Blar i Discussion papers (SAM) på forfatter "Pfann, Gerard A."
Interrelated factor demand with nonconvex adjustment costs
Letterie, Wilko; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Pfann, Gerard A. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-04)In this paper we develop a model to describe a firm’s demand for two production factors which is subject to the presence of nonconvex adjustment costs. In our model simultaneous adjustment of these two production factors ... -
Sequentiality versus simultaneity : interrelated factor demand
Asphjell, Magne Krogstad; Letterie, Wilko; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Pfann, Gerard A. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-12)A structural model is developed and estimated by a maximum likelihood routine to investigate interrelated factor demand subject to nonconvex adjustment costs. The dataset concerns Norwegian plants operating in manufacturing ...