Finding terminology in Norwegian newspapers
Original version
SYNAPS - A Journal of Professional Communication 26(2013)Abstract
This paper presents findings from an on-going study of the use of anglicisms, in particular terminology, evident in Norwegian newspapers that can be related to the financial crisis of 2007-2010. Examples of such anglicisms are for instance credit crunch, subprime, hedge funds, and a set of financial instruments such as collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) and contract for difference (CFDs). A central aim of the study is to see whether English terms are maintained in the Norwegian news articles, something which may indicate domain loss, or whether new Norwegian terminology is formed.
The overall aim of the study is to explore how the Norwegian newspaper corpus may be used as a source of terminological information in addition to more traditional sources such textbooks, domain-specific reports or public information available on the internet.
In the paper I first present the background for the study. Next, the methodology will be briefly outlined and then I will provide some findings and examples from the analysis. Finally, I will draw some conclusions and present future perspectives.