Blar i The Choice Lab - Master thesis på tittel
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Hvordan stimulere til innsats? Inspirere eller insentivere? : en eksperimentell tilnærming
(Master thesis, 2016-09-02)Denne masteroppgaven har til hensikt å studere forskningsspørsmålet «Hvordan stimulere til innsats? Inspirere eller insentivere?». For å svare på dette forskningsspørsmålet har vi anvendt eksperimentell metode. Vi benyttet ... -
Is the household a constraint for female entrepreneurs in poor countries? : a field experiment in Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2012)This master’s thesis analyzes whether the household is a constraint on married female entrepreneurs, relative to male entrepreneurs. The research is based on an experiment conducted in Tanzania by NHH using PRIDE microfinance ... -
The evasion gamble : behavioural insights on tax compliance
(Master thesis, 2013)The thesis explores the insights from behavioural economic research for tax compliance. The theoretical model of tax evasion by Allingham and Sandmo (1972) is reviewed and then enriched with findings from research on ... -
The impact of information on female empowerment in low-income households in Kenya : a pilot study
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis studies how targeting cash transfers to women affects their empowerment under private and common information structures in low-income households in Kenya. It is based on a research project which consists of ... -
The impact of the classical microfinance contract on the poor entrepreneur : a field experiment on entrepreneurs in Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2012-06)This master thesis studies the impact of the classical repayment contract in microfinance, and whether the contract is constraining the investment behavior of the poor entrepreneur. To illuminate how the repayment contract ... -
Tiltrekker lav lønn bedre ledere?
(Master thesis, 2014)Formålet med denne utredningen har vært å forsøke å avdekke hvorvidt lavere lønnsnivå vil tiltrekke seg ledere som i gjennomsnitt har større tilbøyelighet for prososial adferd, enn hva høyt lønnsnivå vil gjøre. Dette er ... -
What makes people refuse to lie? : understanding pure lie aversion
(Master thesis, 2012)In this paper, I examine pure lie aversion in a controlled experiment. When both the liar and the person that is being lied to benefits from the lie, why do some people still refuse to lie? I use treatments to capture pure ...