Now showing items 132-151 of 158

    • The formation of legal terms: a case study 

      Roald, Jan; Whittaker, Sunniva (Journal article, 2011)
      In recent years, the focus in terminology research has shifted from normative and descriptive studies to more explanatory studies, dealing with how and why new terms are formed. The present study falls within this trend. ...
    • The interdisciplinary concept of translational intertextuality, illustrated on the basis of LSP text networks 

      Baumann, Klaus-Dieter (Journal article, 2013)
      Since the late 1980s, a tendency towards interdisciplinary analysis strategies in the field of linguistics in general, and more particularly in the field of LSP research, has become apparent. Depending on the subject matter ...
    • The Object is a Unit of Knowledge 

      Picht, Heribert (Journal article, 2008)
      After an introduction containing definitions of the terminological entity ‘object’ from national and international standards, a classification of types of objects is suggested followed by a brief statement of the nature ...
    • 'The Prime Minister said...' Voices in translated political texts 

      Schäffner, Christina (Journal article, 2008)
      A variety of texts are translated to fulfil functions for political communication across languages, cultures, and ideologies. For example, newspapers regularly provide quotes of statements by foreign politicians, ...
    • The Problem of Scientific Uncertainty 

      Fjelland, Ragnar (Journal article, 2010)
      In a certain sense uncertainty and ignorance have been recognized in science and philosophy from the time of the Greeks. However, the mathematical sciences have been dominated by the pursuit of certainty. Therefore, experiments ...
    • The Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union: Purpose and activities 

      Fontenelle, Thierry (Journal article, 2011)
      The Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union was established in 1994 to meet the translation needs of the other decentralized Community agencies. It also participates in the Interinstitutional Committee for ...
    • Tolkeutdanningen i Bergen 

      Johnsen, Åse (Journal article, 2005)
      This article gives a presentation of a one-semester course for interpreters at the University of Bergen. The course has been financed by the Directorate of Immigration and the target group for the course is interpreters ...
    • Tolking i offentlig tjeneste og konferansetolking. To forskjellig verdener? 

      Whittaker, Sunniva (Journal article, 2005)
      This article explores differences between conference interpreting and community interpreting with regard to identity, status, ethical issues and interpreting skills requirements. My aim is to show that while community ...
    • Translating for Television 

      Tveit, Jan Emil (Journal article, 2005)
      Whereas a large number of books and articles have been written on general translation, surprisingly little has been done on screen translation. There are obviously several reasons for this, one of the most important ...
    • Translation and corpus design 

      Zanettin, Federico (Journal article, 2011)
      In this article I discuss the role of translated texts in different types of corpora. I first consider the role of translations in corpus-based monolingual linguistics, arguing that while translated texts are often excluded ...
    • Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Vienna - Today and Tomorrow 

      Schättle, Margarete (Journal article, 2002)
      The present (2002) training program for translators and interpreters at the Department of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Vienna is based on the General University Studies Act1 of July 15, 1966, ...
    • Translation and Law 

      Stolze, Radegundis (Journal article, 2013)
      On St. Jerome’s Day 2012, the specific issue of the relationship between translation and law has formed the subject of a lecture at NHH, Bergen. Law is present in many texts, and legal translators will, in their practice, ...
    • Translation in context St Jerome and modern multilingual EU law 

      Robertson, Colin (Journal article, 2012)
      This paper reflects on the nature of legal language and in particular the legal language of the European Union (EU) and translation issues that arise in relation to EU law. The avenue explored here concerns ways in which ...
    • ‘Typically Norwegian to be impolite.’ Impoliteness according to whom? 

      Rygg, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
    • Uddannelse af translatører i Danmark - også i andre sprog end de traditionelle hovedsprog 

      Koue, Flemming (Journal article, 2005)
      On August 21, 1635, the Danish King Christian IV in an Open Letter made public that all foreign ships passing through the Sound had to pay toll and that therefore all shipping documents had to be translated into Danish. Thus ...
    • Understanding terminology in texts 

      Temmerman, Rita (Journal article, 2008)
      In this article we focus on the process of understanding terms in texts. We explain how a method for terminological analysis of specialised texts has been set up in order to develop ontologically-underpinned terminological ...
    • Using web-based corpora to find Norwegian specialised neologies 

      Kristiansen, Marita (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      In this article I present an on - going study of the use of web - based corpora to detect Norwegian terminology and in particular financial neologisms. With an ever increasing influence from English in the domain, ...
    • Utro anaforer i fransk og dansk. Anvendelse og fortolkning, forklaring og oversættelse 

      Lundquist, Lita (Journal article, 2004)
      Når man møder en nominalfrase, en NP, der er ny i en tekst, er der store chancer for at denne NP enten opretter en ny eller opretholder en tidligere diskursreferent i teksten. Om diskursreferenten er ny eller allerede ...
    • Utvikling av en modul i fransk juridisk språk 

      Roald, Jan; Whittaker, Sunniva (Journal article, 2004)
      Vi gjennomlever en periode hvor alt flyter i høyskole- og universitetssektoren. Fagene splittes opp i moduler, og vi føler uro for at den helhetlige tankegangen og fagenes helhet blir borte. På den annen side tvinger ...