Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 4577
20 år med fleksibel inflasjonsstyring : hvordan har fleksibel inflasjonsstyring påvirket inflasjon, konjunkturer og finansiell stabilitet?
(Master thesis, 2020)Våren 2021 er det 20 år siden Norge formelt innførte fleksibel inflasjonsstyring. Målet for pengepolitikken ble endret til å sikte mot en lav og stabil inflasjon på 2,5 prosent for å sikre en stabil pengeverdi. Denne ... -
The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and stock market performance : An empirical analysis of the stock market reaction across different industries in Europe and the United States
(Master thesis, 2023)Aggregated market behavior: We used cumulative average abnormal returns (CAARs) to analyze the aggregated market behavior. There were negative average abnormal returns (AARs) in the days leading up to the announcement and ... -
A beautiful game, but nobody cares? : an analysis of the low attendances at Brazilian football league games
(Master thesis, 2016)Despite Brazilians’ huge passion for football, attendance levels at local league games are often remarkably low. As more spectators at the games positively affect all of a clubs’ sources of income, clubs should have a ... -
A brand concept maps approach : in what sense are preferred brands different from acceptable brands?
(Master thesis, 2015)Extensive literature has been written on brand positioning and on the importance of differentiation for its success. However, little research has been dedicated to understand how differentiation works in the mind of ... -
A Brazilian soy story : how international soy demand affects deforestation and agricultural land use
(Master thesis, 2018)In this paper, I use municipal soy trade data covering the years 2010 to 2015 to investigate the export market for Brazilian soy and what the expansion of soy exports leads to in terms of land use. The soy data were ... -
A comparative analysis of different vehicle configurations : creating a composite indicator to rank vehicle powertrains along multiple dimensions
(Master thesis, 2018)A comparative assessment of internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), battery electric vehicles (BEVs), full hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and fuel cell electric vehicles ... -
A comparative analysis of listed and unlisted real estate investments : a Norwegian perspective
(Master thesis, 2018)This master thesis examines the performance of listed and unlisted real estate investments in Norway over the past eleven years, and tests whether real estate stocks in Norway are predominantly driven by the progress of ... -
A comparison of two frameworks for business model ideation
(Master thesis, 2018)Creativity is widely acknowledged as a necessary ingredient of innovation. Given the importance of innovation in Business Models, managers should take action to stimulate the employees’ creativity. Managers can facilitate ... -
A conceptual model for consumer-driven corporate social responsibility & effective firm strategy with applications in the Norwegian fish farming industry
(Master thesis, 2016)This is a conceptual thesis that explores the notion of “consumer-driven” corporate social responsibility and how firms can drive the demand for CSR from consumers through effective firm strategy.1 Consumer-driven CSR ... -
A contemporary study of safe haven currencies
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis provides contemporary insight into the safe haven phenomenon. We separately examine three characteristic periods; the years 2001 to 2007, 2007 to 2010, and 2010 to 2016. Our focus is to examine currency ... -
A contrarian investment strategy for equity fund selection
(Master thesis, 2016-03-30)The following thesis examines the existence of contrarian profits in the Norwegian equity fund market. Three different pricing models are used to determine if a contrarian strategy is able to create abnormal returns in ... -
A critical readjustment : Analyzing the regional employment composition in Norway during times of change
(Master thesis, 2016)The dramatic fall in the oil price, which started in June 2014, introduced a national debate concerning the future of the petroleum sector in Norway. This thesis examines the sectoral employment composition in Norway, ... -
A delicate balance? : a study of work-life conflicts, work-life enrichment, and worklife balance among management consultants in Norway
(Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship among work-life balance, work-life enrichment, and work-life conflict by looking into the status, condition, and experiences of management consultants in Norway. ... -
A five factor approach to the low volatility anomaly : an empirical study of the Norwegian stock market
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis, we construct the Fama-French five-factor model (2015a) for the Norwegian stock market in order to examine the existence of the low volatility anomaly. We estimate risk as idiosyncratic volatility relative ... -
A fundamental analysis of customer/supplier relationships : Cohen & Frazzini (2008) : a profitability problem?
(Master thesis, 2014)This thesis looks at the fundamental differences between customers and suppliers in relation to Cohen & Frazzini (2008) and investigates whether profitability could be a significant factor affecting their customer momentum ... -
A literature review of the vulnerabilities to fraud in the EU ETS and the CDM : how does the environmental context affect fraud in the market?
(Master thesis, 2018)The Kyoto Protocol uses financial incentives to reach the environmental goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This environmental context facilitates certain frauds, namely scams, bribery and corruption and fraud ... -
A logit model for the lay-up decision in the north sea Offshore rig market
(Master thesis, 2017)The thesis examines the lay-up decision in the North Sea offshore rig market from 2010 through march 2017. Using empirical analysis, we have specified a logistic regression model to investigate how rig characteristics, ... -
A longitudinal perspective on rolling forecasts & interactions
(Master thesis, 2014)Increasingly complex and dynamic business environment has led to the introduction of contemporary management control systems and management accounting innovations, such as rolling forecasts that is an important tool in ... -
A new lease on life : Why do Norwegian Consumers Participate in Collaborative Consumption? A case study of Airbnb and Bilkollektivet
(Master thesis, 2014)Norwegians have started to show an increased interest in the new socio-economic groundswell – collaborative consumption. The new economic model is characterized by components such as peer-to-peer transactions, utilization ... -
A new pricing model for the real estate market in Rogaland based on the pricing model by Jacobsen and Naug
(Master thesis, 2017)This Master’s thesis in Financial Economics marks the end of our education at the Norwegian School of Economics. It has been an instructive, challenging and exciting process. We would like to thank our supervisor, Associate ...