Now showing items 41-60 of 658

    • Employment Protection and Child Development 

      Willén, Alexander; Willage, Barton; Riise, Julie (SAM DP;19/2022, Working paper, 2022-12)
      This paper exploits conditional random assignment of patients to general practitioners to calculate a leniency measure of paid sick leave certification. We link these data to information on the human capital development ...
    • Does Increasing Risk Widen Gender Gaps? 

      Hirshman, Samuel D.; Willén, Alexander (SAM DP;20/2022, Working paper, 2022-12)
      We examine the response to an exogenous change in the risk profile of an important educational choice – requesting a regrade. We demonstrate how ostensibly gender-neutral policies can generate gaps across men and women ...
    • The Effect of Labor Market Competition on Firms, Workers, and Communities 

      Dodini, Samuel; Løken, Katrine; Willén, Alexander (SAM DP;17/2022, Working paper, 2022-11)
      This paper isolates the impact of labor market competition on firms, workers, and communities. A shock to labor mobility from Sweden to Norway caused a substantial increase in labor competition for Swedish firms on the ...
    • Women’s Wages and Empowerment: Pre-industrial Japan, 1600-1890 

      Kumon, Yuzuru; Sakai, Kazuho (SAM DP;18/2022, Working paper, 2022-11-16)
      Using new evidence from servant contracts, 1600-1890, we estimate women’s wages in Japan. Women’s wages could only sustain 1.5-2 people up to 1900, the lowest recorded in the pre-industrial world. We then show the gender ...
    • Gender diversity, labour in the boardroom and gender quotas 

      Kunze, Astrid; Scharfenkamp, Katrin (SAM DP;16/2022, Working paper, 2022-10-31)
      This study investigates boards of (non-executive) directors and whether employee representation has a positive effect on gender diversity on boards. We exploit rich, newly assembled board–director matched panel data for ...
    • On the Doorstep of Adulthood: Empowering Economic and Fertility Choices of Young Women 

      Berge, Lars Ivar Oppedal; Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Makene, Fortunata; Sekei, Linda Helgesson; Somville, Vincent; Tungodden, Bertil (SAM DP;15/2022, Working paper, 2022-10)
      We report from a large-scale randomized controlled trial of women empowerment in Tanzania investigating how two different empowerment strategies, economic empowerment and reproductive health empowerment, shape the economic ...
    • The Impact of Early Childhood Development Interventions on Children’s Health in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 

      McWay, Ryan; Prabhakar, Pallavi; Ellis, Ayo (SAM DP;14/2022, Working paper, 2022-10)
      Investing in a child’s early years reduces incidences of stunting, wasting, worm infections, and anemia among young children. Yet, 250 million children are at risk of not reaching their full development potential in ...
    • Expansions in Paid Parental Leave and Mothers’ Economic Progress 

      Corekcioglu, Gozde; Francesconi, Marco; Kunze, Astrid (SAM DP;13/2022, Working paper, 2022-10)
      We examine the impact of government-funded universal paid parental leave extensions on the likelihood that mothers reach top-pay jobs and executive positions, using eight Norwegian reforms. Up to a quarter of a century ...
    • The Timing of Parental Job Displacement, Child Development and Family Adjustment 

      Carneiro, Pedro; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Willage, Barton; Willén, Alexander (SAM DP;12/2022, Working paper, 2022-09)
      This paper examines if the effect of parental labor market shocks on child development depends on the age of the child at the time of the shock. To address this question, we leverage rich Norwegian population-wide register ...
    • Dynamics of First-Time Patenting Firms 

      Nilsen, Øivind A.; Raknerud, Arvid (SAM DP;11/2022, Working paper, 2022-08)
      This paper investigates firm dynamics in the period before, during, and after an event consisting of a first published patent application. The analysis is based on patent data from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office ...
    • Acceptance of inequality between children: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from China and Norway 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Falch, Ranveig; Huang, Zhongjing; Tungodden, Bertil (SAM DP;10/2022, Working paper, 2022-07)
      In a novel experimental design with nearly 10,000 adults and children, we study how adults in two societies characterized by very different levels of income inequality, Shanghai (China) and Norway, make real distributive ...
    • The effect of cross-border shopping on commodity tax revenue: Results from a natural experiment 

      Friberg, Richard; Halseth, Emil M. Strøm; Steen, Frode; Ulsaker, Simen A. (SAM DP;09/2022, Working paper, 2022-06-20)
      We use grocery data from Norway and COVID-19 border closings to gauge the effect of cross-border shopping on commodity tax revenue. Detailed store-category level data identify differential treatment effects that depend on ...
    • Does Your Doctor Matter? Doctor Quality and Patient Outcomes 

      Ginja, Rita; Riise, Julie; Willage, Barton; Willén, Alexander (SAM DP;08/2022, Working paper, 2022-06)
      We estimate doctor value-added and provide evidence on the distribution of physician quality in an entire country, combining rich population-wide register data with random assignment of patients to general practitioners ...
    • Fairness and limited information: Are people Bayesian meritocrats? 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Haan, Thomas de; Tungodden, Bertil (SAM DP;07/2022, Working paper, 2022-05)
      Meritocracy is a prominent fairness view in many societies, but often difficult to apply because there is limited information about the source of inequality. This paper studies theoretically and empirically how limited ...
    • Competing with precision: incentives for developing predictive biomarker tests 

      Brekke, Kurt R.; Dalen, Dag Morten; Straume, Odd Rune (SAM DP;06/2022, Working paper, 2022-03)
      We study the incentives of drug producers to develop predictive biomarkers, taking into account strategic interaction between drug producers and health plans. For this purpose we develop a two-dimensional spatial framework ...
    • The Impact of Exposure to Refugees on Prosocial Behavior 

      Hager, Anselm; Valasek, Justin (SAM DP;04/2022, Working paper, 2022-03)
      Does exposure to refugees affect natives' prosocial behavior? If so, do changes in prosocial behavior also extend to existing migrants? We administer a survey of a representative sample of Lebanese respondents and measure ...
    • The Impact of Forced Migration on In-Group and Out-Group Social Capital 

      Hager, Anselm; Valasek, Justin (SAM DP;05/2022, Working paper, 2022-03)
      In this paper, we study how forced migration impacts the in-group and out-group social capital of Syrian refugees and the host population in Northern Lebanon by administering a novel survey experiment in which we manipulate ...
    • Failing to Follow the Rules: Can Imprisonment Lead to More Imprisonment Without More Actual Crime? 

      Franco, Catalina; Harding, David J.; Bushway, Shawn D. (SAM DP;03/2022, Working paper, 2022-03)
      We find that people involved in low-level crime receiving a prison sentence are more likely than those with non-prison sentences to be re-imprisoned due to technical violations of parole, rather than due to new crimes. We ...
    • Endogenous multihoming and network effects: Playstation, Xbox, or both? 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Stähler, Frank (SAM DP;02/22, Working paper, 2022-02)
      Competition between firms that sell incompatible varieties of network products might be fierce, because it is important for each of them to attract a large number of users. The literature therefore predicts that stronger ...
    • Parental leave and maternal employment 

      Kunze, Astrid (SAM DP;01/2022, Working paper, 2022-01-19)
      Numerous studies have investigated whether the provision and generosity of parental leave affects the employment and career prospects of women. Parental leave systems typically provide either short unpaid leave mandated ...