Now showing items 488-507 of 1355

    • Generalization of age-structured bioeconomic models in theory and practice 

      Steinshamn, Stein Ivar (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-08)
      The harvesting functions and the stock dynamics in age-structured bioeconomic models are generalized in order to incorporate density dependence. Using this generalization anything from completely uniformly distributed fish ...
    • Geografiske konsentrasjoner av hovedkontorer : funksjoner, behov og eksterne effekter 

      Jakobsen, Stig-Erik; Onsager, Knut (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2002-09)
      Både i Norge og i andre vestlige land kan vi observere at hovedkontorene for de store selskapene er konsentrert til hovedstaden og andre storbyregioner. Hva er bakgrunnen for denne opphopningen og hvilke ringvirkninger ...
    • Geographical distribution of fish catches and temperature variations in the Northeast Atlantic since 1945 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-01)
      Warming of the northeast Atlantic is expected to affect the location and productivity of fish stocks. It is examined whether variations in catches of cod, herring, mackerel, anchovy and sardines in the ICES statistical ...
    • A geographical perspective on the natural gas supply industry in the United Kingdom 

      Chapman, Keith (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-11)
      Natural gas has, over the last 40 years, come to account for a substantial percentage of primary energy consumption (i.e. including inputs to electricity and heat generation) in the United Kingdom (UK). In 2002, this ...
    • The geography of rapid-growth firms : exploring the role and location of entrepreneurial ventures 

      Bastesen, Jarle; Vatne, Eirik (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-12)
      This paper reports from an ongoing study focused on Norwegian rapid-growth firms. It starts with a general discussion of the dynamics of firm growth and particularly on rapid-growth as an entrepreneurial achievement and ...
    • Gir forskningsstøtte til næringslivet økt forskningsinnsats? 

      Henningsen, Morten; Hægeland, Torbjørn; Møen, Jarle (Arbeidsnotat;05/12, Working paper, 2012-05)
      En lang rekke studier forsøker å estimere den såkalte addisjonaliteten til FoU-subsidier, det vil si i hvilken grad offentlig støtte til kommersiell forskning utløser eller fortrenger private investeringer. Dette er et ...
    • Gjeldsfinansiering av immaterielle investeringer 

      Berg, Merete Fiskvik; Bjugstad, Marit (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009-08)
      Denne utredningen omhandler gjeldsfinansiering av immaterielle investeringer. Hypotesen som ligger til grunn for arbeidet er at det er vanskelig å pantsette, og dermed lånefinansiere, slike investeringer. FoU antas å fungere ...
    • Gjenbruk av RPA i norske kommuner 

      Hjelset, Steinar; Ulfsten, Andreas (Report, 2018-08)
      I denne masterutredningen har vi ønsket å belyse forskningsspørsmålet: «hvordan kan RPA-løsninger utvikles og forvaltes for å muliggjøre gjenbruk på tvers av organisatoriske grenser?» Motivasjonen for dette er at den norske ...
    • Gjengangere på sykepenger 

      Dahl, Svenn-Åge; Hansen, Hans-Tore; Kvitastein, Olav Andreas (Rapport, Research report, 2003-10)
      Sykefraværet i Norge har i mange år vist en foruroligende utvikling. I denne rapporten retter vi søkelyset mot grunnen til at mange personer som blir friskmeldt ofte blir sykmeldt på nytt igjen. I litteraturen blir slike ...
    • Global economics and national politics 

      Hagen, Rune Jansen; Torsvik, Gaute (Working paper, Working paper, 2001-12)
      This paper contributes to the literature on the political economy of increased capital mobility. Two parties, one from the left and one from the right, compete for position. The election is to be held in the future and the ...
    • Global leadership development programs as a means to develop the social capital necessary for knowledge sharing in multinational enterprises 

      Espedal, Bjarne; Gooderham, Paul N.; Jordahl, Atle (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-09)
      This working paper explores if Global Leadership Development programs (GLD programs) can be a vehicle for developing the social capital of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) and ultimately enhance knowledge sharing across ...
    • The global market for tilapia : one or several 

      Norman-López, Ana; Bjørndal, Trond (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-05)
      Tilapia is one of the fastest growing aquaculture species in the world. It is produced and consumed in all continents and in more countries than most other species, making the market more heterogeneous than for other ...
    • Global markets - local competence? : internationalisation of the Norwegian petroleum industry 

      Vatne, Eirik (Working paper, Working paper, 2000-12)
      The first part of this paper summarise the regime of regulation of the Norwegian petroleum activities historically, describe the fairly successful results of this seed bed policy, and lastly the need to internationalise ...
    • Global warming : an univariate estimation of sea temperature data 

      Lorentzen, Torbjørn (Report, Research report, 2007-05)
      The report deals with detecting climate change in the sea waters off Norway. According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, the climate on earth is changing. The main cause is the combustion of fossil ...
    • Global warming and fish migrations 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-01)
      Ocean temperatures are expected to rise over the next decades. This is likely to affect the distribution of fish stocks between the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of different countries. Such changes are likely to be ...
    • Global warming stationarity in sea temperature data 

      Lorentzen, Torbjørn (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-06)
      According to the UN's Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), the earth's climate is already changing. The objective of the paper is to analyze how the average yearly sea temperature has evolved at two different ...
    • Globalization, industrial policy and clusters 

      Forslid, Rikard; Midelfart, Karen Helene (Report, Research report, 2001-12)
      This paper analyses industrial policy in a high wage open economy hosting an agglomeration consisting of vertically linked upstream and downstream firms. We show that optimal policy towards upstream industries typically ...
    • Globetrotterne : norsk økonomi i en verden med fri handel, arbeidsvandring og internasjonaliserte bedrifter 

      Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Norman, Victor D.; Orvedal, Linda; Tenold, Stig; Haaland, Jan Ingvald Meidell; Kind, Hans Jarle (Rapport, Research report, 2007-04)
      Denne rapporten belyser hvordan globaliseringen vil påvirke norsk næringsstruktur og utenrikshandel de neste 50 årene. Globalisering fører til at Norge vil stå overfor en helt ny utenriksøkonomi. De vestlige lands handel ...
    • De gode hjelperne - virkninger av utviklingen i Kina og India for norsk økonomi 

      Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Norman, Victor D.; Orvedal, Linda; Tenold, Stig; Haaland, Jan Ingvald Meidell; Kind, Hans Jarle (Rapport, Research report, 2006-10)
      Rapporten belyser hvordan den økonomiske utviklingen i Kina og India vil påvirke norsk økonomi de neste 50 årene – hva den betyr for konkurranseutsatt virksomhet, hvordan næringsstrukturen vil endres, hvor store gevinster ...
    • Good jobs, bad jobs and redistribution 

      Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Sandvik, Bjørn; Straume, Odd Rune (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-08)
      We analyse the question of optimal taxation in a dual economy, when the government is concerned about the distribution of labour income. Income inequality is caused by the presence of sunk capital investments, which creates ...