Now showing items 201-220 of 809

    • Samfunnsøkonomiske perspektiver på pressestøtten 

      Møen, Jarle (2010:49, Working paper, 2010-12)
      Internett har endret markedet for papiraviser og redusert lønnsomheten dramatisk. Dette medfører at mediestøtte vil få stor betydning for framtidens mediestruktur. Tradisjonelt har mediestøtten blitt regnet som en ...
    • The economics of social networks : the winner takes it all? 

      Fjell, Kenneth; Foros, Øystein; Steen, Frode (2010:42, Working paper, 2010-09)
      We look at the economics of social networks. Key economic features of these are positive network effects, giving rise to positive feedback effects that may lead to a winner-takes-it-all market. Social networks’ revenues ...
    • WiMP – Styring av verdinettverk og digitale forretningsmodeller : en casestudie 

      Huseklepp, Stine Grønnerud; Lund, Ole-Jon Norgård (2010:41, Working paper, 2010-06)
      Det har den siste tiden vært mye fokus på utvikling av nye forretningsmodeller for å finne en optimal løsning for salg av musikk. Samtidig organiserer stadig flere bedrifter seg i nettverk, for slik å kunne reagere raskere ...
    • Capacity and compliance in quota regulated industries 

      Lazkano, Itziar; Nøstbakken, Linda (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-10)
      Production quotas can restore efficiency in industries characterized by production externalities, such as resource industries and industries with environmental regulations. However, with imperfect quota enforcement, firms ...
    • Revisjonsplikten for norskregistrerte utenlandske foretak : en empirisk studie av små foretak 

      Frøyshov, Hanne; Johansen, Hanne Sælemyr (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2010-09)
      Vi ønsker med denne masterutredningen å komme med et empirisk begrunnet innspill i debatten om revisjonsplikt for små selskap. På bakgrunn av en empirisk sammenligning av regnskapskvalitet mellom reviderte aksjeselskap og ...
    • Price coordination in two-sided markets : competition in the TV Industry 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Nilssen, Tore; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-06)
      The TV industry is a two-sided market where both advertisers and viewers buy access to the programs offered by competing TV channels. Under the current market structure advertising prices are typically set by TV channels ...
    • Hotelling competition with multi-purchasing : time magazine, newsweek, or both? 

      Anderson, Simon P.; Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-06)
      Equilibrium prices behave quite differently if consumers single-purchase (buy either Time Magazine or Newsweek) or if some consumers multi-purchase (buy both). Prices are strategic complements under single-purchase, and ...
    • Global leadership development programs as a means to develop the social capital necessary for knowledge sharing in multinational enterprises 

      Espedal, Bjarne; Gooderham, Paul N.; Jordahl, Atle (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-09)
      This working paper explores if Global Leadership Development programs (GLD programs) can be a vehicle for developing the social capital of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) and ultimately enhance knowledge sharing across ...
    • Recessions across industries : a survey 

      Lien, Lasse B. (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-04)
      This paper surveys existing knowledge about how and why industries differ with respect to the impact of recessions and credit crunches. While this question is of obvious relevance in today’s business environment the relevant ...
    • Generalization of age-structured bioeconomic models in theory and practice 

      Steinshamn, Stein Ivar (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-08)
      The harvesting functions and the stock dynamics in age-structured bioeconomic models are generalized in order to incorporate density dependence. Using this generalization anything from completely uniformly distributed fish ...
    • Management of joint resources : regulations, risk and behavior 

      Bergfjord, Ole Jakob (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-10)
      In this paper, some effects of political uncertainty are reviewed and the results used to evaluate shared natural resources, but in particular fisheries, with the following characteristics: - Regulations exist, but ...
    • Liquidity : concepts, ideas and the financial crisis 

      Nyborg, Kjell G.; Östberg, Per (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-04)
    • Multinasjonale selskapers skattemessige tilpasning av kapitalstruktur. En empirisk studie av norsk og britisk kontinentalsokkel 

      Nielsen, Bjørn Kristian; Nilsen, Øyvind Våge (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2010-10)
      Denne utredningen tar for seg multinasjonale selskapers skattemessige tilpasning av kapitalstruktur. Ettersom rentekostnader, i motsetning til utbytte, vanligvis er fradragsberettiget på selskapets hånd, vil skattesystemene ...
    • Multi-jurisdiction quota enforcement for transboundary renewable resources 

      Beard, Rodney; Nøstbakken, Linda (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-06)
      Many renewable resources, such as fish stocks, water or environmental quality, are shared between different countries. The management of such resources then relies on international agreements. We develop a model of a shared ...
    • Enforcement and uncertainty in the management of joint fisheries 

      Bergfjord, Ole Jakob (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-10)
      This paper seeks to study government’s regulation of fisheries (or other natural resources) in the presence of the following two characteristics: 1) The fishery is shared between different countries, so there is at least ...
    • Discipline networks in Statoil : outcomes, success factors and challenges for network leaders 

      Nesheim, Torstein; Olsen, Karen Modesta (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-04)
      In this paper we describe and analyze outcomes, success factors and challenges of 131 discipline networks in Statoil. Based on a survey of 2.517 members of these networks, we find that a) participation in discipline networks ...
    • Evaluation of the Norwegian R&D tax credit scheme 

      Cappelen, Ådne; Fjærli, Erik; Foyn, Frank; Hægeland, Torbjørn; Møen, Jarle; Raknerud, Arvid; Rybalka, Marina (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-08)
      We find that the Norwegian R&D tax credit scheme introduced in 2002 mainly works as intended. The scheme is cost-effective and it is used by a large number of firms. It stimulates these firms to invest more in R&D, and, ...
    • Hjelpemidler og egenbetaling 

      Andersen, Christian (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2010-04)
      Notatet inneholder en sammenligning av inntektsnivå og inntektssammensetning for brukere av hjelpemidler fra hjelpemiddelsentralene med hele befolkningen innen ulike aldersgrupper. Det gis også en kort gjennomgang av ...
    • Optimal merverdibeskatning av mediemarkeder : en tosidig analyse 

      Robstad, Ørjan; Hagen, Øyvind (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2010-06)
      Våre analyser gjennomført i Hotelling- og Saloprammeverket tyder på at anvendte beskatningsregimer i mediemarkeder ikke er samfunnsmessig optimale. En lav brukerbeskatning bidrar til en høyere brukerpris, overetablering ...
    • A market-based approach to manage endangered species interactions 

      Kvamsdal, Sturla Furunes; Stohs, Stephen M. (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-09)
      An economic activity interacts with an endangered species. The activity can be divided into mutually exclusive strata with different levels of interaction. Observing the activity in order to monitor interactions is costly. ...