Now showing items 3481-3500 of 8342

    • A specialized parallel corpus of English and Spanish Free Trade Agreements for the study of specialized collocations 

      Patiño, Pedro (Journal article, 2011)
      This paper describes the Corpus of Free Trade Agreements (henceforth FTA), a specialized parallel corpus in English and Spanish from Europe and America that is being prepared and aligned with Translation Corpus Aligner 2 ...
    • LSP Translation and Creativity 

      Rogers, Margaret (Journal article, 2011)
      Specialised or LSP translation is often compared unfavourably with literary translation in terms of the creative input required from the translator to produce a „good‟ translation. The supposed formulaic nature of LSP texts ...
    • Law, language and culture A survey of an intricate interconnection 

      Sunde, Jørn Øyrehagen (Journal article, 2012)
      The Norwegian king between 1299 and 1319 hence claimed in the preamble that Roman and Canon law had been harmful for the realm, and the laws to be observed by the inhabitants were those made by St. Olaf and his descendants ...
    • Translation and corpus design 

      Zanettin, Federico (Journal article, 2011)
      In this article I discuss the role of translated texts in different types of corpora. I first consider the role of translations in corpus-based monolingual linguistics, arguing that while translated texts are often excluded ...
    • The Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union: Purpose and activities 

      Fontenelle, Thierry (Journal article, 2011)
      The Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union was established in 1994 to meet the translation needs of the other decentralized Community agencies. It also participates in the Interinstitutional Committee for ...
    • En translatørs hverdag 

      Ferguson, Douglas (Journal article, 2011)
      In this article, I attempt to give an impression of what translators actually do – who buys our services and what kinds of texts we actually translate. Through examples I have endeavoured to illustrate the type of challenges ...
    • Evaluation of alternative association measures for extraction of terminology based on a large Norwegian corpus 

      Andersen, Gisle (Journal article, 2011)
      Multiword expressions are words that co-occur so often that they are perceived as a linguistic unit (Stubbs 2007). Identifying them correctly is important for a variety of tasks within terminology, lexicography and language ...
    • Bilingualism and Translation Competence 

      Lörscher, Wolfgang (Journal article, 2012)
      In translation studies it is sometimes assumed that bilinguals take a specific approach to translations and/or are in possession of a special competence for translating. In my research project aspects of bilingualism and ...
    • Business communication: Mapping a road for the future 

      Charles, Mirjaliisa (Journal article, 2011)
      This is a state-of-the-art paper which explores the challenges that the rapidly developing business world presents to language and communication researchers and teachers. It suggests a way forward in cooperation with ...
    • Communicating about climate change: Linguistic analysis of climate texts 

      Dahl, Trine (Journal article, 2011)
      That climate change is happening and that it is human-induced are well-established facts in the international scientific community. Research-based knowledge about why and how the climate changes emanates from various natural ...
    • The formation of legal terms: a case study 

      Roald, Jan; Whittaker, Sunniva (Journal article, 2011)
      In recent years, the focus in terminology research has shifted from normative and descriptive studies to more explanatory studies, dealing with how and why new terms are formed. The present study falls within this trend. ...
    • Legal terminology: On intelligibility and strategies for dissemination 

      Engberg, Jan (Journal article, 2013)
      The aim of the chapter is to study the concept of paraphrase developed by Simonnæs for describing textual elements directed at non-experts in court decisions and intended to give insight into the legal argumentation of the ...
    • Juristen och Språket 

      Laurén, Christer (Journal article, 2013)
      This essay is a study of giving rules and laws to people in Finland-and perhaps elsewhere-who wished how to behave. It starts with Old-Norse rules and goes to Modern times. A focus has been located on the multilingualism ...
    • Plain German viewed from the perspective of specialized communication studies 

      Schubert, Klaus (Journal article, 2013)
      In German public administration, attempts are regularly made to introduce and maintain plain language in all communication with the public, as expressed by the German term bürgernahe Sprache, which can be translated as ...
    • The Critical Element of Critical Discourse Analysis 

      Fjørtoft, Marte Reenskaug (Journal article, 2013)
      This paper is a discussion and presentation of the critical element of critical discourse analysis. To denote something as ‘critical’ can be seen as a desire to indicate that certain linguistic/discursive studies are ...
    • A critical discussion of Hofstede’s concept of Power Distance 

      Ly, Annelise (Journal article, 2013)
      The aim of the paper is to critically describe and discuss the concept of power distance developed by Hofstede. It is divided into two parts: the first one focuses on the definition and discusses its extent and its ...
    • El papel de la lengua especializada y la terminología en la comunicación y la documentación profesionales de empresas 

      Våge, Ole (Journal article, 2012)
      This article explores the role of languages of special purposes (LSP) and terminology in professional communication and documentation in businesses. Different communication models (Hoffmann 1985; Cassany 2004; Roelke 2010 ...
    • (In)directness – Distance or Proximity? 

      Rygg, Kristin (Journal article, 2012)
      The terms distance and proximity are not only linked to nonverbal space but also to verbal (in)directness and politeness theories. In this article, I examine what linguistic and rhetorical devices are used to express ...
    • Funciones de las subordinadas adverbiales impropias en el español conversacional argentino: Análisis gramatical y pragmático 

      Sandvei, Beate (Journal article, 2013)
      This article, which is a slightly revised version of the trial lecture for my PhD degree, presents the results of a corpus-based analysis of causal, final, conditional and concessive adverbial clauses in conversational ...
    • The interdisciplinary concept of translational intertextuality, illustrated on the basis of LSP text networks 

      Baumann, Klaus-Dieter (Journal article, 2013)
      Since the late 1980s, a tendency towards interdisciplinary analysis strategies in the field of linguistics in general, and more particularly in the field of LSP research, has become apparent. Depending on the subject matter ...