Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Nilsen, Øivind Anti"
A note on upward pricing pressure : the possibility of false positives
Mathiesen, Lars; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Sørgard, Lars (Discussion paper;11/2012, Working paper, 2012-05)Farrell and Shapiro proposed a simple test of the possible upward pricing pressure (UPP) following a merger. They showed that the test may give false negatives, that is, indicate that a merger may not give an UPP, while ... -
A note on upward pricing pressure: the possibility of false positives
Mathiesen, Lars; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Sørgard, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Joseph Farrell and Carl Shapiro proposed a simple test of the possible upward pricing pressure (UPP) following a merger. They showed that the test may give false negatives—that is, indicate that a merger may not give an ... -
The air passenger tax : an empirical analysis of the effect of the air passengers tax on air-traffic volumes for domestic routes in Norway
Blandkjenn, Fabian; Wilhelmsen, Christoffer (Master thesis, 2020)This master’s thesis seeks to analyse the effect of the Air Passenger Tax, introduced by the Norwegian government in 2016 on all flights departing a Norwegian airport. The future of the Air Passenger Tax is of current ... -
Competition in the Norwegian Mortgage Market: Use of Diversion Ratios to Investigate the Competitive Proximity between DNB and Sparebanken Vest
Dahle, Ingrid Rage; Ellefsen, Martine Listou (Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis, we use an empirical approach to investigate which implications a potential merger between DNB and Sparebanken Vest will have on the competitive situation in the mortgage market and if there are any distinctions ... -
Competitive aspects of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation’s (NRK) radio services : advertising and diversity in a two-sided radio market
Haugen, Atle; Lien, Gjermund (Master thesis, 2016)There has been an ongoing debate in Norway on how the state-owned, commercial-free broadcaster, NRK, influences commercial agents in different media markets. Up to this point, little research has been done on NRK’s impact ... -
Consequences of competition and proximity on the stability in banking : are there cyclical tendencies in risk taking, through distant lending, in the corporate loan market in Norway?
Haagensen, Oda Haugen; Sørlie, Ragnhild Vetrhus (Master thesis, 2019)In this thesis, we attempt to provide evidence on how competition in the corporate loan market in Norway affects banks´ risk taking, and hence the financial stability, through distant lending over the business cycle. We ... -
Det lave rentenivået – implikasjoner for pengepolitikken : en gjennomgang av hvilke utfordringer verdens sentralbanker står overfor i et lavrentemiljø
Vikse, Andreas (Master thesis, 2017)De rekordlave rentene har vært en stor utfordring for verdens sentralbanker de siste årene. Hovedgrunnen har vært at styringsrentene har befunnet seg faretruende nære den nedre grensen for sentralbankers rentesetting. ... -
Dyrevelferd og lønnsomhet
Skreddernes, Nikolai; Tveten, Åsmund (Master thesis, 2022)I de siste årene har oppmerksomheten rundt dyrevelferd i norsk landbruk økt. Allikevel er det ikke gjennomført studier i Norge som undersøker om god dyrevelferd er lønnsomt for bøndene. Dette kan knyttes til utfordringer ... -
Economic Uncertainty and Norwegian Producer Prices : An empirical study of the relationship between uncertainty and producer prices in Norway with evidence from Norwegian PPI data in the period of 2005 - 2016
Silver, Philip Anthony Løseth; Stavenes, Aleksander Leikvoll (Master thesis, 2021)In this study, we investigate the relationship between uncertainty and the price-setting of production companies. To investigate this, we use micro-data underlying the Norwegian Producer Price Index ranging from 2005-2016. ... -
The Effect of Uncertainty on Investment Empirical evidence from listed Norwegian firms 2005-2018
Grytnes, Kasper Christian; Sommerseth, Lasse Kvalnes (Master thesis, 2022)The relationship between uncertainty and investment is an extensively explored topic in economic and financial literature. Regardless, the dramatic events of recent years have reinvigorated the need to garner a greater ... -
The effects of fiscal policy in a small, open economy : a structural VAR analysis of fiscal shocks in Norway employing sign restrictions
Molumby, Thomas; Skjæveland, Arne (Master thesis, 2020)This thesis investigates how fiscal policy affects output (GDP) in a small, open economy. The analysis utilizes data on Mainland GDP, government spending and taxes in Norway from 1978 to 2017. In order to identify and ... -
Electricity Prices, River Temperatures and Cooling Water Scarcity
McDermott, Grant; Nilsen, Øivind Anti (Discussion Papers;18/2011, Working paper, 2011-09)Thermal-based power stations rely on water for cooling purposes. These water sources may be subject to incidents of scarcity, environmental regulations and competing economic concerns. This paper analyses the effect of ... -
Employment changes, the structure of adjustment costs, and plant size
Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Salvanes, Kjell Gunnar; Schiantarelli, Fabio (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-11)In this paper we analyze the pattern of employment adjustment using a rich panel of Norwegian plants. The data suggest that the frequency of episodes of zero net employment changes is inversely related to plant size. We ... -
Financing constraints and firms' investment activities
Nilsen, Øivind Anti (Doctoral thesis, 1998) -
Forecasting the Price of Aluminium Using Machine Learning : Empirical comparison of machine learning and statistical methods.
Mysen, Stina Johanne; Thornton, Elisabeth Marie (Master thesis, 2021)This thesis challenges statistical methods for forecasting aluminium's 3-month futures contract price with a machine learning technique. The goal is to find the superior model with a one-month horizon. The first model ... -
Gender differences in early retirement behaviour
Dahl, Svenn-Åge; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Vaage, Kjell (Working Paper, Working paper, 2002-05)In this paper we analyse early retirement for men and women focusing on family characteristics such as marital status, spouse income and wealth, and spouses' labour market status. The female participation rate is high in ... -
Hva kjennetegner en inntektseffektiv produksjon av melk og storfekjøtt?
Lenning, Monica Ilstad; Moland, Kathrine (Master thesis, 2016)Formålet med denne utredningen er å finne kjennetegn ved en inntektseffektiv produksjon av melk og storfekjøtt i Norge. Næringen har vært gjennom store endringer de siste årene. Blant annet er antallet produsenter kraftig ... -
Identifying adjustment costs of net and gross employment changes
Ejarque, João Miguel; Nilsen, Øivind Anti (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-09)A relatively unexplored question in dynamic labour demand regards the source of adjustment costs, whether they depend on net or gross changes in employment. We estimate a structural model of dynamic labour demand where ... -
The Impact of Energy Prices on Food Prices : A Case Study Using Norwegian Monthly Data from 2015 to 2023
Hølland, Fredrik; Marvik, Kristian (Master thesis, 2023)This study examines the relationship between energy prices and food prices in Norway. It specifically focuses on the period following a significant spike in food prices, commonly referred to as a breakpoint, which occurred ... -
Impact of Variable Renewables Through Market Coupling on Day-Ahead Prices in NO2 : A panel quantile approach
Opedal, Julian; Jensen, Preben Sylvester (Master thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates the impact of European variable renewables on the distribution of electricity prices in Norway through market coupling. When examining the effect from variable renewables we assess day-ahead ...