Viser treff 181-200 av 658

    • Price Changes - Stickiness and Internal Coordination in Multiproduct Firms. 

      Letterie, Wilko; Nilsen, Øivind A. (DP SAM;21, Working paper, 2016-12)
      We assess empirically the micro-foundations of producers’ sticky pricing behaviour. We account for various functional forms of menu costs. The focus is on the analysis of multiproduct plants, and the menu costs therefore ...
    • Households’ responses to price changes of formal childcare. 

      Andersland, Leroy; Nilsen, Øivind A. (DP SAM; 20, Working paper, 2016-12)
      The current understanding about how households respond to price changes in formal childcare is not extensive. This study examines this response through a 1998 reform in Norway that introduced a money transfer to families ...
    • Determinants of long-term economic growth redux: A Measurement Error Model Averaging (MEMA) approach. 

      Doppelhofer, Gernot; Hansen, Ole-Petter Moe; Weeks, Melwyn (DP SAM: 19, Working paper, 2016-12)
      This paper estimates determinants of long-run growth rates of GDP per capita in a cross section of countries. We propose a novel Measurement Error Model Averaging (MEMA) approach that accounts for measurement error in ...
    • Do Fossil fuel Taxes Promote Innovation in Renewable Electricity Generation? 

      Lazkano, Itziar; Pham, Linh (DP SAM;16/2016, Working paper, 2016-11-29)
      We evaluate the role of a fossil fuel tax and research subsidy in directing innovation from fossil fuel toward renewable energy technologies in the electricity sector. Using a global firm-level electricity patent database ...
    • Childhood Nutrition and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a School Breakfast Program 

      Bütikofer, Aline; Mølland, Eirin; Salvanes, Kjell G. (DP SAM;15/2016, Working paper, 2016-11-29)
      While a growing literature documents the short-term effects of public programs providing children with nutritious food, there is scarce evidence of the long-term eects of such programs. This paper studies the long-term ...
    • Cutthroat capitalism versus cuddly socialism: Are Americans more meritocratic and efficiency-seeking than Scandinavians? 

      Almås, Ingvild; Cappelen, Alexander; Tungodden, Bertil (DP SAM;18/2016, Working paper, 2016-11-29)
      There is a striking difference in income inequality and redistributive policies between the United States and Scandinavia. To study whether there is a corresponding cross-country difference in social preferences, we ...
    • Job Loss and Regional Mobility. 

      Huttunen, Kristiina; Møen, Jarle; Salvanes, Kjell G. (DP SAM;17/2016, Working paper, 2016-11-29)
      It is well documented that displaced workers suffer severe earnings losses, but not why this is so. One reason may be that workers are unable or unwilling to move to regions with better employment opportunities. We study ...
    • Further Unbundling Institutions. 

      Braunfels, Elias (SAM;13/2016, Working paper, 2016-10-07)
      This paper analyzes the effects of institutions on economic development, and focuses on separating political institutions from contracting and economic institutions. For a sample of former European colonies, I find that ...
    • Maritime trade and merchant shipping: The shipping/trade-ratio from the 1870s until today. 

      Ojala, Jari; Tenold, Stig (SAM;12/2016, Working paper, 2016-06-22)
      This paper discusses the development of countries’ market shares in world shipping over the last 150 years. The analysis is based upon a new and purpose-built indicator: the shipping/trade-ratio. This indicator presents ...
    • From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: The Role of Electricity Storage. 

      Lazkano, Itziar; Nøstbakken, Linda; Pelli, Martino (SAM;11/2016, Working paper, 2016-06-07)
      We analyze the role of electricity storage for technological innovations in electricity generation. We propose a directed technological change model of the electricity sector, where innovative firms develop better ...
    • Saving and Bequest in China: An Analysis of Intergenerational Exchange. 

      Almås, Ingvild; Freddi, Eleonora; Thøgersen, Øystein (SAM;10/2016, Working paper, 2016-05-31)
      Particularly high saving rates among the elderly in both rural and urban China call for an investigation of the involved bequest motive. Utilizing unique survey data from a diverse group of Chinese households, we document ...
    • How much does anticipation matter? Evidence from anticipated regulation and land prices. 

      Boskovic, Branko; Nøstbakken, Linda (SAM;9/2016, Working paper, 2016-05-23)
      Land prices across administrative boundaries can be useful for estimating the causal effects of local policy. Market anticipation about potential boundary changes can confound identification, so studies often avoid markets ...
    • Optimal hospital payment rules under rationing by random waiting. 

      Gravelle, Hugh; Schroyen, Fred (SAM;8/2016, Working paper, 2016-05-19)
      We derive optimal rules for paying hospitals in a public health care system in which providers can choose quality and random patient demand is rationed by waiting time. Since waiting time imposes real costs on patients ...
    • The Family Peer Effect on Mothers´ Labour Supply 

      Nicoletti, Cheti; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Tominey, Emma (SAM;7/2016, Working paper, 2016-04-26)
      The well documented rise in female labour force participation in the last century has flattened in recent decades, but the proportion of mothers working full-time has been steadily increasing. In this paper we provide the ...
    • The Cost of Endangered Species Protection: Evidence from Auctions for Natural Resources 

      Boskovic, Branko; Nøstbakken, Linda (SAM;6/2016, Working paper, 2016-04-12)
      This paper examines the effect that endangered species regulation has on natural re- source development. Specifically, we use data from competitive auctions to estimate the effect that land-use regulation protecting ...
    • Shipping in dire straits: New evidence on trends and cycles in coal freights from Britain, 1919-1939 

      Klovland, Jan Tore (SAM;5/2016, Working paper, 2016-04-07)
      New monthly freight rate indices for 13 coal trade routes from Britain 1919-1939 are presented. The new indices form the basis of a review of the interwar freight markets and their relationship to the timing and severity ...
    • The effect of cross-border healthcare on quality, public health insurance, and income redistribution 

      Aiura, Hiroshi (SAM;4/2016, Working paper, 2016-04-07)
      This study analyzes the effect of cross-border healthcare on the quality of healthcare as well as public health insurance and income redistribution schemes. Although the globalization of healthcare has been increasing, it ...
    • The evolution of social mobility: Norway over the 20th century. 

      Pekkarinen, Tuomas; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Sarvimäki, Matti (SAM;02/2016, Working paper, 2016-02-12)
      This paper documents trends in social mobility in Norway starting from fathers born at the turn of the 20th century and ending with sons born in the 1970s. We measure social mobility with intergenerational income ...
    • Healthy(?), Wealthy, and Wise Birth Order and Adult Health. 

      Black, Sandra E.; Devereux, Paul J.; Salvanes, Kjell G. (SAM;03/2016, Working paper, 2016-02-12)
      While recent research finds strong evidence that birth order affects children’s outcomes such as education, IQ scores, and earnings, the evidence for effects on health is more limited. This paper uses a large dataset on ...
    • Pro-poor price trends and inequality - the case of India. 

      Almås, Ingvild; Kjelsrud, Anders (SAM;01/2016, Working paper, 2016-02-08)
      It is well known that people's consumption patterns change with income. Relative price changes therefore affect rich and poor consumers differently. Yet, the standard price indices are not income-specific and hence, the ...