Now showing items 568-587 of 1355

    • Implikasjoner for norsk næringspolitikk av sentrale utviklingstrekk i EU 

      Hagen, Kåre Petter; Haaland, Jan Ingvald Meidell; Kind, Hans Jarle; Midelfart, Karen Helene; Mæstad, Ottar (Rapport, Research report, 2004-03)
      Denne rapporten er resultatet av et prosjekt gjennomført ved Senter for Internasjonal Økonomi og Skipsfart (SIØS), SNF, for Nærings- og handelsdepartementet. Formålet med prosjektet har vært å fokusere på sentrale ...
    • In transit : Chinese economic performance 1978-2001 

      Hagen, Rune Jansen (Report, Research report, 2002-08)
      During half a century of communist rule, China has been transformed from a relatively closed, predominantly rural and agricultural society into one in which modern industry and international trade and capital play major ...
    • Incentive compatibility of fish-sharing agreements 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-04)
      This paper discusses the incentive compatibility of fish-sharing agreements based on zonal attachment of fish stocks. It is shown that the minor partner in a fish-sharing agreement may not have an incentive to cooperate ...
    • Incentive compatibility of fish-sharing agreements : three stock migration models 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-11)
      Shared fish stocks are such as migrate across borders between different countries’ exclusive economic zones. This paper discusses the incentive compatibility of fish-sharing agreements based on the zonal attachment of such ...
    • Incentivsystemer for konkurransetilsynet : hvordan bør en optimal incentivkontrakt utformes? 

      Venøy, Marita; Rørvik, Lene Strønen (Arbeidsnotat;18/12, Working paper, 2012-08)
      I denne utredningen gjøres det rede for hvordan incentivsystemer kan benyttes for å oppnå ønsket innsats og prioriteringer. I hovedsak studeres momenter som bør vurderes ved utforming av en optimal incentivkontrakt, og ...
    • Income distribution and tax competition 

      Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Cappelen, Alexander W. (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-12)
      The literature on international tax competition has shown how increased international mobility of the tax base may create a downward pressure on tax rates and give rise to increased inequality in disposable income. This ...
    • Indexing of technical change in aggregated data 

      Kvamsdal, Sturla Furunes (Working paper;2015:6, Working paper, 2015-07)
      The Baltagi-Griffin general index of technical change for panel data has earlier been applied to aggregated data via the use of period dummy variables. Period dummies force modeling into estimation of the latent level of ...
    • Indikatorer for lokal sårbarhet : analyse av norske kommuner 2006-2007 og utviklingen 2004-2007 

      Mjørlund, Rune; Andersen, Christian; Jakobsen, Stig-Erik (Rapport, Research report, 2008-10)
      Denne rapporten inneholder en presentasjon av indikatorer for lokal sårbarhet i norske kommuner. Analysen baserer seg på et sett av syv indikatorer, dokumentert i SNF-rapport 22/07 Indikatorer for lokal sårbarhet – Utredning ...
    • Indikatorer for lokal sårbarhet : utredning av et analyseverktøy 

      Jakobsen, Stig-Erik; Kristiansen, Frode; Drangsland, Kari Anne K.; Nesheim, Torstein (Rapport, Research report, 2007-12)
      I denne rapporten skisseres det et forslag til et analyseverktøy for å avdekke lokal sårbarhet hvor fokuset rettes mot næringsmessig eller økonomisk sårbarhet. I distrikts- og regionalpolitikken er det viktig at man fanger ...
    • Indirekte pressestøtte : momsfritak vs skattefradrag 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Møen, Jarle (Working paper, Working paper, 2011-06)
      Mediestøtteutvalget er splittet i synet på den indirekte pressestøtten. Den ene fraksjonen, flermedialitetsalternativet, foreslår å videreføre ordningen med fullt momsfritak for papiraviser. Den andre fraksjonen, ...
    • Individual and cross media communication in converging media environments : a review of research on the antecedents and effects of communication using various media in marketing contexts 

      Nysveen, Herbjørn; Pedersen, Per E. (Working Paper, Working paper, 2002-10)
      In this report we review research focusing on the antecedents of media adoption and effects of adopting different media. Both research on media adoption within organizations and media adoption in everyday life contexts is ...
    • Individuelle priser i dagligvaremarkedet : et fangens dilemma for kjedene? 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Steen, Frode (Arbeidsnotat;2017:4, Working paper, 2017-06)
      Bedrifter har fått større mulighet til å samle informasjon om hver enkelt kunde. I dagligvaremarkedet samler kjedene informasjon om hvor og hva vi handler. NorgesGruppen og Coop har i mange år hatt rabattprogrammer hvor ...
    • Industrial clusters, asymmetric information and industrial policy 

      Orvedal, Linda (Report, Research report, 2002-06)
      Abstract Recently there has been some attention on the issue of industrial clusters and industrial policy claiming that there are arguments in favour of subsidising special industries in order to stimulate industrial ...
    • Industry concentration and strategic trade policy in successive oligopoly 

      Nese, Gjermund; Straume, Odd Rune (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-11)
      We study a policy game between exporting and importing countries in vertically linked industries. In a successive international Cournot oligopoly, we let the governments in the importing and exporting countries use tax ...
    • Inequality, product durability and the adoption of new technology products 

      Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-12)
      The analysis highlights how inequality and the cost of producing durability influence the degree to which new technology products are adopted in an economy. It is shown that redistribution may both increase and lower ...
    • Inequality, tax avoidance and redistribution 

      Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Cappelen, Alexander W. (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-12)
      The present paper seeks to explain the pattern of income redistribution in a world of increased market income inequality. In some countries, larger market income inequality has been met by an increased redistributive effort, ...
    • The influence of regional agglomeration externalities on efficiency in Norwegian salmon aquaculture 

      Tveterås, Ragnar; Battese, George E. (Report, Research report, 2001-04)
      This report analyses the factors explaining productivity and efficiency differences across salmon aquaculture farms, with an emphasis on agglomeration externalities. We specify a stochastic frontier production model with ...
    • Informasjonstjenester på nett : en riktig oppgave for en offentlig kringkaster? 

      Brannfjell, Julie Eliassen (Arbeidsnotat;24/12, Working paper, 2012-08)
      Utredningen diskuterer hvorvidt NRK bør få lov til å opprette og drifte informasjonstjenester på internett som har et kommersielt potensial. Noen artikler skrevet for TV-mediet bruker innlåsningseffekten som et argument ...
    • Information technology and producer services : a source of economic development : the South African case 

      Nordås, Hildegunn Kyvik (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-09)
      This paper discusses one aspect of the by now somewhat discredited "new economy", namely the impact of information and communication technology on the growth in volume and diversity of producer services. It provides an ...
    • Information technology and regional development : global village or rural backwater? 

      Nordås, Hildegunn Kyvik (Working paper, Working paper, 2000-12)
      The study discusses information and communication technology (ICT) and regional development. It first presents a case study of a small multinational company (Vik-Sandvik) producing naval architecture and ship design in an ...