Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Schroyen, Fred"
Alkohol, tobakk og skattepolitikk : en studie av norske husholdningers utgifter til alkohol og tobakk
Nordvik, Kristin (Master thesis, 2020)Alkohol og tobakk er varer som har en spesiell plass i de fleste samfunn. Tidligere forskning har funnet flere faktorer som påvirker konsumet av disse varene. Denne oppgaven ser på hvilke faktorer som påvirker norske ... -
An alternative way to model merit good arguments
Schroyen, Fred (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-10)Besley (1988) uses a scaling approach to model merit good arguments in commodity tax policy. In this paper, I question this approach on the grounds that it produces ’wrong’ recommendations—taxation (subsidisation) of ... -
An alternative way to model merit good arguments
Schroyen, Fred (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002)Besley (1988) uses a scaling approach to model merit good arguments in commodity tax policy. In this paper, I question this approach on the grounds that it produces ’wrong’ recommendations—taxation (subsidisation) of ... -
An alternative way to model merit good arguments
Schroyen, Fred (Working paper, Working paper, 2003-11)Besley (1988) uses a scaling approach to model merit good arguments in commodity tax policy. In this paper, I question this approach on the grounds that it produces wrong recommendations-taxation (subsidisation) of merit ... -
Analysing risk preferences among insurance customers : expected utility theory versus disappointment aversion theory
Haga, Emil; Rivenæs, André Waage (Master thesis, 2016)In this thesis we analyse risk preferences among insurance customers using two different theories, namely expected utility theory (EUT) and disappointment aversion theory (DAT). The goal is to find out which of these ... -
An Analysis of Consumer Demand in Switzerland : Estimation of a Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System with Censored Alcohol Consumption
Schöpfer, Aljoscha (Master thesis, 2021)In this thesis, I estimate a Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System using Swiss household expenditure data from 2006-2017. To control for the censored budget share variable of alcohol, I implemented a two-step Heckman-type ... -
Attitudes towards income risk in the presence of quantity constraints
Schroyen, Fred (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2011-04) -
Attitudes towards large income risk in welfare states: an international comparison.
Schroyen, Fred; Aarbu, Karl Ove (DP SAM;20/2017, Working paper, 2017-12)Using survey data and the instrument developed by Barsky et al. (1997), we estimate the distribution of attitudes towards income risk in a country where many employment and health-related risks are generously covered by a ... -
A benchmark value for relative prudence
Schroyen, Fred; Etner, Johanna; Eeckhoudt, Louis (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-10)In this paper we propose benchmark values for the coefficients of relative risk aversion and relative prudence on the basis of a binary choice model where the decision maker chooses between aggregating or disaggragatin ... -
Can a mixed health care system be desirable on equity grounds ?
Marchand, Maurice; Schroyen, Fred (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-02)Should health care provision be public, private, or both? We look at this question in a setting where people differ in their earnings capacity and face some illness risk. We assume that illness reduces a person's time ... -
Det norske forbrukslånsmarkedet : en teoretisk analyse av gjeldsinformasjonslovens implikasjoner på det norske forbrukslånsmarkedet
Aune, Martin; Bjørkedal, Tommy (Master thesis, 2018)I denne utredningen vurderer vi hvordan den nye gjeldsinformasjonsloven vil påvirke det norske forbrukslånsmarkedet, med særlig fokus på opprettelsen av et gjeldsregister. Gjeldsinformasjonsloven trådte i kraft 1. november ... -
The Effects of a Local Subsidy on the Heat Pump Market : A Study Examining how a Subsidy for Heat Pumps in Bergen Municipality has Affected Price, Demand and Energy Consumption
Jovicevic, Aleksandar; Larsen, Martin Lågbu (Master thesis, 2023)In this thesis, we investigate a municipal heat pump subsidy. We examine the subsidy in two ways: how demand and price is affected, and whether the subsidy achieves its goal of reduced energy consumption. Through interviews ... -
Evaluating carbon capture and storage in a climate model with directed technical change
Durmaz, Tunç; Schroyen, Fred (Discussion Papers;14/2013, Working paper, 2013-08)Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered a critical technology needed to curb CO2 emissions and is envisioned by the International Energy Agency (IEA) as an integral part of least-cost greenhouse gas mitigation ... -
Evaluating Carbon Capture and Storage in a Climate Model with Endogenous Technical Change
Durmaz, Tunç; Schroyen, Fred (DP SAM;22/2019, Working paper, 2019-10-16)We assess the extent to which Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and R&D on this abatement technology are part of a socially efficient solution to the problem of climate change. For this purpose, we extend the intertemporal ... -
Factors influencing the willingness to pay for insurance in Norway : An empirical study of the willingness to pay for small insurance contracts
Markgren, Marcus; Ribe, Ole Christoffer (Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of this study is to investigate how the choice of deductible, degree of risk aversion and the level of income influence the willingness to pay for small insurance contracts in Norway. We use data from a ... -
Generøsitet i sykepengesystemet : en internasjonal sammenlikning av fravær
Ingleson, Mari Hansen (Master thesis, 2018)Oppgaven forsøker å belyse hvilke mekanismer som påvirker sykefravær. Det legges selvsagt til grunn at hovedårsaken er sykdom, og at noe fravær er uunngåelig. Likevel skal jeg se nærmere på enkelte økonomiske faktorer ... -
Helsekapital i Norge : en empirisk analyse av endringer i befolkningens selvopplevde helse i perioden 1995 – 2012
Høyem, Christer A. (Master thesis, 2016)Hovedformålet med denne utredningen var å se på endringer i befolkningens selvopplevde helse. Befolkningens helse blir delt inn i tre hovedfaktorer: forventede leveår, sykdomsutbredelsen og effekten av sykdommer og aldring. ... -
House Prices - On a Kite, or in Free Flight? An empirical analysis of fundamental price in the Norwegian housing market, and its interaction with actual price.
Davis, Thomas Blekastad; Dæhli, Ole Hallvard Toven (Master thesis, 2022)In the past few decades, there has been a considerable increase in real house prices in Norway. It is therefore important to understand what this increase is based upon. In this study, we analyse the relationship between ... -
Hva koster en sykehusinfeksjon? : postoperative infeksjoner etter keisersnitt
Christensen, Martin Bryne (Master thesis, 2018)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å kvantifisere samfunnets kostnader knyttet til postoperative infeksjoner etter keisersnitt ved norske sykehus. Kostnadene vil kvantifiseres både per pasient og for samfunnet per år. ... -
Income risk aversion with quantity constraints
Schroyen, Fred (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-02)In this paper, I consider a consumer with a concave utility function over n commodities and trace out the consequences of quantity constraints on product markets for the consumer's aversion towards income risk. I show ...