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dc.contributor.authorSandal, Leif Kristoffer
dc.contributor.authorSteinshamn, Stein Ivar
dc.contributor.authorMaroto, Jose M.
dc.contributor.authorMoran, Manuel
dc.description.abstractWe develop a bioeconomic model to analyze a sole-owner fishery with fixed costs as well as a continuous cost function for the generalized Cobb-Douglas production function with increasing marginal returns to effort level. On the basis of data from the North Sea herring fishery, we analyze the consequences of the combined effects of increasing marginal returns and fixed costs. We find that regardless of the magnitude of the fixed costs, cyclical policies can be optimal instead of the optimal steady state equilibrium advocated in much of the existing literature. We also show that the risk of stock collapse increases significantly with increasing fixed costs as this implies higher period cycles which is quite counterintuitive result as higher costs usually are considered to have a conservative effect on resources.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorking paperen
dc.subjectbioeconomic modellingen
dc.subjectstock collapseen
dc.subjectfixed costsen
dc.subjectpulse fishingen
dc.subjectcyclical dynamicsen
dc.subjectincreasing marginal returnsen
dc.titleContinuous harvesting costs in sole-owner fisheries with increasing marginal returnsen
dc.typeWorking paperen
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210::Samfunnsøkonomi: 212en

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