Articles (FSK): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
On second language/nonnative speakerism in conversation analysis: A study of emic orientations to language in multilingual/lingua franca couple interactions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)While conversation analytic research on second language (L2) interaction tends to use categories such as L2/nonnative speaker and learner, these labels are not always rooted in the participants' emic orientations. This ... -
Climate change as a corporate strategy issue: A discourse analysis of three climate reports from the energy sector
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore how energy companies discursively construct climate change when integrating it into their overall business strategy. Design/methodology/approach – This linguistic ... -
Mémoire transculturelle et discours multimodaux sur la migration - une analyse exploratoire de l’exemple de la « Jungle » de Calais
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Abstract: Recent trends in patterns of mobility, and specifically the spatial exclusion of exiles into detention centers and camps, point to an urgent need to re-examine different forms of narratives on migration and exile, ... -
Intersystemischer Rechtsvergleich und interlinguale Rechtsübersetzung Norwegen und Deutschland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Dieser Beitrag beschreibt theoretische Aspekte zur intersystemischen Übersetzung von Gesetzestexten Norwegisch-Deutsch zwecks Informationsgewinnung. Beim Vergleichen von Rechtsordnungen wird zwischen internationaler, ... -
Detecting specialised neologisms in researchers’ blogs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The present paper explores whether researchers’ blogs may be useful as corpora to detect specialised neologisms in economic-administrative domains, such as Finance, Management or Macroeconomics. Three different blogs have ... -
KIAP - reflexions on a complex corpus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)In this article we describe the KIAP corpus, a corpus of 450 research articles covering three disciplines (economics, linguistics and medicine) and three languages (English, French and Norwegian) located at the University ... -
FTA Corpus: a parallel corpus of English and Spanish Free Trade Agreements for the study of specialized collocations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This paper describes the Corpus of Free Trade Agreements (henceforth FTA), a specialized parallel corpus in English and Spanish from Europe and America and a smaller subcorpus in EnglishGNorwegian and SpanishGNorwegian ... -
Recent developments in Norwegian corpus lexicography
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This paper gives an account of recent efforts within corpus-based lexicography in Norway. I explore the lexical neology database that has been developed in the Norwegian Newspaper Corpus project (Andersen and Hofland 2012). ... -
Análisis léxico sobre la opacidad ortográfica de la crónica de indias: el caso del verbo haber
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Hasta finales del siglo XVIII los cronistas de indias europeos recrearon con sus manuscritos la cultura, paisajes y formas de vivir de América en los imaginarios del mundo europeo; sin embargo, tal recreación a veces obvió ... -
Terminologische Datenbanken als Verstehens- und Formulierungshilfe beim Übersetzen von Rechtstexten
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The present article discusses the challenges in constructing a legal terminological database (LTDB) on the basis of Norsk-Tysk juridisk ordbok (Norwegian-German legal dictionary, Simonnæs, 1994). As each legal system is ... -
‘Typically Norwegian to be impolite.’ Impoliteness according to whom?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Semantic and Pragmatic Value of Norwegian Greetings the Last Hundred Years
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)this article addresses changes in norwegian greeting rituals during the last century seen from two viewpoints: First, an article in Maal og Minne (lundeby 1995) against the answers to a questionnaire on greetings ... -
Migrantnarrativer som interkulturell døråpner? En pilotanalyse av læreverktekster i fransk, italiensk og spansk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Artikkelen tar opp fremmedspråkenes formidling av interkulturell kompetanse, og hvordan denne er knyttet til skolens samlede danningsprosjekt. Artikkel-forfatterne diskuterer hvordan migrantnarrativer kan brukes som ... -
Web 2.0 et genres discursifs : l’exemple de blogs sur le changement du climat
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Les données du Web constituent un terrain de recherche précieux pour la linguistique, mais elles posent également de nouveaux défis, entre autres pour la caractérisation des données en termes de genre discursif. Cet ... -
Language management in a multinational workforce: The knowledge worker perspective.
(Journal article, 2015)Organisations recruiting knowledge workers worldwide face a considerable challenge with regard to the choice of corporate language. The use of English as a lingua franca is often perceived as the most obvious option. ... -
Las locuciones adjetivas y verbales en un diccionario fraselógico de producción
(Journal article, 2008)En el presente trabajo se parte del concepto de que la fraseología es, posiblemente, una de las parcelas de la lengua que mayores dificultades presenta en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. Por esta razón, los ... -
Japanese and Norwegian Metapragmatic Perceptions of Contextual Factors in Intercultural Business Communication
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)National culture is frequently used as the dominant influential factor when intercultural business communication differences are explained. Leaning on theories about other contextual factors from the field of pragmatics, ... -
Contested science in the media: linguistic traces of news writers’ framing activity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Science reporting in the media often involves contested issues, such as, e.g., biotechnology, climate change, and more recently, geoengineering. The reporter’s framing of the issue is likely to influence readers’ perception ... -
Das multilinguale fachsprachliche Korpus TK-NHH - Eine korpus basierte Fallstudie über die explicitation hypothesis anhand von ins Deutsche und Englische übersetzten Rechtstexten
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The present study is a case study about the explicitation hypothesis in legal transla-tions into German and English by means of a corpus-based approach and will present preliminary findings. After the introduction, I first ... -
Different contexts, different "stories"? A linguistic comparison of two development reports on climate change
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This paper describes some linguistic features related to the textual interaction taking place between different voices in two development reports focusing on climate change chal- lenges, and discuss how these features ...