Blar i Working papers (SNF) på utgivelsesdato
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Fusjoner og konkurranse : kostnads- og etterspørselsestimering i markedsmodeller
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-01)I forbindelse med fusjons- og konkurransesaker kommer det ofte frem et behov for å kunne måle konkurranseeffektene av eventuelle bedriftssammenslåinger. Dette krever bruk av ulike markedsmodeller der økonomisk adferd ... -
A non-parametric model of the timecharter-equivalent spot freight rate in the very large crude oil carrier market
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-01)The empirical research in this paper uses non-parametric techniques to avoid arbitrary parametric restrictions on the underlying freight rate process. The relevant hypotheses include: mean reverting freight rates in the ... -
Strategisk innstilling og kompetanseutvikling i norske regnskapsbyråer
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-01)Arbeidsnotatet er skrevet som del av forskningsprosjektet ”Kompetansestyring for verdiskaping”, som er finansiert av TYIN-programmet i Norges Forskningsråd og Norske Autoriserte Regnskapsføreres Forening. Det belyser ... -
Technical trading rule performance in the second-hand asset markets in bulk shipping
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-01)This paper investigates the performance of technical trading rules applied to asset play in the international bulk shipping industry. The rules are tested on monthly returns in the Products Carrier segment for the period ... -
Consumer ethnocentrism in evaluations of superior foreign brands and inferior domestic brands : a study of Polish consumers
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-01)In recent years, there has been a great deal of research exploring the concept of consumer ethnocentrism, although little has been done in Eastern Bloc countries. In these countries, foreign brands are often clearly superior ... -
Regnskapsføreren som verdiskapingsagent : status og muligheter
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-01)Dette arbeidsnotatet er skrevet som ledd i prosjektet ”Kompetansestyring for verdiskaping” som er finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd gjennom TYIN-programmet og Norske Autoriserte Regnskapsføreres Forening. Formålet med ... -
Optimal feedback controls : comparative evaluation of the cod fisheries in Denmark, Iceland and Norway
(Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-01)The purpose of this paper is to compare the relative efficiency of the fish harvesting policies of Iceland, Norway and Denmark. We have chosen to concentrate on the cod fishery as this is the single most important fishery ... -
Are loyal customers profitable? : customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer profitability at the individual level
(Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-02)Customer satisfaction is supposed to be positively related to profitability. This conception may be called “the paradigm of customer satisfaction”. Nevertheless, only a few studies have examined this fundamental relationship. ... -
The coordinating role of budgetary participation : rationalistic and institutional perspectives
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-03)This paper investigates the role of budgetary participation in resolving interdepartmental coordination problems, which has received little empirical attention in the budgetary literature. Both qualitative and quantitative ... -
Decentralization and reliance on the controllability principle in the public sector : an exploratory study
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-03)Despite the growing devolution of budgetary responsibility in public sector organizations, little attention has been paid to the key notion of the controllability principle in this context. This paper explores the relationship ... -
Unemployment clusters across European regions and countries
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-03)European regions experienced a polarisation of their unemployment rates between 1986 and 1996. Regions with high or low initial unemployment saw little change, while regions with intermediate unemployment moved towards ... -
Access pricing, quality degradation and foreclosure in the internet
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-03)Access to both a local and a global network is needed in order to get complete connection to the Internet. The purpose of this article is to examine the interplay between those two networks and how it affects the domestic ... -
Norske rederiers multinasjonale virksomhet
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-04)Dette arbeidsnotatet inngår i prosjektet ” Norske rederiers multinasjonale virksomhet” som er finansiert av NFR. Hensikten med prosjektet er å studere konsekvenser og sammensetningen av rederinæringens multinasjonale ... -
Virtual network operation : strategy, structure and profitability
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-04)This report describes and analyzes critical conditions for achieving net benefit from opening the value-chain in telecom by introducing virtual network operators (VNOs). These are facility-less operators that outsource ... -
Kinolokalisering i Bergen
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-04)Dette arbeidsnotatet diskuterer trekk ved kinolokalisering i Bergen. Notatet er skrevet som en del av et forprosjekt som er utført på oppdrag av Bergen Kino og Film & Kino ved prosjektet "Fra monopol til konkurranse". ... -
Timber trade restrictions and tropical deforestation : a forest mining approach
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-04)Timber trade restrictions have been proposed as a means to reducing tropical deforestation. This paper analyses the consequences of such trade interventions, emphasising the effects on logging behaviour and the allocation ... -
Internasjonalisering av telesektoren : generelle lærdommer og spesielle utfordringer for Telenor
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-04)Notatet beskriver og analyserer strategiske og organisasjonsmessig utfordringer i forbindelse med internasjonalisering av teleselskap generelt og Telenor spesielt. Siden internasjonalisering av telesektoren er av nyere ... -
Terminstrukturen i Brent-futures markedet
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-05)Terminstrukturen for en råvare har stor betydning for hensiktsmessigheten av ulike prissikringsstrategier. I dette notatet studerer vi prisbildet i markedet for Brent-futures i perioden 1988-1998. Sentrale begreper når ... -
Consumer heterogeneity and pricing in a duopoly with switching costs
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-05)It is well-known that switching costs may facilitate monopoly pricing in a market with price competition between two suppliers of a homogenous good, provided the switching costs is above some critical level. We show that ... -
The Philippines : the sick man of Asia? : economic development in the Philippines after 1946
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-05)The Philippines has been labelled the Sick Man of Asia. In the early 1950s the Philippines was among the richest and most advanced countries in Asia, but has been surpassed by many of its neighbours over the last decades. ...