Browsing Discussion papers (SAM) by Title
Now showing items 615-634 of 666
A U-shaped Europe? : a simulation study of industrial location
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 1999-09)This paper uses a full-scale CGE-model - calibrated on 1992 data - to investigate the effects of European integration on the location of industrial production. Our results reveal large differences among individual ... -
Uncertainty in the theory of public finance
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2009-09)This paper discusses the role that the economics of uncertainty has played in the theory of public finance. From being mostly concerned with its choice-theoretic foundations in the 1950s and ‘60s, the theory of expected ... -
Under pressure? : the effect of peers on outcomes of young adults
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-05)A variety of public campaigns, including the “Just Say No” campaign of the 1980s and 1990s that encouraged teenagers to “Just Say No to Drugs”, are based on the premise that teenagers are very susceptible to peer influences. ... -
Underrepresentation, Quotas and Quality: A dynamic argument for reform
(SAM DP;08/2023, Working paper, 2023-05)The trade-off between increased representation and perceived quality is central to the debate on how to address underrepresentation in high-profile professions. We address this trade-off using a dynamic model of career ... -
Understanding the Decline in Private Sector Unionization: A Skill-based Approach
(DP SAM;07/2021, Working paper, 2021-03)Private-sector unionization rates have fallen precipitously in the United States over the past half century, from 25% in 1973 to only 7% in 2018. We take a skill-based approach to studying this decline, using data from the ... -
Unemployment shocks, cyclical prices and shopping behavior
(DP SAM;03/2021, Working paper, 2021-01)We use rich data from Norway’s biggest grocery chain to show how households and grocery stores react to changing economic conditions. We exploit the regional nature of a recession following the drop in the oil price in ... -
Unionized oligopoly, trade liberalization and location choice
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-07)In a two-country reciprocal dumping model, with one country unionized, we analyze how wage setting and firm location are influenced by trade liberalization. We show that trade liberalization can induce FDI, which is at ... -
Universal Childcare for the Youngest and the Maternal Labour Supply
(DP SAM;03/2019, Working paper, 2019-02)In this paper, we investigate whether the expansion of childcare leads to an increase in the female labour supply. We measure female labour supply at both the extensive and intensive margin. For identification, we exploit ... -
Unleveling the Playing Field? Experimental Evidence on Parents’ Willingness to Give Their Child an Advantage
(DP SAM;21/2023, Working paper, 2023-12)Parents play a pivotal role in shaping the opportunities and outcomes of their children. This paper provides unique evidence on parents’ willingness to give their child an advantage. I report from a large-scale lab-in-the-field ... -
Upstream merger in a successive oligopoly : who pays the price?
(Discussion Papers;17/2013, Working paper, 2013-12)This study develops and uses a successive oligopoly model, with an unobservable non-linear tariff between upstream and downstream firms, to analyze the possible anti-competitive effects of an upstream merger. We find ... -
Using survey data of inflation expectations in the estimation of learning and rational expectations models
(Discussion paper;20/2014, Working paper, 2014-05)Does survey data contain useful information for estimating macroeconomic models? We address this question by using survey data of inflation expectations to estimate the New Keynesian model by Smets and Wouters (2007) and ... -
Using the Helmert-transformation to reduce dimensionality in a mixed model: Application to a wage equation with worker and firm heterogeneity
(Discussion Papers;11/2011, Working paper, 2011-07) -
Utility analysis, luxuries and risk : a critical comment
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-10)This note questions the analysis of Diacon (2006) in the June issue of Economics Letters. It points at a misinterpretation and claims that the conclusion—that the presence of luxuries may make people love income gambles ... -
The value of equality
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-09)Over the years, egalitarian philosophers have made some challenging claims about the nature of egalitarianism. They have argued that the Rawlsian leximin principle is not an egalitarian idea; that egalitarian reasoning ... -
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-09)It is a widely adopted practice for firms to announce new products well in advance of actual market availability, especially in the computer industry. This practice of preannouncement often has been derisively referred to ... -
Variations in the price and quality of English grain, 1750-1914: quantitative evidence and empirical implications.
(Discussion paper;06/15, Working paper, 2015-03)Interpretation of historic grain price data may be hazardous owing to systematic grain quality variation – both cross sectionally and over varying time horizons (intra-year, inter-year, long run). We use the English wheat ... -
Viscosity and dispersion in an evolutionary model of learning
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-03)A two-population evolutionary model of learning is proposed where there is a conflict of interests between populations, and where interaction ranges from complete viscosity to complete dispersion. The long run stochastically ... -
Vocational training and gender : wages and occupational mobility among young workers
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-08)This paper investigates the relationship between the gender wage gap, the choice of training occupation, and occupational mobility. We use longitudinal data for young workers with apprenticeship training in West Germany. ... -
Wage dips and drops around first birth
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-01)We use a rich longitudinal data set for West Germany to disentangle the wage effects for female workers around first birth. Data on daily real wages reveal a dip in women’s real wages shortly before giving birth and a ... -
War of attrition with affiliated values.
(DP SAM;16/2017, Working paper, 2017)We study the war of attrition between two players when the players’ signals are binary and affiliated. Our model covers both the case of common values and affiliated private values. We characterize the unique symmetric ...