Now showing items 3441-3460 of 8342

    • Norms and Nature in Translation Studies 

      Malmkjær, Kirsten (Journal article, 2005)
      Norms have played a central role in descriptive translation studies, because (Toury, 1995: 61, emphasis in the original) “it is norms that determine the (type and extent of) equivalence manifested by actual translations”. ...
    • Absent doctors, shy economists and polemic linguists? Writer manifestation in academic texts 

      Dahl, Trine (Journal article, 2004)
      The work reported here is part of a project funded by the Norwegian Research Council, for the period 2002-2004. Professor Kjersti Fløttum from the University of Bergen is project leader. The project title is Kulturell ...
    • Kva er interkulturell kommunikasjon? 

      Rygg, Kristin (Journal article, 2005)
      The new and challenging field of intercultural communication is today taught in institutions of higher education in Norway by teachers having a wide variety of backgrounds, including language teachers, priests ...
    • Blikk på og blikk for translatøreksamen i Norge 

      Roald, Jan; Simonnæs, Ingrid (Journal article, 2005)
      Professional translators in Norway have existed since the final period of the Union between Norway and Denmark through an Order in Council in 1800. The first national translators’ exam (Translatøreksamen) was arranged ...
    • Translating for Television 

      Tveit, Jan Emil (Journal article, 2005)
      Whereas a large number of books and articles have been written on general translation, surprisingly little has been done on screen translation. There are obviously several reasons for this, one of the most important ...
    • Nye evalueringsformer i et handlingsteoretisk perspektiv 

      Gynnild, Vidar (Journal article, 2003)
      Innovative or authentic assessment is a crucial part of the current reform of higher education in Norway. The author argues that assessment should be an integral part of the teaching and learning process as there is ...
    • Tolking i offentlig tjeneste og konferansetolking. To forskjellig verdener? 

      Whittaker, Sunniva (Journal article, 2005)
      This article explores differences between conference interpreting and community interpreting with regard to identity, status, ethical issues and interpreting skills requirements. My aim is to show that while community ...
    • KB-N (KunnskapsBank for Norsk økonomisk-administrativt domene): presentasjon av et korpusbasert terminologiprosjekt 

      Innselset, Kai; Brekke, Magnar (Journal article, 2004)
      This paper reports early results of a 3-year project at the Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication, NHH, aiming to establish a knowledge-bank for economic-administrative domains. The underlying ...
    • Om fagsprog, fagkommunikation og fagviden 

      Engberg, Jan (Journal article, 2004)
      At samtaler mellem fagfolk adskiller sig fra samtaler mellem ikke-fagfolk, er en erfaring alle, der lever i et moderne samfund, kender til, og det kan anses for at være et grundlæggende faktum, som sprogvidenskaben bør ...
    • Terminologi og fagspråk - teori og praksis 

      Hoel, Jan (Journal article, 2006)
      The Norwegian Language Council in January 2005 appointed a group with external members which is to work in the field of terminology and language for special purposes (LSP). I attempt to give a brief account of the achievements ...
    • Prinsipp for integrering av nye ord i juridiske ordbøker 

      Nymark, Johannes (Journal article, 2004)
      In the elaboration of the legal part of a Spanish/Norwegian-Norwegian/Spanish dictionary a series of lexical problems has arisen, among others how to deal with the necessity of new terms for designating new concepts or new ...
    • Uddannelse af translatører i Danmark - også i andre sprog end de traditionelle hovedsprog 

      Koue, Flemming (Journal article, 2005)
      On August 21, 1635, the Danish King Christian IV in an Open Letter made public that all foreign ships passing through the Sound had to pay toll and that therefore all shipping documents had to be translated into Danish. Thus ...
    • Terminologi og samarbeidsformer mellom næringsliv og UoH-sektoren 

      Andersen, Gisle (Journal article, 2006)
      In this paper I present cultural, political, financial and pedagogical arguments for developing terminology in Norwegian. I argue in favour of the establishment of a national centre for terminology and technical ...
    • Utvikling av en modul i fransk juridisk språk 

      Roald, Jan; Whittaker, Sunniva (Journal article, 2004)
      Vi gjennomlever en periode hvor alt flyter i høyskole- og universitetssektoren. Fagene splittes opp i moduler, og vi føler uro for at den helhetlige tankegangen og fagenes helhet blir borte. På den annen side tvinger ...
    • Localization: On its nature, virtues and dangers 

      Pym, Anthony (Journal article, 2005)
      Discourse on the localization of software and websites now underlies one of the major language industries of our time. Its basic concepts also address issues that are of interest to sociolinguistics, text linguistics, ...
    • Pronoms et articles démonstratifs : traduction de la reprise anaphorique en norvégien 

      Whittaker, Sunniva (Journal article, 2004)
      Les démonstratifs français ont fait l’objet de nombreuses études visant à rendre compte de leur spécificité tant au niveau de leur mode de donation référentielle qu’au niveau des effets discursifs qu’ils sont susceptibles ...
    • Lexicological correctness and lexicographic relevance? The inclusion of semantic, encyclopedic, syntactic information in a bilingual dictionary of law 

      Lind, Åge (Journal article, 2005)
      The transposition of legal terminology is perhaps one of the most difficult areas of translation, since there will rarely be complete or direct equivalence between concepts in two languages. I shall in this paper look ...
    • Tolkeutdanningen i Bergen 

      Johnsen, Åse (Journal article, 2005)
      This article gives a presentation of a one-semester course for interpreters at the University of Bergen. The course has been financed by the Directorate of Immigration and the target group for the course is interpreters ...
    • “Isolering av yttervegger” Fagkunnskap som forutsetning for vellykket språklig representasjon 

      Thorsnes, Elin (Journal article, 2002)
      Utgangspunktet for dette notatet og et foredrag over samme tema holdt på NHH 4. oktober i år er et utsnitt av en artikkel i Fortidsvern nr 3 / 2001. Fortidsvern er medlemsbladet til Foreningen til norske fortidsminnesmerkers ...
    • Analyzing LSP tekst types: From descriptive to prescriptive text (-TYPE) linguistics 

      Göpferich, Susanne (Journal article, 1998)
      In the last 15 years, numerous LSP genres have been analyzed and compared intralingually as well as interlingually and interculturally. The results of these analyses, however, have hardly been related to each other and ...