Browsing NHH Brage by Title
Now showing items 2667-2686 of 8640
Face-saving or fair-minded : what motivates moral behavior?
(Discussion paper;5/2013, Working paper, 2013-02)We study the relative importance of intrinsic moral motivation and extrinsic social motivation in explaining behavior in the dictator game. We introduce a novel design that manipulates these two dimensions. The paper ... -
Facilitating & inhibiting effects of comparative & non-comparative advertising on recall of competing brands
(Master thesis, 2010)This research examines the role played by comparative and non comparative advertising formats on recall inhibition of competing brands in a product category. Category characteristics of open (awareness of multiple brands) ... -
Facilitating innovation in an ecosystem :an exploratory case study
(Master thesis, 2019)This study has examined the research question; In what way can the establishment of an ecosystem facilitate innovation in the construction and real estate industry? by conducting an exploratory case study of a recently ... -
Facing the crowd : an assessment of credit quality in crowdlending platform portfolios
(Master thesis, 2018)Crowdlending is a new form of lending, where platforms act as intermediaries between borrowers and lenders. The industry is gaining traction across Europe and the US. However, there has been little research into this ... -
Factor Momentum in the U.S. and Norwegian Markets : An emprical study investigating momentum in factor returns using stock data of the U.S. and Norwegian markets
(Master thesis, 2023)Factors exhibit momentum as strong as that in individual stocks. Importantly, momentum in factor returns has strong and robust predictive power for future performance of factors. This thesis finds that the impact of ... -
Factors affecting the probability of bankruptcy: a panel data approach
(Master thesis, 2015)This paper investigates the importance of firm-specific factors in determining or explaining bankruptcy. By studying Norwegian firms from the period 2005-2012, we are able to examine this using binary regression models. ... -
Factors determining the performance of private equity funds : a litterature review and an empirical study of the effects of industrial and geographical specialization
(Report, Research report, 2007-08)The purpose of this report is to explore factors determining the performance of private equity (PE) funds. The first part of the report discusses performance measurement in the PE industry and reviews literature aiming at ... -
Factors influencing the adoption of self-service technologies : a study of the benefits and risks of self-service technologies and trust beliefs of service providers
(Master thesis, 2016)Self-service technologies (SSTs) are largely introduced and promoted to replace traditional service encounters and researchers have been investigating the influencers of SST adoption. This paper incorporates the fresh ... -
Factors influencing the willingness to pay for insurance in Norway : An empirical study of the willingness to pay for small insurance contracts
(Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of this study is to investigate how the choice of deductible, degree of risk aversion and the level of income influence the willingness to pay for small insurance contracts in Norway. We use data from a ... -
Fagbevegelsen i et nytt århundre
(Lecture, 2001) -
Fagbokforlaget : an offshoring case study
(Master thesis, 2011)This thesis is written as part of Master’s degree of Science in Economics and Business Administration at the Norwegian School of Economics. Inspiration for this thesis came when attending a course in Outsourcing and ... -
Fagkunnskap og fagspraklig kompetanse - to sider av samme sak?
(Journal article, 2001)There seems to be a growing tendency in Norway to regard English as sufficient means of communication, not only internationally, but also in Norwegian trade and industry. -
Fagkunnskap og språkkunnskap. Uatskillelige eller lykkelig separert? - Om oversettelse av juridisk materiale
(Journal article, 1998)Feiltolkning av kildeteksten, til dels alvorlige misforståelser, som nok skyldes at oversetteren helt klart ikke hadde forstått det han/hun oversatte. Dette var kanskje den alvorligste typen feil. Terminologiske feil ... -
Faglig grunnlag for pilot-studier
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2005)Bakgrunnen for dette notatet er et prosjekt finansiert av Kommunal– og regionaldepartementet. Siktemålet med prosjektet er å studere effektivitet og effektivitetsutvikling innenfor sentrale kommunale og fylkeskommunale ... -
Fagoversettelse: Språkkunnskap uten fagkunnskap
(Journal article, 1998)The patron saint of translators – Saint Jerome (Eusebias Hieronymus Sophronius) – recommended that "a translator should lead an ascetic life and remain single, the actual job occupying so much of his time and attention ... -
Fagsrpåklig leksigrafi og terminografi: Eit komplementært perspektiv
(Journal article, 2001)The paper takes its point of departure in a scrutiny of the defining characteristics of LSP lexicography and tenninography, respectively, and of some of the claims made on behalf of either collapsing or distinguishing ... -
Fagteksting som utfordring
(Journal article, 1998)Teksting er en svært krevende form for oversettelse, og utfordringene kan være nokså varierte. Det er i særklasse den mest benyttede form for fjernsyns- og filmoversettelse i de nordiske landene. Hovedgrunnen til at man ... -
Failing to Follow the Rules: Can Imprisonment Lead to More Imprisonment Without More Actual Crime?
(SAM DP;03/2022, Working paper, 2022-03)We find that people involved in low-level crime receiving a prison sentence are more likely than those with non-prison sentences to be re-imprisoned due to technical violations of parole, rather than due to new crimes. We ... -
Fair advice
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)