• The evasion gamble : behavioural insights on tax compliance 

      Bouhlou, Nadina (Master thesis, 2013)
      The thesis explores the insights from behavioural economic research for tax compliance. The theoretical model of tax evasion by Allingham and Sandmo (1972) is reviewed and then enriched with findings from research on ...
    • The evolution of social mobility: Norway over the 20th century. 

      Pekkarinen, Tuomas; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Sarvimäki, Matti (SAM;02/2016, Working paper, 2016-02-12)
      This paper documents trends in social mobility in Norway starting from fathers born at the turn of the 20th century and ending with sons born in the 1970s. We measure social mobility with intergenerational income ...
    • The family gap in career progression 

      Kunze, Astrid (Discussion paper;29/14, Working paper, 2014-08)
      This study investigates whether and when during the life cycle women fall behind in terms of career progression because of children. We use 1987-1997 Norwegian panel data that contain information on individuals’ position ...
    • The Family Peer Effect on Mothers´ Labour Supply 

      Nicoletti, Cheti; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Tominey, Emma (SAM;7/2016, Working paper, 2016-04-26)
      The well documented rise in female labour force participation in the last century has flattened in recent decades, but the proportion of mothers working full-time has been steadily increasing. In this paper we provide the ...
    • The Financial Instability Hypothesis and the Financial Crisis in Eastern European Emerging Economies 

      Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Koilo, Viktoriia (DP SAM;08/2019, Working paper, 2019-04)
      The present paper applies the financial instability hypothesis in order to explain the financial crises of 2008-2010 in eleven emerging Eastern European economies Also, it seeks to map if institutional frameworks of these ...
    • The gender wage gap in developed countries 

      Kunze, Astrid (DP SAM;09/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      Despite the increased attachment of women to the labour force in nearly all developed countries, a stubborn gender pay gap remains. This chapter provides a review of the economics literature on the gender wage gap, with ...
    • The impact of information on female empowerment in low-income households in Kenya : a pilot study 

      Gudevold, Tiril Johansen; Kjørholt, Ida Elisabeth H. (Master thesis, 2016)
      This thesis studies how targeting cash transfers to women affects their empowerment under private and common information structures in low-income households in Kenya. It is based on a research project which consists of ...
    • The impact of international tax information exchange agreements on the use of tax amnesty: evidence from Norway 

      Andersson, Jonas; Schroyen, Fred; Torsvik, Gaute (DP SAM;16/2019, Working paper, 2019-09)
      In this paper we develop a model for tax amnesty applications in a multi-period setting. One key insight from the model is that applying for amnesty becomes more attractive at the moment when stricter enforcement is ...
    • The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave on Maternal Health 

      Bütikofer, Äline; Riise, Julie; Skira, Meghan (DP SAM;4/2018, Working paper, 2018-03)
      We examine the impact of the introduction of paid maternity leave in Norway in 1977 on maternal health. Before the policy reform, mothers were eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Mothers giving birth after July 1, 1977 ...
    • The impact of regional environmental regulations on empirical vessel speeds 

      Ådland, Roar Os; Fonnes, Gro; Jia, Haiying; Daae Lampe, Ove; Strandenes, Siri Pettersen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Economic theory suggests that the use of more expensive low-sulphur fuel within an Emission Control Area (ECA) should result in lower vessel speeds. The objective of this paper is to investigate empirically, for the first ...
    • The impact of regional environmental regulations on empirical vessel speeds 

      Ådland, Roar Os; Fonnes, Gro; Jia, Haiying; Daae Lampe, Ove; Strandenes, Siri Pettersen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Economic theory suggests that the use of more expensive low-sulphur fuel within an Emission Control Area (ECA) should result in lower vessel speeds. The objective of this paper is to investigate empirically, for the first ...
    • The impact of the classical microfinance contract on the poor entrepreneur : a field experiment on entrepreneurs in Tanzania 

      Sandven, Bjørg Rabbe; Thormodsen, Sara Skilhagen (Master thesis, 2012-06)
      This master thesis studies the impact of the classical repayment contract in microfinance, and whether the contract is constraining the investment behavior of the poor entrepreneur. To illuminate how the repayment contract ...
    • The Local Economic Impact of Wind Power Deployment 

      May, Nils G.; Nilsen, Øivind Anti (Discussion paper;09/15, Working paper, 2015-04)
      Globally installed wind power capacity has grown tremendously since 2000. This study focuses on the local economic impacts of wind power deployment. A theoretical model shows that wind power deployment is not necessarily ...
    • The long term impact of the 1918 influenza pandemic in Norway 

      Bakken, Magnus Røthe; Husøy, Sigrid Johanne (Master thesis, 2016)
      A growing literature show the negative effect of prenatal health shocks on childhood and adult outcomes. Several studies exploit disease outbreaks to find causal effects of in utero exposure on various outcomes. We build ...
    • The market in economics : behavioural assumptions and value judgments 

      Sandmo, Agnar (Discussion paper;12/2014, Working paper, 2014-04)
      This paper tries to convey the essence of the economic theory of behaviour of individuals and firms to an audience of non-economists. The hypotheses of utility and profit maximization and their use as building blocks in ...
    • The merit primacy effect 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Moene, Karl Ove; Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth; Tungodden, Bertil (DP SAM;6/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      Do people give primacy to merit when luck partly determines earnings? This paper reports from a novel experiment where third-party spectators have to decide whether to redistribute from a high-earner to a low-earner in ...
    • The pluralism of fairness ideals: An experimental approach 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Hole, Astri Drange; Sørensen, Erik Ø.; Tungodden, Bertil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      A core question in the contemporary debate on distributive justice is how to understand fairness in situations involving production. Important theories of distributive justice, such as strict egalitarianism, liberal ...
    • The Poking Effect: Price Changes, Information, and Inertia in the Market for Mobile Subscriptions 

      Reme, Bjørn-Atle; Røhr, Helene Lie; Sæthre, Morten (DP SAM;23/2018, Working paper, 2018-11)
      We study consumer inertia in the mobile subscription market, focusing on the decision of whether to switch to a competing provider. To identify the extent of inertia, we exploit price changes faced by 270,000 consumers of ...
    • The power of money : wealth effects in contests 

      Schroyen, Fred; Treich, Nicolas (Discussion Papers;13/2013, Working paper, 2013-06)
      Two wealth effects typically arise in any contest: i) wealth decreases the marginal cost of effort, but also ii) decreases the marginal benefit of winning the contest. In this paper, we introduce three types of strategic ...
    • The principal problem in political economy : income distribution in the history of economic thought 

      Sandmo, Agnar (Discussion Papers;15/2013, Working paper, 2013-09)
      The paper considers the history of theories of income distribution, from the time of Adam Smith until the 1970s. It is divided into two main parts. Part I considers the positive theory of income distribution, beginning ...