Browsing NHH Brage by Title
Now showing items 6272-6291 of 8637
R & D investment responses to R & D subsidies : a theoretical analysis and a microeconometric study
(Discussion paper;2011:15, Working paper, 2011-09)Subsidies to the Norwegian high-tech industries have traditionally been given as matching grants , i.e. the subsidies are targeted, and the firms have to contribute a 50 % own risk capital to the subsidized projects. ... -
R&D and strategic industrial location in international oligopolies
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-03) -
R&D and strategic industrial location in international oligopolies
(Working Paper, Working paper, 2005-12)In a spatial economy where Oligopolist firms compete in R&D, it is found that geography affects the innovative behaviour of firms. Notably, international differences in market size conduce to endogenous asymmetries between ... -
R&D intensity and intangible assets effect on capital structure : an empirical analysis of the it services industry
(Master thesis, 2019)In the 21st century, firms aim to meet consumer preferences in an absurdly rapid manner with new technological products and solutions. Innovation from R&D investments has become increasingly important to meeting this ... -
R&D investment responses to R&D subsidies : a theoretical analysis and a microeconometric study
(Working paper, Working paper, 2010-08)Whereas many countries subsidize R&D in private companies through tax credits, subsidies to the Norwegian high-tech industries have traditionally been given as matching grants, i.e. the subsidies are targeted, and the firms ... -
R&D investments with competitive interactions
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002)In this article we develop a model to analyze patent-protected R&D investment projects when there is (imperfect) competition in the development and marketing of the resulting product. The competitive interactions that occur ... -
R&D policies, trade and process innovation
(Working paper, Working paper, 2004-11)We set up a simple trade model with two countries hosting one firm each. The firms invest in cost-reducing R&D, and each government may grant R&D subsidies to the domestic firm. We show that it is optimal for a government ... -
R&D policies, trade and process innovation
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-11)We set up a simple trade model with two countries hosting one firm each. The firms invest in cost-reducing R&D, and each government may grant R&D subsidies to the domestic firm. We show that it is optimal for a government ... -
R&D, strategic investment and multinational choice
(Working paper, Working paper, 2005-06)We analyse the influence of strategic R&D investment on the firms’ mode of foreign expansion: export versus multinational. Strategic investment allows a firm, not only to improve its own level of productive efficiency (as ... -
The (R)Evolution of Financing the Green Transition : An empirical study on green innovation efforts and how investors can accelerate the clean energy transition
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of the thesis is to investigate whether the current momentum of responsible investment approaches, hereunder the increasing adoption of excluding energy firms from investment portfolios, is the most efficient ... -
Race to Return: An Event Study of Race Performance and Share Price Reactions
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis investigates the relationship between race performance in Formula One and the immediate stock price reaction of the companies involved. Using event study and regression analysis, we examine the effect of race ... -
Racial discrimination in the sharing economy : evidence from online experiments
(Master thesis, 2018)Racial discrimination in the sharing economy is a topic drawing increasing attention. The short-term rental company Airbnb implemented several initiatives aiming to limit discrimination on its platform. Yet, it did not ... -
Rags and Riches: Relative Prices, Non-Homothetic Preferences, and Inequality in India
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)It is well known that consumption patterns change with income. Relative price changes would therefore affect rich and poor consumers differently. Yet, the standard price indices are not income-specific, and hence, they ... -
Raising rivals’ costs or improving efficiency? : an exploratory study of managers’ views on backward integration in the grocery market
(Working paper;2017:5, Working paper, 2017-06)Large retail grocery chains’ backward integration into distribution, procurement and production is controversial, and has received a lot of attention by both policymakers and market players. If a large retail chain for ... -
Rammebetingelsenes innvirkning på kapitalforvaltningen i livsforsikringsselskaper og pensjonskasser
(Master thesis, 2006-05-14)Livsforsikringsselskaper og pensjonskasser er underlagt strenge regler. Loven krever blant annet at kundene gis en årlig rentegaranti, at det er en årlig overskuddsdeling samt at kundene gis flytterett. I livselskapet er ... -
Rammevilkårskorrigering ved ulike modellspesifiseringer i DEA : en videre studie av hvordan ulike modellspesifiseringer i DEA påvirker kompensasjon for rammevilkår i reguleringen av norske nettselskap
(Master thesis, 2020)Norges Vassedrags- og Energidirektorat (NVE) regulerer nettselskapene, da disse er naturlige monopolister. Nettselskapene tildeles inntektsrammer som fastsettes ved hjelp av dataomhyllingsanalyse (DEA, engelsk Data ... -
Rapid-growth firms in Norway: Characteristics of growth factors in benign and adverse environments.
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-09) -
Rapporteres det tilstrekkelig noteinformasjon om nedskrivning av goodwill og immaterielle eiendeler med ubestemt utnyttbar levetid etter IAS 36? En studie av praksis i den norske petroleumssektoren
(Master thesis, 2023)IAS 36 er IFRS-standarden som regulerer hvordan foretak skal gi opplysninger om nedskrivningsvurderinger for goodwill og immaterielle eiendeler. Undersøkelser viser at slike opplysninger anses som svært viktige for ... -
Rapportering av mistenkelige transaksjoner i banker : hva påvirker bankansattes beslutning om å rapportere?
(Master thesis, 2019)Hvitvasking er en trussel og et alvorlig samfunnsproblem da det gir kriminelle mulighet til å profittere på ulovlige handlinger. Hvitvasking gjennomføres stort sett ved misbruk av bankvesenet. Bankenes rapportering av ... -
Rapportering fra pilot-studier
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2005)Bakgrunnen for dette notatet er et prosjekt finansiert av Kommunal– og regionaldepartementet. Siktemålet med prosjektet er å studere effektivitet og effektivitetsutvikling innenfor sentrale kommunale og fylkeskommunale ...