Blar i Working papers (SNF) på forfatter "Onsager, Knut"
Geografiske konsentrasjoner av hovedkontorer : funksjoner, behov og eksterne effekter
Jakobsen, Stig-Erik; Onsager, Knut (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2002-09)Både i Norge og i andre vestlige land kan vi observere at hovedkontorene for de store selskapene er konsentrert til hovedstaden og andre storbyregioner. Hva er bakgrunnen for denne opphopningen og hvilke ringvirkninger ... -
Head office location : agglomeration, clusters or flow nodes?
Jakobsen, Stig-Erik; Onsager, Knut (Working paper, Working paper, 2003)The basic aim of the paper is to establish an understanding of the concentration of head offices to metropolitan areas. Our discussion of the locational pattern of head offices in Norway is based on empirical data from a ... -
The role and functions of head offices : towards increased complexity?
Jakobsen, Stig-Erik; Onsager, Knut (Working paper, Working paper, 2003)There is a shortage of studies of what a head office is actually doing. In this paper we offer new insight into the operations of head offices by outlining three core functions; the strategy role, the co-ordination role ...