Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Bjørndal, Endre"
A Nodal Pricing Model for the Nordic Electricity Market
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Gribkovskaia, Victoria (Discussion paper;43/14, Working paper, 2014-12)In the Nordic day-ahead electricity market zonal pricing or market splitting is used for relieving congestion between a predetermined set of bidding areas. This congestion management method represents an aggregation of ... -
Alternative tilnærminger for rammevilkårskorrigering : en studie av hvordan alternative tilnærminger til dagens reguleringsmodell påvirker norske nettselskaper
Tønnesen, Cathrine; Narvestad, Vilde Marie (Master thesis, 2019)Norske nettselskaper karakteriseres som naturlig monopolister, og selskapenes inntjening reguleres derfor av Norges Vassdrags- og Energidirektorat (NVE). Den tillatte inntekten består av en del kostnadsdekning og en del ... -
Alternativer til nett : lønnsomhet under dagens regime for inntektsrammeregulering
Frivoll, Christina Flaatten; Langås, Trine Maaø (Master thesis, 2018)Strømnettet i Norge har nådd teknisk levealder og har behov for oppgradering. I tillegg har et økt effektuttak på grunn av elektrifisering påvirket investeringsbehovet. Planlagt investeringsbeløp er estimert til å være 140 ... -
Analysis of the European electricity grid scenarios : application to the Belgian renewable energies
Grelle, Louis Le (Master thesis, 2020)lia analysed the renewable energy (RE) capacity required in each scenario (and for other variables such as other countries’ production, etc) and then agreed on a transmission capacity for each border and each scenario. ... -
Anleggsbidrag i strømnettet – en diskusjon av effekter og egenskaper
Grindstad, Anneli; Mosvold, Thorvald (Master thesis, 2022)Norge og Europa står ovenfor en betydelig økt etterspørsel etter kraft. I forbindelse med «det grønne skiftet» og økt etterspørsel, er det avgjørende at kraftmarkedet og strømnettet utvikles etter samfunnets krav til ... -
Arbitrage Trading Opportunities with Bidirectional Charging : Optimizing Charging Costs by Exploiting Electricity Price Fluctuations in Norway
Woie, William; Søndrol, Imre Tøllefsen (Master thesis, 2023)The Norwegian government has established ambitious climate goals, with the electrification of society playing an essential role in achieving them. Specifically, the electrification of the transportation sector is deemed ... -
Assessing the Impact of NordLink on Day-Ahead Prices in NO2 and Germany: A Quantile Regression Approach
Myrvoll, Tobias; Undeli, Peder (Master thesis, 2022)This thesis studies the new interconnector NordLink's effect on electricity prices in the Norwegian price area N 0 2 and in Germany. When examining the cable's price effect, we assess how the price volatility has developed, ... -
Business opportunities in waste heat utilization in Norway : a new business research for the cloud data center pilot project at the Norwegian center for energy transition studies (NTRANS)
Forero, Juan Carlos; Rahman, Md Mostafijur (Master thesis, 2021)This master thesis is a contribution to Statkraft's data center pilot project supported by User Case 2 of the Norwegian Center for Energy Transition Studies (NTRANS). NTRANS is researching the role of the energy system ... -
Can demand response help reduce future distribution grid investments? : an economic study of peak shaving in the Norwegian distribution grid: SEMIAH pilot in Engene, Sørlandet (Southern Norway)
Wood, Jonathan; Funk, Stefan (Master thesis, 2017)Steady increases in the number of new electronic devices and electrification of existing technologies, such as electric vehicles, are creating new challenges in the electrical grid. Electrification creates a higher demand ... -
Congestion Management in a Stochastic Dispatch Model for Electricity Markets
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Midthun, Kjetil; Zakeri, Golbon (Discussion paper;12/16, Working paper, 2016-08-25)We consider an electricity market organized with two settlements: one for a pre-delivery (day-ahead) market and one for real time, where uncertainty regarding production from non-dispatchable energy sources as well as ... -
Congestion management in the Nordic power market : nodal pricing versus zonal pricing
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Gribkovskaia, Victoria (Report;2012:15, Research report, 2013-05)In the Nordic day-ahead electricity market zonal pricing or market splitting is used for relieving congestion between a predetermined set of price areas. This congestion management method represents an aggregation of ... -
Cost allocation problems in network and production settings
Bjørndal, Endre (Doctoral thesis, 2002) -
Cost efficiency analysis based on the DEA and StoNED models : case of Norwegian electricity distribution companies
Cheng, Xiaomei; Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette (Discussion papers;28/14, Working paper, 2014-06)Our paper applies data envelopment analysis (DEA) and stochastic non-parametric envelopment of data (StoNED) to measure cost efficiency of electricity distribution companies. The data cover 123 Norwegian electricity ... -
Effects of Uncoupling the North Sea Link : An empirical analysis of risks and premiums in the two day-ahead auctions in bidding area N0 2
Skorpen, Leonora Leine; Østby, Axel (Master thesis, 2023)In this thesis, we study the impact of the current auction solution on the North Sea Link (NSL), an interconnector between the electricity systems of Great Britain (GB) and Southern Norway (NO2). Due to Brexit, interconnector ... -
Effektivitetskrav og kostnadsgruppering : del 1
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Bjørnenak, Trond (Rapport, Research report, 2004-12)Dagens DEA-baserte effektivitetsmodell for regulering av nettselskaper i kraftsektoren har klare svakheter. I denne rapporten diskuteres noen sentrale svakheter ved dagens modell og det konkluderes med at den bør endres ... -
Effektivitetsmåling av regional- og distribusjonsnett : fellesmåling, kostnadsvariasjon og kalibrering
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette (Rapport, Research report, 2006-12)I NVEs nye reguleringsmodell, som skal gjelde fra 2007, blir nettselskapenes inntekt bestemt av en kostnadsnorm og selskapets egen kostnad med vekter på hhv 60 % og 40 % (50 % hver for 2007 og 2008). Egne kostnader er ... -
Effekttariffering i det norske distribusjonsnettet : en litteraturstudie av effekttariffers optimale utforming, hvilke faktorer som bør tas i betraktning ved innføring og den samfunnsøkonomiske verdien av time-of-use og abonnert effekt
Lillebø, Marte; Nesje, Siv Malin (Master thesis, 2018)Effekttariffer er et relativt nytt fenomen i norsk sammenheng, og da spesielt for husholdningsog hyttekunder. Effekttariffer kan være et alternativ til de kostbare investeringene som er ventet i strømnettet. I 2017 ... -
Efficiency benchmarking for German municipal energy suppliers : data envelopment analysis - covering the influences of the German energy transition 2005 - 2014
Möller, Arne-Steffen (Master thesis, 2017)Four large companies dominate almost 70 per cent of the German electricity market – RWE, EnBW, E.On and Vattenfall. Their historical advancement was triggered by technical development in the electricity sector towards ... -
End-user flexibility and network investments : a study on utilizing end-user flexibility to defer capacity increasing investments in the Norwegian distribution network
Buvik, Magnus; Børke, Christian Nærup (Master thesis, 2017)The electricity value chain is facing several challenges. The transport sector is electrified, the electricity system digitalized, and generation decentralized. These trends transform the outlook of the electricity system. ... -
Energilagring i mikronett : økonomiske effekter av ulike lagringsteknologier og - strategier
Roness, Stian (Master thesis, 2021)Distribuerte energikilder og distribuert energilagring opplever, og forventes å oppleve en vekst i tiden som kommer. Denne utviklingen, fra sentralisert til desentraliserte energiressurser, har ført til at mikronett kan ...