable ... -
Callable risky perpetual debt with protection period
Mjøs, Aksel; Persson, Svein-Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Issuances in the USD 260 Bn global market of perpetual risky debt are often motivated by capital requirements for financial institutions. We analyze callable risky perpetual debt emphasizing an initial protection (‘grace’) ... -
Capital Structure in the Shipping Industry : An Analysis of Leverage and Asset Volatility in Publicly Traded Shipping Companies
Austevoll, Arvid; Klophmann, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2023)This research paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the optimal leverage in the shipping industry, focusing on the influence of asset volatility on static and dynamic capital structure decisions. Under static model ... -
Comparing structural credit models and their applicability to banks
Haug, Kristian Høyem; Finstad, Per Leyell Espetvedt (Master thesis, 2019)Throughout this thesis we have presented a narrow overview of the research field of structural credit models and their applicability to banks. We have focused on two of the newer contributions to the field by Nagel and ... -
Continuous monitoring : look before you leap
Lindset, Snorre; Persson, Svein-Arne (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-03)We present a model for pricing credit risk protection for a limited liability non-life insurance company. The protection is typically provided by a guaranty fund. In the case of continuous monitoring, i.e., where the market ... -
COVID-19 restrictions effect on volatility: How did government interventions affect global stock market volatility?
Vålbekk, Sebastian; Minde, Daniel (Master thesis, 2022)Our thesis seeks to investigate whether or not government lockdowns attempting to stop the spread of COVID-19 affected volatility in global stock markets. To investigate this relationship, we utilize a sample of 64 ... -
A credit risk analysis of the Norwegian bank bond market : Effects of MREL implementiation in the Norwegian bank bond market
Kalland-Olsen, Arne; Reiersen, Jarand (Master thesis, 2021)If recovery and resolution directives are credible, investors owning bail-in debt will have an incentive to monitor the risk of a bank. In this thesis we have analyzed the effects of the new EU resolution framework, with ... -
Credit spreads and incomplete information
Lindset, Snorre; Lund, Arne-Christian; Persson, Svein-Arne (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-03)A new model is presented which produces credit spreads that do not converge to zero for short maturities. Our set-up includes incomplete, i.e., delayed and asymmetric information. When the financial market observes the ... -
Design and pricing of equity-linked life insurance under stochastic interest rates
Bacinello, Anna Rita; Persson, Svein-Arne (Discussion paper, Working paper, 1998-11)A valuation model for equity-linked life insurance contracts incorporating stochastic interest rates is presented. Our model generalizes some previous pricing results based on deterministic interest rates. Moreover, a ... -
Design matters: an event study of CoCo bond offering announcements : how does design affect equity and credit markets perception of CoCo’s?
Duhonj, Borjan; Sivertsen, Torgeir Rødsten (Master thesis, 2016)This thesis performs an event study on contingent convertible (CoCo) bond offering announcements made in the period 2009-2016. Using a sample of 95 announcements from 39 European banks and a standard event study methodology, ... -
Diversifisering med kryptovaluta : kan bitcoin bidra til å forbedre risikojusterte avkastningsmål i norske institusjonelle investorers porteføljer?
Wickmann, Stig Henrik; Urstad, Ole (Master thesis, 2018)I denne oppgaven undersøker vi i hvilken grad inkludering av Bitcoin i innskuddspensjonsfond fra DNB og Storebrand kan bidra til økt diversifisering og forbedring av risikojusterte avkastningsmål. Vi bruker optimering ... -
The Economics of Technology Stock Prices An empirical study of the relationship between macroeconomic variables and the Norwegian technology index
Huuse, Henrik Forfang; Pedersen, Steinar (Master thesis, 2022)Many of today's largest and most influential companies are in the technology sector. In recent years, these firms have experienced enormous growth in their stock price. For investors, this has been an excellent opportunity ... -
Er porteføljer aktivt eller passivt forvaltet? : en analyse av active share, tracking error og R2
Bøe, Ole Martin; Stokka, Mona (Master thesis, 2017)I denne masterutredningen undersøkes mål på grad av aktiv forvaltning, med fokus på måltallene active share, tracking error og R2 ut i fra både ex-post og ex-ante beregninger. Analysen er gjort på grunnlag av porteføljer ... -
Financing of Start-ups : An Empirical Study of Debt Financing in Norwegian Start-ups
Kasteren, Sindri S. Antoineson van; Larsen, Mads Wilhelmsen (Master thesis, 2023)The main goal of this thesis is to identify factors which determine the debt levels of Norwegian start-ups and how debt financing develops as firms mature. This is achieved by analysing a dataset consisting of 100.381 ...