Now showing items 581-600 of 658

    • Winners and losers from an international investment agreement 

      Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Eckel, Carsten (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-08)
      Recent attempts at reaching an international investment agreement have been met with considerable opposition and failed. An important reason for this failure is the diverging interests between the parties involved. The ...
    • Policy competition for foreign direct investment between asymmetric countries 

      Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Eckel, Carsten (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-09)
      The present paper analyses policy competition for foreign direct investment between a larger and industrially more developed country and a smaller and industrially less developed country. We demonstrate how policy ...
    • Optimal income taxation with a risky asset : the triple income tax 

      Schindler, Dirk (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-06)
      We show in a two-period world with endogenous savings and two assets, one of them exhibiting a stochastic return that an interest adjusted income tax is optimal. This tax leaves a safe component of interest income tax ...
    • Competition between bank regulators 

      Schindler, Dirk; Eggert, Wolfgang (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-11)
      This paper examines competition between bank regulators in open economies. We use a model where credit demand of firms is endogenous and show any tendency for downward competition in regulation policy is limited by the ...
    • Relocating the responsibility cut : should more responsibility imply less redistribution? 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-12)
      Liberal egalitarian theories of justice argue that inequalities arising from non-responsibility factors should be eliminated, but that inequalities arising from responsibility factors should be accepted. The paper discusses ...
    • Rewarding effort 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-06)
      According to liberal egalitarian ethics, individuals should be rewarded for factors under their control, but not for factors outside their control. A fundamental challenge to liberal egalitarian theories of justice is ...
    • Consumer price indices for the Scandinavian countries 1815-1913 

      Grytten, Ola Honningdal (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-07)
      The present article examines consumer price development in the three Scandinavian countries, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, 1815-1913. A consumer price index (CPI) is constructed for Norway. It is based on consumer prices ...
    • The more the merrier? : the effect of family composition on children’s education 

      Black, Sandra E.; Devereux, Paul J.; Salvanes, Kjell Gunnar (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-08)
      Among the perceived inputs in the “production” of child quality is family size; there is an extensive theoretical literature that postulates a tradeoff between child quantity and quality within a family. However, there is ...
    • Samaritan agents? : on the delegation of aid policy 

      Hagen, Rune Jansen (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003)
      Should a donor delegate the responsibility for allocating its aid budget to a less inequality-averse agent to alleviate the consequences of the Samaritan’s Dilemma it is facing? I show that when aid impact differs across ...
    • Multinationals’ mode of entry with presence of vertical spillovers 

      Balsvik, Ragnhild (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-02)
      Multinationals’ mode of foreign expansion may depend on whether or not they expect technological externalities or spillovers to generate new competition. Existing models where ex-post spillovers affect the ex-ante entry ...
    • Regional policy design : an analysis of relocation, efficiency and equity 

      Midelfart, Karen Helene (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-02)
      Despite substantial regional expenditures at both national and community level, European regional policies do not appear to deliver. The evidence suggests that neither efficiency gains nor reduced regional inequalities are ...
    • Temporary bottlenecks, hydropower and acquisitions 

      Skaar, Jostein; Sørgard, Lars (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-11)
      The purpose of this article is to study the effects of an acquisition in a hydro power system with temporary bottlenecks. We apply a model with four markets: two regions and two time periods. It is shown that an acquisition ...
    • Policy measures and storage in a hydropower system 

      Skaar, Jostein (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-02)
      In this paper we discuss how three different public policy measures affect water storage controlled by hydropower producing firms. In particular we discuss measures to promote competition, increase transmission capacity ...
    • R&D policies, trade and process innovation 

      Haaland, Jan Ingvald Meidell; Kind, Hans Jarle (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-11)
      We set up a simple trade model with two countries hosting one firm each. The firms invest in cost-reducing R&D, and each government may grant R&D subsidies to the domestic firm. We show that it is optimal for a government ...
    • The theory of tax evasion : a retrospective view 

      Sandmo, Agnar (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-12)
      The paper gives an overview of some main themes in the theory of tax evasion, starting from Allingham and Sandmo (1972). It reviews the comparative statics of the original model of individual behaviour where the tax ...
    • Marginal productivity reward : a new justification 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-12)
      Marginal productivity reward has been justified either as a way of ensuring efficiency or of respecting people’s self-ownership. Both these arguments have their limitations. In this paper we present a new and more general ...
    • Foreign aid and domestic politics : implications for aid selectivity 

      Hagen, Rune Jansen (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-06)
      The links between foreign aid and policies in developing countries have been at the forefront of the policy debate for decades. An emerging consensus touts aid selectivity as the solution to the failures of conditionality. ...
    • Economic growth and purchasing power parities in the Nordic countries 1830-1910 

      Grytten, Ola Honningdal (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-07)
      The present paper examines new estimates of GDP for the five Nordic countries 1830-1910 in terms of economic growth and purchasing power parities. It concludes that significant economic growth took place during the period. ...
    • The liberal egalitarian paradox 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-06)
      A liberal egalitarian theory of justice seeks to combine the values of equality, personal freedom and personal responsibility. It is considered a much more promising position than strict egalitarianism, because it supposedly ...
    • On the possibility of Paretian egalitarianism 

      Tungodden, Bertil; Vallentyne, Peter (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-07)
      Paretian egalitarianism holds that equality should be promoted, but only when this does not conflict with certain (Pareto) efficiency considerations. Like leximin, it has the attractive feature of never favoring leveling ...