Browsing Doctoral Dissertations (SOL) by Subject "VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Statsvitenskap og organisasjonsteori: 240::Offentlig og privat administrasjon: 242"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Dual and unitary leadership : managing ambiguity in pluralistic organizations
(Ph.D.thesis, Doctoral thesis, 2010)This thesis is about different leadership models in pluralistic organizations such as hospitals, universities, cultural organizations and newspapers, the kind of competing logics leaders meet in such organizations, and ... -
Governance and asset specificity as facilitators and sources of innovation and value creation
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-08)Drawing on transaction cost theory and relational exchange theory, this dissertation examines the different performance effects of formal and relational governance mechanisms, project specific investments, and the interaction ... -
Measuring the effects of strategic change on safety in a high reliability organization
(Doctoral thesis, 2008)This study explores how strategic organizational change affects safety as an outcome variable in a high reliability organization (HRO). High reliability organizations are defined as organizations operating in high-risk ... -
Medvirkning : mer enn medvirkning : effekter av ulike medvirkningsformer
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-07)Formålet med avhandlingen har vært å bidra til økt kunnskap om relasjonen mellom ulike former for medvirkning og utfall av endringsprosjekter. For det første ønsket jeg å teste om det er hold i antakelsen om at ulike ... -
Three papers on evaluations : the "what if" in the evaluation of public programs
(Ph.D. thesis NHH, Doctoral thesis, 2010)SUMMARY: The “What if” in the evaluation of public programs: An appraisal of methodologies and practices Three papers on related topics concerning methodologies and practices of the evaluations of public ... -
Toppledelsens troverdighet ved kriser : en studie av legitimitetsprosesser ved Åsgard-overskridelsene og Åsta-ulykken
(Doctoral thesis, 2004-11)I denne avhandlingen settes søkelyset på hvordan symbolske sider ved toppledelsens respons på ulike kriser, påvirker deres legitimitet. Dette undersøkes gjennom to kvalitative case- studier: (1) Statoil i forbindelse med ...