Employing deep learning for stock return prediction on the Oslo Stock Exchange : a comprehensive test of deep learning models for predictive purposes and applicability to trading
Master thesis
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- Master Thesis [4515]
We predict daily out-of sample directional movements of the constituent stocks of the Oslo
Stock Exchange Benchmark Index (OSEBX) using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) net
works, benchmarked against other machine learning and econometric techniques. Our results
unambiguously show that the LSTM model outperforms all benchmark models in terms of pre
dictive performance. When testing simple long trading strategies utilizing the predictions, we
find that the LSTM model outperform all other methods with a Sharpe ratio of 3.25 prior to
transaction costs from 1999 - 2017. In comparison, the OSEBX had a Sharpe ratio of 0.30 over
the same period. We find that the LSTM model seems to follow a short-term mean-reversion
strategy. While seeing somewhat diminishing excess returns in the last years, the excess returns
are still present in the three latest years, which differs from similar studies on other indexes
where the excess returns have been found to be absent in recent years. When total transaction
costs are implemented we see that the excess returns are lost in the bid-ask spread. Training the
model on spread-adjusted returns and imposing advanced strategies leads to a modest Sharpe
ratio of 0.37 over the whole period. Even though the trading performance after total transaction
costs is not statistically significant better than the OSEBX, we see that LSTM networks have
predictive properties that can make it a great tool and complement to other trading strategies.