Discussion papers (SAM)
Nye registreringer
Why Firms Lay Off Workers Instead of Cutting Wages: Evidence From Linked Survey-Administrative Data
(DP SAM;04/2025, Working paper, 2024-02)We use a novel large-scale survey of firms, implemented in Denmark in 2021 and linked to administrative data, to study why firms lay off workers instead of cutting wages. Our questions on layoffs, wage cuts, and the link ... -
Income Equality in The Nordic Countries: Myths, Facts, and Lessons
(DP SAM;03/2025, Working paper, 2025-02)Policymakers, public commentators, and researchers often cite the Nordic countries as examples of a social and economic model that successfully combines low income inequality with prosperity and growth. This article aims ... -
Public coverage of dental care: universal or targeted?
(DP SAM;02/2025, Working paper, 2025-01-27)This paper analyses the impact of public dental care coverage-universal versus targeted-on access, pricing, and public spending in a model with two competing dental practices and heterogeneous patient income groups. We ... -
Competition matters: uniform vs. indication-based pricing of pharmaceuticals
(DP SAM;01/2025, Working paper, 2025-01)Pharmaceutical expenditures are rising rapidly, driven in part by the innovation of highly effective but very expensive drug therapies that treat multiple diseases. While these drugs offer substantial health benefits, ... -
Claudia Goldin: Nobel Laureate 2023 and Her Impact on Understanding Women’s Position in the Labour Market
(DP SAM;19/2024, Working paper, 2024-12)On 9 October 2023, Claudia Goldin was announced as winner of the 2023 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. It can certainly be said that many had long awaited the recognition of her ... -
Health dynamics, life expectancy heterogeneity, and the racial gap in Social Security wealth
(DP SAM;18/2024, Working paper, 2024-10-28)Using biennial data from the Health and Retirement Study, we estimate agedependent health dynamics and survival probabilities at annual frequency conditional on race, sex, self-reported health and other covariates. The ... -
Fairness in a Society of Unequal Opportunities
(DP SAM;17/2024, Working paper, 2024-10-21)Modern societies are characterized by widespread disparities in opportunities, creating income inequality between people whose choices were shaped by different circumstances. This paper investigates how people handle income ... -
To hide or not to hide? How fear and futility affect the decision to report a mistake
(DP SAM;16/2024, Working paper, 2024-10)Even though reporting mistakes could substantially improve work processes and productivity within organisations, employees often hesitate to do so. This paper studies the role of fear (of being fired) and futility (i.e. ... -
Creating pro-environmental behavior change: Economic incentives or norm-nudges?
(DP SAM;15/2024, Working paper, 2024-09)To mitigate global warming, collective behavior change is needed. But which tools should policymakers prioritize: economic incentives, nudges, or a combination? Current evidence from social science provides little direct ... -
Exposure to diversity, social proximity and ingroup bias
(DP SAM;14/2024, Working paper, 2024-07-30)As society becomes increasingly diverse, will changes in an individual’s exposure to diversity influence their interactions with others? I study prosocial behavior in a large-scale U.S. sample, where participants are ... -
Worker Power, Immigrant Sorting, and Firm Dynamics
(DP SAM;13/2024, Working paper, 2024-07-05)This paper examines how worker power shapes the allocation of immigrants across firms, and the subsequent consequences of such sorting on firm performance and the careers of incumbent workers. Our analysis highlights several ... -
Cross-border shopping of alcohol – What is the effect on tax revenue and sales and which products are most affected?
(DP SAM;12/2024, Working paper, 2024-07-04)We use COVID-19 border closings and comprehensive store-level data on Norwegian alcohol sales to quantify the effect cross-border shopping of alcohol on sales volume and commodity tax revenue. Effects are large, for instance ... -
Fertility, Partner Choice, and Human Capital
(DP SAM;11/2024, Working paper, 2024-07)This paper generates new insights into the effect of education on fertility and partner choice across multiple generations. Using an intensity-of-treatment design, we leverage population-wide panel data for Norway in ... -
Insurance against Income Shocks, Parental Investments, and Child Development
(DP SAM;10/2024, Working paper, 2024-06-11)Faced with income shocks, households may be unable to smooth their consumption, because of limited insurance possibilities. Likewise, it may also be difficult to smooth investments in children. This could have large ... -
Fairness Preferences and Default Effects
(DP SAM;09/2024, Working paper, 2024-06)An influential subset of the literature on distributional preferences studies how preferences condition on characteristics such as workers' relative productivity. In this study we establish that there are default effects ... -
Asymmetric cost transmission and market power in retail gasoline markets
(DP SAM;08/2024, Working paper, 2024-05-30)Estimating non-linear autoregressive distributed lag models, we establish shortrun cost pass-through in the Swedish retail gasoline market. Our findings reveal a slower correction of disequilibrium error in volume-adjusted ... -
Choosing Between Causal Interpretations: An Experimental Study
(DP SAM;07/2024, Working paper, 2024-05-23)Good decision-making requires understanding the causal impact of our actions. Often, we only have access to correlational data that could stem from multiple causal mechanisms with divergent implications for choice. Our ... -
Competition and Price Discrimination in International Transportation
(DP SAM;06/2024, Working paper, 2024-05)This paper documents price discrimination by transport companies, revealing their market power. Larger shipments of similar products sharing a container receive lower prices. A trade model with non-linear pricing of ... -
Convergence between the Baltic and the Nordic economies: Some reflections based on new data for the Baltic countries
(DP SAM;05/2024, Working paper, 2024-04-18)This short paper uses recent estimates of GDP per capita for the Baltic countries for the 1919-2020(22) period to test for convergence between the Baltic and the Nordic economies. Drawing from the methodology used in Bernard ... -
Innocuous Exam Features? The Impact of Answer Placement on High-Stakes Test Performance and College Admissions
(DP SAM;04/2024, Working paper, 2024-04-14)We exploit randomness in college entrance exams in Colombia to study how the placement of answers impacts multiple-choice test results and access to college. Using administrative data, we find that: first, applicants are ...