Working papers (SNF)
Recent Submissions
Eierskap i norsk oppdrettsnæring
(Working paper, 2019-11)Denne rapporten studerer eierskapet i norsk oppdrettsnæring i perioden 2015 til 2018. Hensikten er å kartlegge andelen av produksjonskapasitet i norsk oppdrettsnæring som eies av norske og utenlandske aktører. Utgangspunktet ... -
Competition with personalized pricing and strategic product differentiation
(Arbeidsnotat;2018/7, Working paper, 2018-12)Consumers leave increasingly more digital footprints which improve Örmsíability to practice personalized pricing (Örst-degree price discrimination). We ask whether there exist strategic e§ects that reduce Örmsíincentives ... -
The effect of credit portfolio diversification and ownership on banks’ risk exposure : a case study of the Norwegian banking market
(Arbeidsnotat;2019/2, Working paper, 2019-04)In this thesis, we attempt to provide evidence on the effect of credit portfolio diversification in two dimensions, industrial and geographical diversification. Further, we analyze whether differences in banks' risk ... -
A comparison of the big four professional service firms
(Arbeidsnotat;2018/8, Working paper, 2018-08) -
Økt drivstoffpris – konsekvenser for den norske fiskeflåten?
(Arbeidsnotat;2019/1, Working paper, 2019-03)Dette notatet undersøker økonomiske konsekvenser av økte drivstoffpriser for fem utvalgte grupper av den norske fiskeflåten; konvensjonelle kystfartøy i lukket gruppe, konvensjonelle havfartøy, trålere, kystnotfartøy i ... -
Hospital competition in the national health service : evidence from a patient choice reform
(Arbeidsnotat;2018/10, Working paper, 2018-12)We study the impact of exposing hospitals in a National Health Service (NHS) to non-price competition by exploiting a patient choice reform in Norway in 2001. The reform facilitates a di§erence-in-di§erence research ... -
When parents decide : gender differences in competitiveness
(Arbeidsnotat;2019/3, Working paper, 2019-06)The gender difference in willingness to compete has been proposed as an explanation for the observed gender difference in education and labor market outcomes. This paper presents the first study of how parents make ... -
Internationalization of innovative activities in Norway US patents involving Norwegian inventors and assignees
(Working paper, 2018-05)Purpose: To investigate the international connectivity of innovation activity in Norway. Design: We use patent data from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to examine the level and international pattern ... -
Proximity in Bank-Borrower Relationships. Are Small and Newly Established Firms Hit Harder by Bank Branch Closures?
(Working paper, 2018-08)In this paper, we use an empirical approach to provide evidence on the topic of relationship lending, by analysing if small and newly established firms are hit harder by a regional bank withdrawal. We use comprehensive ... -
Konkurranse og effektivitet i det norske sparebankmarkedet : en empirisk analyse av konkurranse og effektivitet blant norske sparebanker i perioden 1997-2013
(Working paper, 2017-12)Forholdet mellom konkurranse og effektivitet har vært et omdiskutert tema de siste tiårene. Betydningen av en effektiv banksektor er av interesse for både økonomer og tilsynsmyndigheter. Denne studien utleder strukturelle ... -
How does the type of remuneration affect physician behaviour? Fixed salary versus fee-for-service
(Working paper, 2018-09)We analyse the effects of fee-for-service versus fixed salary on the treatment decisions of general practitioners (GPs) and on patients’ health outcomes. Using rich Norwegian register data during 2009-2013, we find that ... -
Competition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certificates?
(Working paper, 2018-09)Competition among physicians is widespread, but compelling empirical evidence on its impact on service provision is limited, mainly due to endogeneity issues. In this paper we exploit that many GPs, in addition to own ... -
Local Bank Competition, Loan Rates and Risk
(Working paper, 2017-12)This paper investigates the effect of competition on the relation between borrowers’ risk and interest rates in the market for business loans. I estimate the relationship between the loan rates and risk of closure conditional ... -
A contraction approach to periodic optimization problems
(Working paper, 2017-11)Consider an infinite horizon, multi-dimensional optimization problem with arbitrary but finite periodicity in discrete time. The problem can be posed as a set of coupled equations. We show that the problem is a special ... -
Competition and risk taking in the banking industry: The case of capital requirements
(Working paper, 2017-12)This article examines how stricter capital requirements affect competition and risk-taking incentives in the banking industry. When banks choose their risk profiles by solving portfolio problems, there is a clear trade-off ... -
The effects of a day off from retail price competition : evidence on consumer behavior and firm performance in gasoline retailing
(Working paper;2017:11, Working paper, 2017-08)First, we analyze how regular days off from competition and a time-dependent price pattern affect firm performance. Second, we examine the effects on firms’ profitability from consumers’ changing search- and timing behavior. ... -
Tilknytningsformer for arbeid : virksomhetsstudien
(Arbeidsnotat;2017:7, Working paper, 2017-06)Dette notatet er en underveisrapportering fra et prosjekt om tilknytningsformer i arbeidslivet. Prosjektet er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Fafo (hovedansvarlig) og SNF, og er finansiert av Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet. ... -
Coalition formation with externalities : the case of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel fishery in a pre and post brexit context
(Working paper;2017:12, Working paper, 2017-10)In this paper we apply the so-called partition function approach to study coalition formation in the North-east Atlantic mackerel fishery in the presence of externalities. Atlantic mackerel is mainly exploited by the ... -
Individuelle priser i dagligvaremarkedet : et fangens dilemma for kjedene?
(Arbeidsnotat;2017:4, Working paper, 2017-06)Bedrifter har fått større mulighet til å samle informasjon om hver enkelt kunde. I dagligvaremarkedet samler kjedene informasjon om hvor og hva vi handler. NorgesGruppen og Coop har i mange år hatt rabattprogrammer hvor ... -
Building conditions in Norwegian local governments : trends and determinants
(Working paper;2017:13, Working paper, 2017-10)In light of evidence of low levels of maintenance of public buildings, we investigate trends and determinants of public building conditions in Norwegian local governments. On average, the condition of Norwegian local public ...