Blar i Publikasjoner fra CRIStin (NHH) på tittel
Viser treff 224-243 av 249
Understanding the marginal distributions and correlations of link travel speeds in road networks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Link travel speeds in road networks are essential data for a variety of research problems in logistics, transportation, and traffic management. Real-world link travel speeds are stochastic, and highly dependent on speeds ... -
Usikkerhet og teknologi - de viktigste driverne for endringer i økonomistyring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Using the ITIL Process Reference Model for Realizing IT Governance: An Empirical Investigation
(Journal article, 2014) -
Utfordringer ved bruk av selvbetjente etterretningsverktøy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Artikkelen gir et bidrag til diskusjonen om fremtidens behov innenfor økonomisk utdanning. Utviklingen går i retning av at ledere og ansatte i høyere grad skal basere sine beslutninger på data, og at de selv skal søke etter ... -
Utskjelt bonuslønn fortsatt utbredt - fordi den virker?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)En litteraturgjennomgang viser at det i snitt er en positiv sammenheng mellom belønninger og prestasjoner. Norske bedriftsledere opptrer i tråd med dette. Rundt halvparten av alle ansatte i de største bedriftene har ... -
The value of timecharter optionality in the drybulk market
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Using an optimization model on a network with stochastic travel times we estimate the value of flexible worldwide redelivery compared to the more constrained Atlantic ocean option. We evaluate the value of the redelivery ... -
Vehicle Routing with Space- and Time-Correlated Stochastic Travel Times: Evaluating the Objective Function
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)We study how to model and handle correlated travel times in two-stage stochastic vehicle-routing problems. We allow these travel times to be correlated in time and space; that is, the travel time on one link in one period ... -
Verdens strengeste? . sosiale normer i Norge
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Verdien av å (kunne) stenge
(Journal article, 2017)Verdsetting av fysiske eiendeler ved hjelp av diskontering av fremtidige forventede kontantstrømmer tilhører barnelærdommen for siviløkonomer. Denne metoden har imidlertid en stor svakhet: Det forutsettes at eieren ikke ... -
Vikarbyrådirektivet: Trollet som sprakk - Kommentar til Bergene, A.C. & Ewing, K
(Journal article, 2016)Implementeringen av vikarbyrådirektivet har ikke medført store endringer i norsk rett, slik Ann Cecilie Bergene og Keith D. Ewing påstår i artikkelen: «Vikarbyrådirektivet: Liberalisering eller likebehandling?» Innenfor ... -
Vil ny regnskapslov gi internasjonalt sammenlignbare regnskaper?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Regnskapslovutvalget bruker internasjonalt sammenlignbare regnskaper som ett viktig argument for å tilpasse norsk regnskapslov til IFRS for SMEs. Denne artikkelen bruker Brunssons (2000) teoretiske rammeverk for uniformity ... -
Virtuell samhandling - Når kaffepausen blir elektronisk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Von Neumann–Gale dynamics and capital growth in financial markets with frictions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Well-to-tank carbon emissions from crude oil maritime transportation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)International seaborne transport of crude oil takes place mainly on tankers, with annual seaborne crude flows totaling an estimated 12 billion barrels. To take into account the carbon footprint on crude oil from its ... -
What Explains the Gender Gap in College Track Dropout?Experimental and Administrative Evidence.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We exploit a unique data set, combining rich experimental data with high-quality administrative data, to study dropout from the college track in Norway, and why boys are more likely to drop out. The paper provides three ... -
When counting cattle is not enough: multiple perspectives in agricultural and veterinary research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)A traditional approach in agricultural and veterinary research is focussing on the biological perspective where large cattle-databases are used to analyse the dairy herd. This approach has yielded valuable insights. However, ... -
When emotional intelligence affects peoples’ perception of trustworthiness
(Journal article, 2015)By adopting social exchange theory and the affect-infusion-model, the hypothesis is made that emotional intelligence (EI) will have an impact on three perceptions of trustworthiness – ability, integrity and benevolence ... -
When energy efficiency is secondary: The case of Offshore Support Vessels
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs) deal with time-sensitive logistics and sophisticated marine operations for high-value offshore oil and gas installations. We investigate whether this creates preferences that effectively ... -
When Leadership leads to Loathing: The Effect of Culturally (In)Congruent Leadership on Employee Contempt and Voluntary Work Behaviors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article suggests that contempt ― a proclivity towards loathing others ― as an emotional response, can arise as a consequence of culturally incongruent leadership, i.e. leader behaviors and actions that do not comply ... -
When Leadership Matters More Than Leaders: Developing a Processual Prespective on Leadership During Organizational Crises
(Ph.d. thesis (Norges handelshøyskole), Doctoral thesis, 2017)