Browsing Working papers (SNF) by Author "Aarset, Bernt"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Cod farming at the intersection of fisheries and aquaculture
Aarset, Bernt; Standal, Dag; Asche, Frank (Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-12)Over the past three decades, the powerful combination of capital, research, and promising prospects has propelled salmon aquaculture to a mature, billion dollar, worldwide industry. Aquaculture entrepreneurs now search for ... -
Et klyngeperspektiv på lønnsomhet og videreforedling i fiskerinæringa i Hordaland
Aarset, Bernt (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-10)Klynger eksisterer på forskjellige geografiske nivå og omfatter forskjellige kombinasjoner av virksomhet. Klynger inngår i et system der det er et kontinuerlig søk etter nye løsninger. Klyngetankegangen er basert på at en ... -
Ethics and credibility of organic salmon regulation
Tveterås, Sigbjørn; Aarset, Bernt (Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-09)The objective of this report is to establish how important standardisations of regulations is for the credibility of organic fish products, from the viewpoint of consumers, producers, animal welfare groups, and environmentalists. ... -
Explaining non-compliance in the Norwegian coastal cod fishery : an application of the multinomial logit
Jensen, Carsten Lynge; Aarset, Bernt (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-11)Establishing motive is central to the analysis of criminal behaviour. This paper analyses the range of motives for non-compliant behaviour among coastal cod fishermen. A multinomial logit model is employed to analyse the ... -
On a clear day you can see all the way to Brussels : the transformation of aquaculture regulation in Norway
Aarset, Bernt; Jakobsen, Stig-Erik (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-12)In this paper we study the evolution of the regulation of the Norwegian aquaculture industry, in particular how European integration has affected the development of the regulatory regime. We analyse whether the transformation ... -
Regionale og distriktspolitiske effekter av statlig havbrukspolitikk
Jakobsen, Stig-Erik; Berge, Dag Magne; Aarset, Bernt (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2003-06)Dette notatet er skrevet på oppdrag av Kommunal- og regionaldepartementets Effektutvalg som ble nedsatt av Regjeringen høsten 2001. Utvalget jobber med kartlegging av effekter av statlig innsats på ulike områder. Notatet ... -
Regulation and innovation : the case of the pelagic fisheries sector in Norway : a theoretical and methodological approach for an empirical analysis
Jakobsen, Stig-Erik; Aarset, Bernt (Working Paper, Working paper, 2005-10)Within the mainstream of studies of industrial innovations, the focus has primarily been at parameters such as firm size, equity, networks and clustering. Regulation has traditionally been regarded as the antagonism to ... -
Research and development of ’new species’ in Norwegian aquaculture
Aarset, Bernt (Working Paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2003-04)Because of salmon farming, Norwegian aquaculture today is a remarkable economic success. The success is partly explained by aquaculture research of high international quality. However, this salmon farming research overshadows ... -
Simulating the impacts of trade restrictions : an application to the European salmon trade
Jensen, Carsten Lynge; Asche, Frank; Aarset, Bernt (Working Paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2003-03)During the last decade there has been a number of conflicts in relation to the trade of salmon in the EU. A current agreement between Norway and the EU includes a voluntary minimum import price agreement for exporters. A ... -
The tragedy of soft choices : capacity accumulation and lopsided allocation in the Norwegian coastal cod fishery
Standal, Dag; Aarset, Bernt (Working Paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2001-12)Following years of reduced stocks and catch quotas, 1989 became the "great divide" in Norwegian cod fisheries management as the open-access regime was abandoned. The government implemented a new regime for the coastal cod ...