The strategic management and transaction cost nexus : past debates,
The role of transaction cost economics (broadly conceived) in developing
research in strategic management has been a hotly debated topic over the
last decade. This methodological essay develops the argument that
transaction cost insights are more than merely useful complements to
existing approaches to strategic management. Rather, they are necessary for
adequately understanding the nature of strategizing, because transaction
costs are essential aspects of processes of creating, capturing and protecting
value. If transaction costs are zero, these processes do not pose any strategic
problems. However, when transaction costs are positive, opportunities for
value creation through the reduction of inefficiencies caused by transaction
costs exist, and protecting and appropriating value are costly activities that
dissipate value. The use in strategic management of models in which the
fullest possible account of transaction costs is taken is contrasted with more
constraining models, in particular the patched-up competitive equilibrium
models that are now used as the benchmark models in some important
parts of strategic management research, most notably in the core models of
the resource-based view.
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. Department of Strategy and ManagementSeries
Discussion paper2002:3