Browsing Discussion papers (FOR) by Title
Now showing items 173-192 of 575
Faithful accounting in MMP-elections
(Discussion paper;7/21, Working paper, 2021-07-14)In MMP-elections for legislatures, political parties compete for a voter’s support in two ways: for a first vote to the party’s candidate in a single-seat constituency and for a second vote to the party’s list of candidates. ... -
Fat and skew : can NIG cure? : on the prospects of using the normal inverse Gaussian distribution in finance
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 1998-03)This paper explores the possibility of using the Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution introduced by Barndorff-Nielsen (1997) in various problem areas in finance where distributions often are found to be non-normal ... -
Financial Distress and Idiosyncratic Volatility: An Empirical Investigation
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-07)We address the twin puzzles of anomalously low returns for high idiosyncratic volatility and high distress risk stocks, documented by Ang, Hodrick, Xing and Zhang (2006) and Campbell, Hilscher and Szilagyi (2005), respectively. ... -
Financial economics
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-01)We consider a one period (two time points-) model of efficient risk sharing, when the risk of possible sharing rules are constrained to be linear. This can be interpreted as a model of a market for common stocks. Here we ... -
Finding core allocations for fixed cost games in electricity networks
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003)We discuss the cost allocation problem faced by a network operator, where the fixed (residual) cost of the network has to be allocated among its users. Usage-based methods, such as the postage stamp rate method and the ... -
Finding the Right Yardstick: Regulation under Heterogeneous Environments
(Discussion paper;4/16, Working paper, 2016-02-25)Revenue cap regulation is often combined with systematic benchmarking to reveal the managerial inefficiencies when regulating natural monopolies. One example is the European energy sector, where benchmarking methods are ... -
Firm size and the quality of entrepreneurs
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-06)A theory is proposed where the pay policy and size of established firms are determined together with individual workers' entrepreneurship decision. The main results are twofold. First, taking the firm size as given, larger ... -
Fish wars on the high seas : a straddling stock competition model
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-04)The post World War II era saw the development of powerful self-contained fishing fleets, so-called distant-water fleets (DWFs), which roamed the worlds oceans, seeking out rich harvesting targets wherever they might be ... -
Fisheries management under irreversible investment : does stochasticity matter?
(Discussion paper;2011:20, Working paper, 2011-11)We present a continuous, nonlinear, stochastic and dynamic model for capital investment in the exploitation of a renewable resource. Both the resource stock and capital stock are treated as state variables. The resource ... -
Flow-Based Market Coupling in the European Electricity Market – A Comparison of Efficiency and Feasibility
(Discussion paper;14/18, Working paper, 2018-10-23)In May 2015, the Flow-Based Market Coupling (FBMC) model replaced the Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) model in Central Western Europe to determine the power transfers between countries or price areas. The FBMC model aims ... -
Forecasting price spikes in day-ahead electricity markets: techniques, challenges, and the road ahead
(Discussion paper;1/24, Working paper, 2024-01-17)Due to the increase in renewable energy production and global socioeconomic turmoil, the volatility in electricity prices has considerably increased in recent years, leading to extreme positive and negative price spikes ... -
Foreclosure in contests
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-12)We consider a contest in which one firm is a favourite as it initially has a cost advantage over rivals. Instead of taking the set of rivals as given, we consider the possibility that the favourite transfers the source ... -
Foreign direct investment and local cooperation : a contingent claims approach
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-12)We address key issues that a foreign investor needs to evaluate when deciding whether to enter into a joint venture with a local partner. We explicitly show how the values depend on the valuation methodology, i.e., the ... -
Format and schedule proposals for a FIFA World Cup with 12 four-team groups
(Discussion paper;2/23, Working paper, 2023-03-13)After the expansion of the FIFA World Cup from 32 to 48 teams starting from the 2026 edition, the initial proposal was to split the 48 national teams into 16 groups of three. Among other drawbacks, this proposal provides ... -
Forward curve dynamics in the Nordic electricity market
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-10)The purpose of this paper is to investigate the forward curve dynamics in an electricity market. Six years of price data on futures and forward contracts traded in the Nordic electricity market are analysed. For the forward ... -
Fraud detection by a multinomial model: Separating honesty from unobserved fraud
(Discussion paper;15/20, Working paper, 2020-12-31)In this paper we investigate the EM-estimator of the model by Caudill et al. (2005). The purpose of the model is to identify items, e.g. individuals or companies, that are wrongly classified as honest; an example of this ... -
Free-entry equilibrium in a market for certifiers
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-05)The role of certifiers is to test products for quality, and to communicate the test results to the market. We construct a free-entry model of certification, where each certifier chooses a test standard and a price for ... -
Frequent Turbulence? A Dynamic Copula Approach
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-07)How common and how persistent are turbulent periods? We address these questions by developing and applying a dynamic dependence framework. In order to answer the first question we estimate an unconditional mixture model ... -
Functional data analysis : introduction and applications to financial electricity contracts
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003) -
Future world market prices of milk and feed looking into the crystal ball
(Discussion paper;17/15, Working paper, 2015-04-10)Both the world milk price and the world feed price have become more volatile during the last 7-8 years. The ability of dairy farmers to adapt quickly to these changing circumstances will be a key driver for future success, ...