Browsing Department of Business and Management Science by Issue Date
Now showing items 41-60 of 885
Modeling and computational techniques in bioeconomics
(Doctoral thesis, 2000) -
Decompositions of travelling salesman problems
(Doctoral thesis, 2000) -
Statistisk prosess styring : å forstå og kunne reagere på variasjon
(Research report, 2000) -
Statistisk forsøksplanlegging og analyse : for forbedring av produkter og prosesser
(Research report, 2000) -
Stikkprøveinspeksjon : hva tjener det til?
(Research report, 2000) -
Driftspålitelighet : med statistikk som hjelper
(Research report, 2000) -
Disposal of petroleum installations : major policy issues
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-01)Following the Brent Spar controversy, the OSPAR countries reached a unanimous agreement in 1998 for the future rules for disposal of petroleum installations. The vast majority of existing offshore installations will be ... -
International competition for R&D investments
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-02)Two jurisdictions compete to attract shares of the R&D investment budget of a large multinational enterprise, whose investments potentially confer positive spillovers on national firms. The firm contributes to local welfare ... -
Leverage, liquidity and long-run IPO returns
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-02)It is well known that IPO stocks on average substantially underperform (over 3-5 years) non-IPO stocks matched on firm size. With a large sample of Nasdaq IPOs, this paper presents systematic evidence that IPO stocks are ... -
Perspectives of risk sharing
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-05)In this paper we present an overview of the standard risk sharing model of insurance. We discuss and characterize a competitive equilibrium, Pareto optimality, and representative agent pricing, including its implications ... -
Estimation of biological and economic parameters of a bioeconomic fisheries model using dynamical data assimilation
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-05)A new approach of model parameter estimation is used with simulated measurements to recover both biological and economic input parameters of a natural resource model. The procedure efficiently combines time series of ... -
On the dynamics of commercial fishing and parameter identification
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-05)This paper has two main objectives. The first is to develop dynamic models of commercial fisheries different from the existing models. The industry is assumed to have a well defined index of performance based on which it ... -
Assimilation of real time series data into a dynamic bioeconomic fisheries model : an application to the Norwegian cod fishery stock
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-05)This paper combines the new and elegant technique of inverse methods and a Monte Carlo procedure to analyze real data for the Norwegian cod fishery (NCF) stock. A simple nonlinear dynamic resource model is calibrated to ... -
European market integration for gas? : volume flexibility and political risk
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-05)Is the European gas market integrated? Are there substantial price differences between gas from different export countries? Time series of Norwegian, Dutch and Russian gas export prices to Germany in 1990-1998 are examined. ... -
A new approach of fitting biomass dynamics models to real data based on a linear total allowable catch (TAC) rule : an optimal control approach
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-05)A non-traditional approach of fitting dynamic resource biomass models to data is developed in this paper. The adjoint technique is an optimal control or a variational method for parameter identification. It provides a novel ... -
Pragmatic beliefs and overconfidence
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-06)Several studies indicate that humans are overconfident about their own (relative) abilities. We propose a notion of pragmatic beliefs, and show through an example that this concept can shed light on why overconfidence ... -
Tournament rewards and risk taking
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-06)In a tournament, a principal sets a prize, and several agents then compete to attain the highest observed output, and win the prize. This paper departs from the existing literature on tournaments by assuming that agents ... -
Modeling the dynamics of regulated resource systems : a fishery example
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-06)In this paper we develop a discrete-time model of jointly managed fisheries. Most modern real world fisheries are shared or jointly exploited and are under some kind of regulation. The regulatory part of the fishery in ... -
A perturbation approach on a class of optimal control problems, unifying the pontryagin and dynamic programming approach
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-06)This article consider special ways of solving time dependent (non-autonomous) systems. Different types of time-dependent Optimal Control Problems in the setting of a Hamiltonian Formulation, are considered and the emphasis ... -
Market integration for natural gas in Europe
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-09)In this paper we examine the degree of market integration in French gas imports. Are there substantial price differences between gas from different export countries, and do prices move together? Furthermore, we analyze to ...