Volatility on Oslo Stock Exchange : structural breakpoints in volatility using the ICSS algorithm
This thesis uses the Iterative Cumulative Sum of Squares (ICSS) algorithm (Inclán and Tiao,
1994) to search for structural breakpoints in volatility in the Norwegian stock market. I
analyze data both with the original method, and with a revised version by Bacmann and
Dubois (2001).
I also analyze the stock markets in the other Scandinavian countries, a European index, the
US stock market, the oil market and exchange rates. I then state tentative explanations for
the breakpoints.
I present a problem with the algorithm; the number of, and dating of breakpoints in a period
is dependent on the choice of time period. I also show that the algorithm has problems
discovering breaks occurring in the beginning or end of the time series. Through
simulations, I show that the algorithm almost always fails to discover the correct number of
breakpoints when there are several breaks quite close in time.