• Tosidige markeder, nettverkseffekter og offentlig politikk 

      Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2005-10)
      De siste årene har det vokst fram en interessant litteratur om såkalte tosidige markeder. Et eksempel på en bedrift som opererer i et tosidig marked er en dagsavis. Avisen vil typisk finansiere sin virksomhet både gjennom ...
    • Towards monitoring the world’s fishery resources using viability indices 

      Ussif, Al-Amin M.; Sumaila, Ussif Rashid; Bjørndal, Trond (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-05)
      This paper develops an easy to use and cost efficient index for the assessment of stock viability in fisheries management and bioeconomic analysis. The index is predicated on biological and economic theory, and can be ...
    • Trade in information services and economic development : on the implications of ICT for less developed countries 

      de Groot, Henri L.F.; Nordås, Hildegunn Kyvik (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-07)
      The diffusion of information and communication technology has reduced cost of information substantially in recent years. Even in the poorest countries in the world, the share of the population with access to telecommunications ...
    • Trade liberalization and distribution 

      Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-10)
      We analyze how the organization of imports of agricultural products due to trade liberalization affects domestic production, profits and welfare. A local wholesaler owned by local farmers (cooperative) competes with an ...
    • The tragedy of soft choices : capacity accumulation and lopsided allocation in the Norwegian coastal cod fishery 

      Standal, Dag; Aarset, Bernt (Working Paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2001-12)
      Following years of reduced stocks and catch quotas, 1989 became the "great divide" in Norwegian cod fisheries management as the open-access regime was abandoned. The government implemented a new regime for the coastal cod ...
    • Transitions to employment from labour market enterprises in Norway 

      Aakvik, Arild; Dahl, Svenn-Åge (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-12)
      We analyse a labour market programme for partly disabled workers that involves the transition from Labour Market Enterprises to a job in the ordinary labour market. We find that the percentage of these people finding jobs ...
    • Transnasjonale selskapers investeringsallokering : fokus på finansielt volum 

      Osmundsen, Petter; Emhjellen, Magne; Halleraker, Morten (Rapport, Research report, 2000-10)
      Er det slik at et selskap er indifferent mellom små og store prosjekter? Vil man for eksempel være indifferent mellom 10 store og 100 små prosjekter dersom den samlede nåverdien etter skatt - slik den vurderes i den enkelte ...
    • Transnational energy companies’ investment allocation decisions 

      Osmundsen, Petter; Emhjellen, Magne; Halleraker, Morten (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-10)
      When making international capital budgeting decisions, energy companies are often faced with capital and organisational constraints. The constraints may be real or management imposed. In addition, when entering into a new ...
    • Transportbehovet for sjømatnæringen på vestlandet 

      Bjorvatn, Afsane (Rapport, Research report, 2002-04)
      SNF-rapport nr. 13/02 Transportbehovet for sjømatnæringen på Vestlandet Av Afsaneh Bjorvatn Rapporten er utført på oppdrag fra Hordaland fylkeskommune og er i hovedsak basert på intervjuer og spørreundersøkelser blant ...
    • Turning the page on business formats for digital platforms : does Apple's agency model soften competition? 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Shaffer, Greg (Working paper;06/14, Working paper, 2014-04)
      The agency model used by Apple and other platform providers such as Google allows upstream rms (content providers like book publishers and developers of apps) to choose the retail prices of their products (RPM) subject ...
    • Turnover, structure and firm specific learning in a large corporation 

      Døving, Erik (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-08)
      This paper studies the acquisition of firm specific knowledge in a major Norwegian oil company. Based on self-report data from 980 managers and professionals the paper investigates the impact of formal structure, informal ...
    • The TV industry : advertising and programming 

      Nilssen, Tore; Sørgard, Lars (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-07)
      The key to an understanding of the TV industry is the market for TV advertising. We present a model of this market that also encompasses the product markets and the viewer market. Because viewers dislike commercials, there ...
    • TV-markedet : private versus offentlige aktører 

      Garcia-Pires, Armando; Skjeret, Frode; Sørgard, Lars (Rapport;2014:12, Research report, 2014-10)
      I denne rapporten drøftes samspillet mellom offentlige og private kringkastere i TV-markedet. Når en sammenligner den norske allmennkringkasteren NRK med tilsvarende allmennkringkastere i andre land det er naturlig å ...
    • Tverrfaglig poliklinisk behandling av ryggpasienter : besparelser for folketrygden? 

      Kjerstad, Egil; Holmås, Tor Helge (Rapport, Research report, 2002-04)
      I rapporten redegjøres det for evalueringsarbeidet som er gjort i forbindelse med innføringen av en ny tverrfaglig poliklinisk behandlingstakst for ryggpasienter. Studien baserer seg både på registerdata og intervjuundersøkelser. ...
    • Two-part pricing, consumer heterogeneity and cournot competition 

      Jensen, Sissel; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-04)
      We analyze two-part tariffs in an oligopoly, where each firm commits to a quantity and a fixed fee prior to the determination of unit prices. In the case of homogeneous consumers, Harrison and Kline (2001) showed that the ...
    • Two-sided markets with bargaining over content : the monopoly case 

      Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-04)
      A TV platform provides content to viewers and viewers to advertising producers. We study platform pricing and the supply of an essential type of content when there are two-sided network effects and the platform bargains ...
    • Tørrskodd Vestland. Arbeidsmarkedsvirkninger av ferjefritt samband Bergen-Stavanger 

      Heum, Per; Norman, Eva Benedicte; Norman, Victor D.; Orvedal, Linda (Arbeidsnotat;33/12, Working paper, 2012-10)
      I denne rapporten drøftes og tallfestes regionaløkonomiske virkninger for Sørvestlandet av ferjefritt stamveiforbindelse mellom Stavanger og Bergen. Analysen er et supplement til «tradisjonelle» nytte-kostnadsanalyser. ...
    • Ulovleg omsetnad i fiskeri- og havbruksnæringa 

      Ekerhovd, Nils-Arne; Nøstbakken, Linda; Skjeret, Frode (Rapport;2015:4, Research report, 2015-05)
      Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning (SNF) AS har fått i oppdrag av Skatteetaten og Fiskeridirektoratet å undersøke utbreiinga og omfanget av under- og feilrapportering av fangstar i fiskeria og under- og feilrapporteringa ...
    • Understanding risk appetite : what is it, what pressures shape it and how is it institutionalized 

      Baunan, Håvard; Berge, Joel (Report;2016:9, Research report, 2016-10)
      The purpose of this thesis is to understand the concept of risk appetite in terms of what it is, what institutional pressures influence it, and how it is institutionalized in an organization. We try to understand what risk ...
    • Understanding the production and consumption of design expertise by small medium-sized firms : some evidence from Norway 

      Rusten, Grete; Bryson, John R. (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-06)
      This paper explores the ways in which industrial design services are organised, produced, and consumed by Norwegian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This includes exploring the geographies of this performance in ...