Browsing Working papers (SNF) by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 809
Shipowning and foreign direct investment
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-05)The working paper discusses some aspects of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of Norwegian shipowning companies. Initially, some aspects of the legal environment and Norwegian shipping FDI are surveyed. This is followed ... -
Norske foretaks leveranser til olje- og gassutvinning i Norge og utlandet 1999
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-06)På oppdrag fra Olje- og energidepartementet og INTSOK gjennomførte SNF våren 2000 en spørreskjemaunder-søkelse blant norske leverandører til petro-leumsvirksomhet. Undersøkelsen omfatter besvarelser fra i alt 209 foretak ... -
Prinsipper for tildeling av frekvenser i Norge
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-06)Man kan stille spørsmålstegn ved om allokering etter administrativ og skjønnsmessig vurdering av søkere til frekvenslisenser gir det ønskede resultat. De ulike søkerne kan gjerne dokumentere tilfredsstillende teknologisk ... -
Assessment of the sustainability of organic salmon farming
(Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-06)Environmental and sustainable aspects of food production are receiving increasingly more attention, which is also evident through the increasing demand for organic food products. This paper is concerned with the sustainability ... -
The Kyoto Protocol and the fossil fuel markets under different emission trading regimes
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-07)The consequences of the Kyoto Protocol for the fossil fuel markets depend on which policy instruments that are used in order to reach the emission targets. This paper uses a numerical model to assess the significance of ... -
Tilpasninger til CO2 avgift i skipsfartsnæringen
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-07)Dette notatet belyser konsekvensene for nærskipsfarten mellom Norge og kontinentet av å innføre en CO2 avgift på internasjonal bunkers. Vi beregner hvordan en slik avgift vil påvirke driftskostnadene for ulike typer skip ... -
MAP-IT : a model of intermediary integration strategies in online markets
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-07)We propose a model for understanding the structural conditions under which intermediaries in online markets choose their strategies, roles and functions. The fundamental concept behind these choices is integration – ... -
Private labels, price rivalry, and public policy
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-08)The article examines how the existence of a retailer owned brand, private label, affects the price setting of a national brand. We find that potential for a private label introduction may lead to price concessions from the ... -
Strategic informative advertising in a TV-advertising duopoly
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-08)We consider a model of strategic informative advertising where the advertising is done on TV and where the TV channels' advertising prices are endogenously determined. We discuss how these prices, and the advertising firms' ... -
Gains and losses from trade when countries differ in public knowledge stocks
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-09)Following the insight from endgenus growth theory, we assume that countries with advanced production structures have high levels of public knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether a developing country ... -
Ethics and credibility of organic salmon regulation
(Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-09)The objective of this report is to establish how important standardisations of regulations is for the credibility of organic fish products, from the viewpoint of consumers, producers, animal welfare groups, and environmentalists. ... -
Agglomeration, tax competition and local public goods supply
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-09)The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework for analysing local public goods supply and tax competition between jurisdictions in a context where there are gains from geographic agglomeration and where labour is ... -
Patterns in the relative price for different sizes of fish : biological price generating processes in fish farming
(Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-09)Fish farming is a biological production process dependent upon biological and environmental conditions. These constraints imply that fish farmers are likely to have a quite similar distribution of different sizes of fish ... -
Productivity in organic and conventional salmon aquaculture
(Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-09)This report provides a comparative analysis of productivity in conventional and organic salmon aquaculture. Regulations in organic salmon farming impose several restrictions on production that are not present in conventional ... -
The internet market structure : implications for national and international regulation
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-09)Internet connectivity may be seen as a composite good that is produced by the complementary inputs local and global access. In addition to the infrastructure components, software and content components affect the customers’ ... -
Lokalisering av næringsvirksomhet
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-09)Omlokalisering av virksomhet og utvikling mot en ny europeisk økonomisk geografi har større betydning for Norge enn for mange andre europeiske land. Grunnen er at vi i løpet av de neste tiårene må utvikle ny, konkurranseutsatt ... -
IKT-næringen : integrasjon, konkurranse eller vennskap?
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-09)Et av de mest slående trekk innenfor det vi kan karakterisere som IKT-industrien (informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi), er de omfattende alliansedannelsene mellom bedrifter som har svært ulik kjernevirksomhet. Eksempelvis ... -
On the relationship between aquaculture and reduction fisheries
(Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-09)Traditional aquaculture has to a large extent used herbivore species with limited requirements for additional feeding. However, in intensive aquaculture production one farm carnivore species like salmon and also feeds ... -
Noen prinsipielle betraktninger om politisk risiko i en velferdsstat
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-09)At en velferdsstat forsikrer innbyggerne mot bredt definert markedsrisiko, er et akseptert faktum blant de fleste økonomer. Hva det inntil nylig ikke har vært tilsvarende forståelse for, er hvordan politikk i en velferdsstat ... -
Current materiality guidance for auditors
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-09)Auditors have to make materiality judgments on every audit. This is a difficult process, as both quantitative and qualitative factors have to be evaluated. Additionally, there is no formal guidance for how to implement the ...