• Shared fish stocks and high seas issues 

      Bjørndal, Trond; Munro, Gordon R. (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-06)
      This paper gives an overview of the economics of the management of shared fish stocks. First the relatively simple case of transboundary fish stocks is considered, and then the more complex case of straddling fish stocks ...
    • Sharing of endogenous risk in construction 

      Olsen, Trond E.; Osmundsen, Petter (Report, Research report, 2000-10)
      Large and complex construction projects are often very risky; the total completion costs may be influenced by a range of unforeseen factors. The risk can be reduced, however, by careful planning ad specification of the ...
    • Sharing the herring : fish migrations, strategic advantage, and climate change 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-06)
      This paper analyzes the strategic options of Norway and other countries for which the stock of Norwegian spring spawning herring may be accessible. A cooperative solution would make all parties better off. In a cooperative ...
    • Sharing the Northeast Arctic cod : possible effects of climate change 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-10)
      The Northeast Arctic cod inhabits the exclusive economic zones of Norway and Russia and migrates extensively between these zones. The stock is shared evenly between the two countries, with a small allocation to third ...
    • Shipowning and foreign direct investment 

      Tenold, Stig (Working paper, Working paper, 2000-05)
      The working paper discusses some aspects of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of Norwegian shipowning companies. Initially, some aspects of the legal environment and Norwegian shipping FDI are surveyed. This is followed ...
    • Should auctioneers supply early information for prospective bidders? 

      Vagstad, Steinar (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-06)
      Consider an auction in wich potential bidders must sink an entry investment before learning their values (Levin and Smith, 1994). Suppose the auction designer can make the bidders learn their value before entry (as in ...
    • Should utility-reducing media advertising be taxed? 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Koethenbuerger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-03)
      Empirical evidence suggests that people dislike ads in media products like TV programs. In such situations standard economic theory prescribes that the advertising volume can be optimally reduced by levying a tax on ads. ...
    • A simplified feedback approach to optimal resource management 

      Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Steinshamn, Stein Ivar (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-09)
      Optimal exploitation of a renewable capital stock is derived as a feedback rule for a general dynamic optimisation problem with a single resource. By a feedback rule is meant that optimal exploitation is given as an explicit ...
    • Simulating the effects of an acquisition in the ferry market 

      Mathiesen, Lars; Sørgard, Lars (Report, Research report, 2000-09)
      Numerical models have been applied in several merger studies during the last decade. The purpose of this paper is to discuss some modelling issues that have not been addressed in detail in the existing literature on merger ...
    • Simulating the impacts of trade restrictions : an application to the European salmon trade 

      Jensen, Carsten Lynge; Asche, Frank; Aarset, Bernt (Working Paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2003-03)
      During the last decade there has been a number of conflicts in relation to the trade of salmon in the EU. A current agreement between Norway and the EU includes a voluntary minimum import price agreement for exporters. A ...
    • Simulation of production and sales planning in refinery operations 

      Bredström, David; Flisberg, Patrik; Rönnqvist, Mikael (Report, Research report, 2008-11)
      In this paper we discuss some computational experiments on simulating refinery operations. We compare an integrated approach with recursively solving a production planning and sales planning problem. We test two different ...
    • Sjødyr på beite eller eksklusiv fangst? : regulering og modeller for havbeite i den norske kystsonen 

      Aarset, Bernt (Rapport, Research report, 2005-02)
      Forskjeller mellom arter er viktigere innen havbeite enn i konvensjonelt oppdrett, ettersom artene må følge svingningene i naturen og artenes krav og forutsetninger. Havbeiteprosjektene nå er opptatt av å finne teknologiske ...
    • Sjøforsvarets betydning for den regionale maritime klyngen i Hordaland 

      Rusten, Grete; Ektvedt, Tone Marie; Osland, Ove (Rapport, Research report, 2004-09)
      På bakgrunn av den planlagte omorganiseringsprosessen i Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon (FLO) har Hordaland fylkeskommune, Innovasjon Norge, Bergen Næringsråd og Bergen Kommune tatt initiativ til å utrede hva slags betydning ...
    • Skill formation among vocational rehabilitation clients : public policy vs private incentives 

      Aakvik, Arild; Kjerstad, Egil (Working Paper, Working paper, 2002-04)
      In this paper we analyse individual vocational rehabilitation clients’ decisions to enter active training or not. Although the Government pays the direct costs of training, the composition of the total costs of training ...
    • Skipsfinansiering og norske rederiers multinasjonale virksomhet 

      Neteland, Bengt (Rapport, Research report, 2000-12)
      Denne utredningen er en del av forskningsprosjektet: ”Norske rederiers multinasjonale virksomhet”. Prosjektet har som hensikt å studere konsekvenser og sammensetningen av rederinæringens multinasjonale virksomhet generelt ...
    • Skjev eller bare hard? Økonomisk seleksjon i utider 

      Knudsen, Eirik Sjåholm; Lien, Lasse B. (Arbeidsnotat;52/13, Working paper, 2013-12)
      Økonomisk seleksjon foregår ved at bedrifter konkurrerer seg i mellom i et marked. Konkurransen mellom dem – konkurransekreftene – danner en seleksjonsmekanisme som bestemmer hvilke selskaper som overleverer og vokser, og ...
    • Slotting allowances and buy-back clauses 

      Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-02)
      In this paper we investigate some of the most frequent arguments for the use of slotting allowances. It has been claimed that slotting allowances can be profitability used to increase retail profits at the cost of increasing ...
    • Slotting allowances to coordinate manufacturers’ retail sales effort 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sand, Jan Yngve (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-07)
      Slotting allowances are fees paid by manufacturers to get access to retailers’ shelf space. Although the main attention towards slotting allowances has been within the grocery industry, slotting allowances have also been ...
    • Sluttevaluering av MarinVEST 

      Jakobsen, Stig-Erik; Aarset, Bernt; Rokkan, Aksel Ivar (Rapport, Research report, 2007-05)
      MarinVEST har inngått som et prosjekt i Arena-programmet, hvor Innovasjon Norge er operatør. På oppdrag fra MarinVEST har SNF gjennomført en sluttevaluering av dette prosjektet. Hovedprosjektet ble igangsatt på slutten av ...
    • Sluttevaluering av MåltidsArena 

      Drangsland, Kari Anne K.; Jakobsen, Stig-Erik (Rapport, Research report, 2008-06)
      Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning (SNF) har på oppdrag fra MåltidsArena og Innovasjon Norge utført en sluttevaluering av MåltidsArena. MåltidsArena ble gjennomført som et Arena-prosjekt i Rogaland i perioden 2005 til 2007. ...