Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Steen, Frode"
An acquisition in the Nordic ferry market: rivalry or coordination on capacity?
Steen, Frode; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper, Working paper, 2000-12)The purpose of this article is to test the effect of Color Line’s acquisition of Larvik Line in September 1996. We formulate theoretical predictions for the changes in sales, capacity and capacity utilisation following an ... -
Anatomy of cartel contracts
Hyytinen, Ari; Steen, Frode; Toivanen, Otto (Working paper;49/13, Working paper, 2013-12)We study cartel contracts using data on 18 contract clauses of 109 legal Finnish manufacturing cartels whose legal status is reminiscent of e.g. the U.S Sugar Institute. One third of the clauses relate to raising profits; ... -
Anatomy of cartel contracts
Hyytinen, Ari; Steen, Frode; Toivanen, Otto (Discussion paper;25/2012, Working paper, 2012-12)We study cartel contracts using data on 18 contract clauses of 109 legal Finnish manufacturing cartels. One third of the clauses relate to raising profits; the others deal with instability through incentive compatibility, ... -
Asymmetric cost transmission and market power in retail gasoline markets
Rrukaj, Ritvana; Steen, Frode (DP SAM;08/2024, Working paper, 2024-05-30)Estimating non-linear autoregressive distributed lag models, we establish shortrun cost pass-through in the Swedish retail gasoline market. Our findings reveal a slower correction of disequilibrium error in volume-adjusted ... -
Betalingsvilje for hjemlevering av dagligvarer : en empirisk analyse av kunden for netthandel av dagligvarer og betalingsvilje for hjemlevering
Angelvik, Fredrik; Bytingsvik, Maren Pedersen (Master thesis, 2019)”Dagligvarer levert på døren er et marked i vekst, imidlertid tjener verken Meny eller penger på hjemleveranse - enda” (, 2019). Mye av årsaken til dette er at kostnadene ved å levere varer hjem til ... -
Bonusprogrammer i luftfartsmarkedet : en empirisk analyse av SAS Eurobonus
Halvorsen, Bjørnar Sandnes; Skaug, Morten Røkeberg (Master thesis, 2016-09-02)Hensikten med denne masterutredningen er å undersøke hvorvidt SAS benytter fordelsprogrammet Eurobonus aktivt i forhold til konkurranseforholdene, forretnings- og fritidssegmentet og innlands- og utenlandsmarkedet. For ... -
Cartels uncovered
Hyytinen, Ari; Steen, Frode; Toivanen, Otto (Working paper, Working paper, 2011-03)How many cartels are there? The answer is important in assessing the need for competition policy. We present a Hidden Markov Model that answers the question, taking into account that often we do not know whether a cartel ... -
Cartels uncovered
Steen, Frode; Toivanen, Otto; Hyytinen, Ari (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-03)How many cartels are there? The answer is important in assessing the efficiency of competition policy. We present a Hidden Markov Model that answers the question, taking into account that often we do not know whether a ... -
Co-location, good, bad or both: How does new entry of discount variety store affect local grocery business?
Evensen, Charlotte B.; Steen, Frode; Ulsaker, Simen A. (SAM DP;17/2021, Working paper, 2021)We analyze 69 entries and relocations by the Norwegian discount variety chain Europris during the period 2016 to 2019. We measure how its location choices affect local grocery stores’ performance, using a diff-in-diff ... -
Collude, compete, or both? : deregulation in the Norwegian airline industry
Salvanes, Kjell Gunnar; Steen, Frode; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper, Working paper, 2000-12)The purpose of this paper is to test the nature of competition concerning price and capacity setting in the Norwegian airline industry after the deregulation in 1994. Did the two airlines, SAS and Braathens, compete on ... -
Collude, compete, or both? : deregulation in the Norwegian airline industry
Salvanes, Kjell Gunnar; Steen, Frode; Sørgard, Lars (Discussion paper, Working paper, 1998-10)The purpose of this paper is to test the nature of competition concerning price and capacity setting in the Norwegian airline industry after the deregulation in 1994. Did the two airlines, SAS and Braathens, compete on ... -
Cross-border shopping of alcohol – What is the effect on tax revenue and sales and which products are most affected?
Friberg, Richard; Steen, Frode; Ulsaker, Simen A. (DP SAM;12/2024, Working paper, 2024-07-04)We use COVID-19 border closings and comprehensive store-level data on Norwegian alcohol sales to quantify the effect cross-border shopping of alcohol on sales volume and commodity tax revenue. Effects are large, for instance ... -
Disadvantageous semicollusion : price competition in the Norwegian airline industry
Steen, Frode; Sørgard, Lars (Discussion paper;27/2012, Working paper, 2012-12)Motivated by observations in the Norwegian airline industry in the late 90s, we develop a semicollusive model with collusion on gross prices and competition on contracts for large customers (corporate contracts). The ... -
Do bottlenecks generate market power? : an empirical study of the Norwegian electricity market
Steen, Frode (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-12)The present study analyses the potential non-competitive effects of capacity restrictions – socalled bottlenecks - in the Norwegian electricity market. We specify a structural model, and econometrically identifies market ... -
Duration of Norwegian Cartels : What influenced the duration of the legal Norwegian cartels in the period 1957-1991?
Lillefosse, Dag Olav (Master thesis, 2016-09-02)In this thesis I study the duration of cartels using data on 191 legal manufacturing cartels that was registered in the Norwegian Cartel Registry between 1957 and 1991. I find that the Norwegian manufacturing cartels ... -
The economics of social networks : the winner takes it all?
Fjell, Kenneth; Foros, Øystein; Steen, Frode (2010:42, Working paper, 2010-09)We look at the economics of social networks. Key economic features of these are positive network effects, giving rise to positive feedback effects that may lead to a winner-takes-it-all market. Social networks’ revenues ... -
Economies of scale in European manufacturing revisited
Henriksen, Espen R.; Midelfart, Karen Helene; Steen, Frode (Report, Research report, 2001-05)We test for internal and external economies of scale in European manufacturing employing a more disaggregated data set than what has been used in earlier analyses, and aim to separate externalities from common business ... -
Economies of scale in European manufacturing revisited
Henriksen, Espen R.; Midelfart, Karen Helene; Steen, Frode (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-06)We test for internal and external economies of scale in European manufacturing employing a more disaggregated data set than what has been used in earlier analyses, and aim to separate externalities from common business ... -
The effect of cross-border shopping on commodity tax revenue: Results from a natural experiment
Friberg, Richard; Halseth, Emil M. Strøm; Steen, Frode; Ulsaker, Simen A. (SAM DP;09/2022, Working paper, 2022-06-20)We use grocery data from Norway and COVID-19 border closings to gauge the effect of cross-border shopping on commodity tax revenue. Detailed store-category level data identify differential treatment effects that depend on ... -
Effekten av programfordeler i lojalitetsprogrammer på programtilfredshet, programtillit, programlojalitet og butikklojalitet : en studie av ulike kundelojalitetsprogrammer og programfordeler i det norske dagligvaremarkedet
Godø, Inga Kristine (Master thesis, 2017)Dagligvarebransjen i Norge fikk i Januar 2017 et nytt tilskudd i form av lojalitetsprogrammet Æ som konkurranse til de to allerede eksisterende lojalitetsprogrammene - Trumf og Coop Medlem. I denne utredningen har effektene ...