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Callable risky perpetual debt : options, pricing and bankruptcy implications
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-01-05)Issuances of perpetual risky debt are often motivated by capital requirements for financial institutions. However, observed market practice indicates that actual maturity equals first possible call date. We analyze callable ... -
Callable risky perpetual debt with protection period
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Issuances in the USD 260 Bn global market of perpetual risky debt are often motivated by capital requirements for financial institutions. We analyze callable risky perpetual debt emphasizing an initial protection (‘grace’) ... -
Can a mixed health care system be desirable on equity grounds ?
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-02)Should health care provision be public, private, or both? We look at this question in a setting where people differ in their earnings capacity and face some illness risk. We assume that illness reduces a person's time ... -
Can a proactive approach to environmental challenges prove a competitive advantage in the maritime industry? : the case of the Wilh. Wilhelmsen Group and the car carrier industry
(Master thesis, 2009)Services offered by the world’s ship owners and maritime transportation companies have made free trade possible, and along with the developments in movements of goods across world markets there has been a significant ... -
Can a warmer climate save northern agriculture?
(Working Paper, Working paper, 2004-05)Agriculture at high latitudes is expected to be the main beneficiary of a man-made climate change. A numerical model, using Norway as a case, is employed to analyze the impacts of a warmer climate on northern agriculture. ... -
Can an Emission Trading Scheme really reduce CO2 emissions in the short term? Evidence from a maritime fleet composition and deployment model
(Discussion paper;10/18, Working paper, 2018-06-27)Global warming has become one of the most popular topics on this planet in the past decades, since it is the challenge that needs the efforts from the whole mankind. Maritime transportation, which carries more than 90% of ... -
Can an influential and responsible investor indeed be influential through responsible investments? Evidence from a $1 trillion fund
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Can brands have superheroes? : a study investigating the effects of brand alliances with superhero characters on the evaluation of the host brand
(Master thesis, 2017)Despite the growing popularity of brand alliances, there has been a fairly low amount of research regarding this strategy if compared to others, such as brand extensions. Additionally, there is an increasing trend of ... -
Can competition reduce quality?
(Discussion paper;9/2012, Working paper, 2012-03)We study the effect of competition on quality in markets such as health care, long-term care and education, when providers choose both prices and quality in a setting of spatial competition. We offer a novel mechanism ... -
Can default options lead to credit card default? : an empirical analysis of the effect of altered default options on credit card repayment behavior in Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)The aim of this thesis is to study the effect on repayment behavior of a regulation imposed on all Norwegian credit card issuing institutions in 2017. The intervention involved changing the invoice default option from ... -
Can demand response help reduce future distribution grid investments? : an economic study of peak shaving in the Norwegian distribution grid: SEMIAH pilot in Engene, Sørlandet (Southern Norway)
(Master thesis, 2017)Steady increases in the number of new electronic devices and electrification of existing technologies, such as electric vehicles, are creating new challenges in the electrical grid. Electrification creates a higher demand ... -
Can entrepreneurial skills be taught? : experimental evidence from young Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2014)In this paper we are interested in measuring the impact of a business training program held in Dar es Salaam as a partnership between the Norwegian School of Economics and the University of Dar es Salaam Entrepreneurship ... -
Can European unicorns defend the high valuations? : a challenge of the post-money valuation approach
(Master thesis, 2018)We apply a DCF-based R-model on a sample of 12 European unicorns to show that postmoney valuations overstate the fair value of VC-backed companies. At best, the initial result suggests that the majority of the sample is ... -
Can exclusive territories limit strategic location downstream?
(Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-04)Research on spatial price discrimination demonstrates that strategic (off center) location choices by downstream firms can increase downstream profit and reduce both the profit of an upstream monopoly and social welfare. ... -
Can experimental translation studies offer something to practising translators?
(Journal article, 2008)This paper looks at the potential implications of experimental translation research to practising translators. The paper begins by a short introduction of the methods used in data elicitation. Some of the findings ... -
Can Female Doctors Cure the Gender STEMM Gap? Evidence From Exogenously-Assigned General Practitioners.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Can Female Doctors Cure the Gender STEMM Gap? Evidence from Randomly Assigned General Practitioners
(DP SAM;18/2019, Working paper, 2019-10)We use random assignment of general practitioners (GPs) to provide the first evidence on the effects of female role models in childhood on the long-run educational outcomes of girls. We find that girls who are exposed to ... -
Can land reform be an effective approach to alleviate poverty and inequality in Nepal?
(Working paper, Working paper, 2009-09)Land is the main source of income and consumption for the Nepalese people. This study analyses the economic relationship between access to land and poverty in Nepal by establishing the link between land and consumption as ... -
Can LAW be justified to prevent financial instability? A cost-benefit analysis of leaning against the wind (LAW) in Norway : Evidence from a Bayesian VAR model
(Master thesis, 2022)Since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, there has been an ongoing debate about how central banks can prevent future financial crises by mitigating the build-up of financial imbalances. We analyse the effect of incorporating ... -
Can leading indicators be used to predict the demand for sea borne dry bulk activity in the Far East
(Master thesis, 2006)Sea borne dry cargo freight demand has in resent years caused high volatility in earnings for dry bulk shipping companies. Much of this derives from the development in the Far East. In this paper we test if some specific ...