Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Bjerksund, Petter"
Analyse av kapitalstruktur i samvirket Coop : hvilke faktorer påvirker gjeldsandelen i norske samvirkelag?
Aasen, Ørjan; Aspli, Hallgeir (Master thesis, 2018)I denne utredningen undersøkes hvilke faktorer som påvirker gjeldsandelen i Coop sine største samvirkelag, og i hvilken grad disse resultatene kan forklares av etablerte teorier for kapitalstruktur. Først presenteres ... -
Analysis of Autocallable Notes Who reap the benefits? The issuer, facilitator, distributor, or the investor?
Sie, Andreas Garborg; Helmersen, Jonas Blom (Master thesis, 2021)Autocallable structured products are complex instruments incorporating features and conditions that make them difficult to assess for potential investors. Despite this, they have become one of the most popular structured ... -
Closed form spread option valuation
Bjerksund, Petter; Stensland, Gunnar (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-10)This paper considers the valuation of a spread call when asset prices are lognormal. The implicit strategy of the Kirk formula is to exercise if the price of the long asset exceeds a given power function of the price of ... -
Closed form valuation of American options
Bjerksund, Petter; Stensland, Gunnar (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002)This paper presents a simple and intuitive approximation of the American call and put value. The approximation generalizes the Bjerksund-Stensland model by dividing time to maturity into two periods, each with a flat early ... -
A contingent claims analysis of an oil reserve
Bjerksund, Petter (Doctoral thesis, 1989) -
Contingent Claims Evaluation when the Convenience Yield is Stochastic: Analytical Results
Bjerksund, Petter (Discussion paper;1/91, Working paper, 1991-02)This paper considers contingent claims on a commodity when both the spot price and the convenience yield are generated by diffusion processes. By adopting the Gibson and Schwartz (1990) assumptions on the economy, we derive ... -
Decommissioning of petroleum installations on the Norwegian continental shelf : a real options approach
Aarrestad, Elin; Pettersen, Turi Regine (Master thesis, 2016)Many fields on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) are maturing, and there are consequently a great number of petroleum installations that will be decommissioned in the near future. Decommissioning entails the full or ... -
Does a Wealth Tax Discriminate against Domestic Investors?
Bjerksund, Petter; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper;16/19, Working paper, 2019-11-21)This paper studies the impact of a capital-income tax and a wealth tax on investor behavior in an efficient capital market under various assumptions regarding uncertainty and time horizons. We show that investors who face ... -
Er det mulig å velge gode fond basert på tidligere prestasjoner? En persistensstudie av det norske fondsmarkedet i perioden 2008-2021
Brudal, Magnus Barth; Rasmussen, Halfdan Vagnild (Master thesis, 2022)I denne utredningen analyserer vi norske aktivt forvaltede aksjefond. Vi undersøker om det eksisterer avkastningspersistens i det norske aksjefondsmarkedet, samt sjekker hvorvidt de sterkeste og svakeste forvalterne ... -
Er samfunnsansvarlig aktivitet anerkjent i aksjemarkedet?: en begivenhetsstudie av nordiske selskap
Tallberg, Marlene; Hansen, Tora Lovise Grande (Master thesis, 2015)I denne oppgaven undersøker vi om markedet anerkjenner selskaps prestasjoner innen samfunnsansvar ved å gjennomføre en begivenhetsstudie på nordiske selskap. I studien vil inkludering (ekskludering) i bærekraftighetsindeksene ... -
ESG og lønnsomhet i det nordiske markedet : en studie av sammenhengen mellom ESG og lønnsomhet for børsnoterte selskaper i Norden
Bryne, Hilde; Sjøthun, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2021)Verden står for tiden overfor store samfunns- og klimautfordringer, som blant annet fattigdom og økende temperaturer. Av den grunn forventes det i større grad at selskaper tar ansvar for å håndtere disse utfordringene ... -
ESG Ratings and Financial Performance : An Empirical Investigation of the Link Between ESC Ratings and Stock Performance in Emerging Markets
Kulsrud, Fredrik Thorsen; Storvik, Nicolai (Master thesis, 2022)Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESC) performance and financial performance in emerging markets. We collected ESC scores from three different rating providers ... -
Expanding Horizons in Norwegian High-Yield Bond Spread Estimation : A Comparative Analysis of Structural Bond Pricing Models in the Period 2015 to 2023
Hebnes, Arne; Bang, Marius Larsen (Master thesis, 2023)Investigating the complex dynamics of credit risk pricing in corporate bonds has been a significant area of interest in financial research for many years. This thesis examines the effectiveness of various structural bond ... -
Formuesskattens virkninger på familieeide bedrifter : n analyse av skattens virkninger på selskapets drift og sammenhengen mellom selskapets finansielle situasjon
Næss, Martine Sofie; Kleppe, Sander Sebak (Master thesis, 2023)I denne masterutredningen tar vi for oss formuesskattens effekt på driften av familieeide selskaper. Nyhetsbildet har den siste tiden vært preget av norske milliardærer som flytter til utlandet, og begrunner valget ved ... -
Gas storage valuation : price modelling v. optimization methods
Bjerksund, Petter; Stensland, Gunnar; Vagstad, Frank (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-10)The existence of a financial gas market motivates the analysis of gas storage as a separate asset, using the market value context for utilization and valuation. In the recent literature, gas storage is typically analysed ... -
Greenium or myth : do green labels affect bond yields in the Nordic markets?
Wensaas, Eirik; Wist, Johann Bleivik (Master thesis, 2019)Estimates show that there is a significant need for more investments into sustainable projects to meet the climate goals set in the Paris Climate Agreement. Green bonds are a relatively new type of financial security ... -
Hedging the fishy fishmeal prices : an investigation into the viability of a potential fishmeal futures contract
Hoddevik, Mats; Hogneland, Ove Sæverud (Master thesis, 2018)Salmon futures contracts have existed for more than a decade, and futures contracts for aquaculture feed ingredients such as corn, soybean meal and wheat have existed much longer. Fishmeal is also a key feed ingredient, ... -
How to extend the RiskMetrics market risk universe
Bjerksund, Petter; Stensland, Gunnar (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002)RiskMetrics™ (RM) represents a framework for measuring market risk founded on the Value at Risk concept, and offer daily updated estimates of standard deviations and correlations of the assets within their market risk ... -
Innsidehandel i Norge og Sverige : en empirisk studie av ulike rapporteringsregler
Ruud, Mads; Rønning, Anders (Master thesis, 2017)I denne masterutredningen analyseres 4 355 og 14 330 meldepliktige innsidehandler i henholdsvis Norge og Sverige for perioden 10.11.2008 til 19.04.2017. Vi utfører en begivenhetsstudie for hver innsidemelding som publiseres ... -
Kan strategisk beta ETF-er generere risikojustert meravkastning i det europeiske aksjemarkedet? : Can strategic beta ETFs generate risk adjusted returns in the European stock market?
Mæland, Fabian Lindseth; Tornes, Martin Wergeland (Master thesis, 2018)Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) har sett en økende popularitet i markedet som et investeringsprodukt tilgjengelig for alle typer investorer. Det siste tiåret er det allikevel en annen underkategori innenfor ETF-markedet som ...