Now showing items 2481-2500 of 8341

    • 8 - Vodka Sales 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Others, 2007-10-09)
      Topic: Time series analysis and prediction Context: A wholesale dealer of liquor has on record the sales each month of a certain brand of vodka for the period of July 2001 - June 2004. The data is available in the ...
    • 12 - Cashier Fraud 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Working paper, 2007-10-13)
      Topic: Variation and extremes Context : This case deals with cashier fraud at a supermarket, involv¬ing so-called “return money” when the cashiers have to correct errors. The supermarket in question has 16 cashiers, ...
    • 5 - Minced Meat 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Others, 2007-10-06)
      Topic: Statistical Process Control Context: A slaughterhouse has initiated a program to implement quality management ideas at their production facility. Among others, this means an effort to keep all their processes ...
    • 14 - Operating Expenses 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Others, 2007-10-15)
      Topic: Multidimensional categorical and numerical variables - association and explanation A civil service operates throughout the state and has a number of cars. Purchasing and maintenance are decentralized to 6 ...
    • 19 - Hospital Expenses 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Others, 2007-10-20)
      Topic: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Context: A county wants to look into a specific type of costs at three of its regional hospitals. The last three years the average cost per patient day of stay, adjusted for ...
    • 1 - Drum Costs 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Others, 2007-10-02)
      Topic: Linear fit Context: A developer of oil fields makes extensive use of drums of various sizes and specifications. For project cost estimation they need rough estimates of their costs. As an alternative to looking ...
    • 2 - Coding Errors 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Others, 2007-10-03)
      Topic: Two-sample binomial counts Context: Many jobs involve entering codes into an information system. In order to avoid rework, confusion and trouble, the codes have to be memorized and remembered correctly. This ...
    • 15 - City Parking 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Others, 2007-10-16)
      Topic: Estimation with confidence, t-tests Context: The city parking company of Bergen, Norway had in the period 1983-1988 two shifts for emptying the parking meters and ticket machines. The two shifts were alternating ...
    • 20 - Customer Satisfaction 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Working paper, 2007-10-21)
      Topics: Possible methods of analysis are: Cross tabulation - chisquare tests Analysis of variance Regression analysis Factor analysis Discriminant analysis Cluster analysis Context: For producers of ...
    • 4 - Accident Risks 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Others, 2007-10-05)
      Topic: Frequency counts, risk analysis Context: Many companies and organizations observe and keep records of work accidents or some other unwanted event over time, and report the numbers monthly, quarterly or yearly. ...
    • Corporate returns to subsidized R&D projects: Direct grants vs tax credit financing 

      Møen, Jarle (Discussion paper;9/18, Working paper, 2018-05-31)
      According to theory, direct R&D grants should be used for projects with low private returns, high social returns and high risk. R&D tax credits, on the other hand, allow firms to choose projects freely according to their ...
    • Matched on job qualities? Single and coupled parents in European comparison 

      Esser, Ingrid; Olsen, Karen Modesta (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)
    • Missing Work is a Pain: The Effect of Cox-2 Inhibitors on Sickness Absence and Disability Pension Receipt 

      Buetikofer, Aline; Skira, Meghan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      How does medical innovation affect labor supply? We analyze how the availability of Cox-2 inhibitors, pharmaceuticals used for treating pain and inflammation, affected the sickness absence and disability pension receipt ...
    • A Multilevel Analysis of the Use of Individual Pay-for-Performance Systems 

      Gooderham, Paul N.; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Croucher, Richard; Brookes, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-21)
      Compensation systems, such as individualized pay-for-performance (I-PFP) schemes for employees, represent an important approach to aligning employer-employee interests. However, the adoption of I-PFP is much less common ...
    • Ambiguity Attitudes in the Loss Domain: Decisions for Self versus Others. 

      Xu, Yilong; Xu, Xiaogeng; Tucker, Peter (DP SAM;11/2018, Working paper, 2018-05)
      We study whether people’s ambiguity attitudes differ when deciding for themselves or for others in the loss domain. We find no differences in ambiguity attitudes between self- and other-regarding decision-making. Our results ...
    • Relational Contracting, Negotiation, and External Enforcement 

      Miller, David; Olsen, Trond E.; Watson, Joel (Discussion paper;8/18, Working paper, 2018-05-18)
      We study relational contracting and renegotiation in environments with external enforcement of long-term contractual arrangements. An external, long-term contract governs the stage games the contracting parties will play ...
    • The (un)compromise effect 

      Ekström, Mathias (DP SAM;10/2018, Working paper, 2018-05)
      The compromise effect—i.e., the preference for the middle option—is an established bias in behavioral economics, but has not been experimentally validated in the field. In the current study I test the compromise effect ...
    • Terminologische Datenbanken als Verstehens- und Formulierungshilfe beim Übersetzen von Rechtstexten 

      Simonnæs, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The present article discusses the challenges in constructing a legal terminological database (LTDB) on the basis of Norsk-Tysk juridisk ordbok (Norwegian-German legal dictionary, Simonnæs, 1994). As each legal system is ...
    • Matematikk og statistikk som metodefag ved NHH: De første femti år 

      Lillestøl, Jostein (Discussion paper;7/18, Working paper, 2018-05-15)
      Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over utviklingen av matematikk og statistikk som metodefag i studiene ved Norges Handelshøyskole, fra starten i 1936 og 50 år framover til omlag 1986. Spesiell vekt er lagt på perioder da ...
    • The Role of Parenthood on the Gender Gap among Top Earners 

      Bütikofer, Aline; Jensen, Sissel; Salvanes, Kjell G. (DP SAM;9/2018, Working paper, 2018-04)
      Is the wage penalty due to motherhood larger among highly qualified women? In this paper, we study the effect of parenthood on the careers of high-achieving women relative to high-achieving men in a set of high-earning ...