Forecasting German day-ahead electricity prices using multivariate time series models
Using a newly available dataset about the unavailability of power plants and the in-feed of
renewable energies to forecast day-ahead electricity prices at the German Power Exchange,
this work shows that the predictive power increases considerably when including
exogenous variables. While a similar univariate approach based on the year 2001 yielded a
Mean Absolute Percentage Error of 13.2%, the use of the presented variables improved the
forecasting error to 8.3%. Other findings of this work include that a model based on 24
individual time series produces smaller forecasting errors than one time series which
includes all consecutive hours, that the selection of the in-sample and out-of-sample
periods varies greatly between different works and that the use of OLS seems to be
underestimated in the existing forecasting literature for electricity prices.